Browsing Department of Health Promotion and Development by Title
Now showing items 501-520 of 631
Safe male circumcision in Botswana: Tension between traditional practices and biomedical marketing
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-04-11)Botswana has been running Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) since 2009 and has not yet met its target. Donors like the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Africa Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnership (funded by the ... -
Salutogenesis and migration
(Chapter, 2022)In this chapter, the authors give a brief overview of research on salutogenesis and migration, including both forced and voluntary migration. Salutogenesis has been used to frame labour migration and how people respond and ... -
Salutogenesis as a theoretical framework for psychosocial rehabilitation: the case of the Clubhouse model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Purpose: This study explored whether the holistic theory of salutogenesis may be a suitable theoretical framework for the Clubhouse model of psychosocial rehabilitation, a pioneer among psychosocial rehabilitation ... -
Sammenheng mellom sosioøkonomisk status, vaner og inntak av frukt, grønnsaker og søtsaker i ungdoms- og voksen alder
(Master thesis, 2015-10-22)Background: The many reasons why people eat what they eat are complex. Many health challenges are attributable to diet. Knowledge about the underlying causes of people's diet can be used in health promotion activities that ... -
Sammenhengen mellom idrettsdeltagelse, kropps- og livstilfredshet blant ungdommer på 1. trinn i videregående skole - En kvantitativ studie med data fra COMPLETE-prosjektet
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Bakgrunn: Livstilfredshet blant unge er et folkehelsepolitisk satsingsområde. Det er behov for forskning på hvilke faktorer som kan styrke livstilfredsheten til ungdom. I den forbindelse er det betydningsfullt å forske på ... -
Sammenhengen mellom kroppsbilde og psykisk helse hos unge voksne menn: en longitudinell studie
(Master thesis, 2017-06-27)Background: Body focus among men has increased in recent years. There are few longitudinal studies that have highlighted the relationship between body image and mental health in young adult men. Purpose: The aim of this ... -
Sammenhengen mellom mobbing, ensomhet og skoletilhørighet blant elever i videregående opplæring.
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Bakgrunn: Mobbing er et stort folkehelseproblem i Norge. Nasjonale data viser en betydelig andel ungdom som opplever mobbing, med konsekvenser som psykiske lidelser og ensomhet. Mobbing kan føre til ensomhet, som kan ... -
Sammenhengen mellom psykisk helse, skolemiljø, skoletrivsel og skoleprestasjoner
(HEMIL-rapport; 4-2009, Research report, 2009) -
Sammenhengen mellom skolestress, psykisk helse og fysisk aktivitet blant norske skoleelever. En kvantitativ studie basert på data fra «Helsevaner blant skoleelever (HEVAS), en WHO-undersøkelse fra flere land»
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Bakgrunn: Økt kunnskap om faktorer som kan bedre ungdommers psykiske helse vurderes som betydningsfullt for det helsefremmende feltet. De siste årene er det sett en økning i skolestress med negative konsekvenser for ... -
"Sammenhengen mellom ungdommers hyppighet i bruk av sosiale medier og deres selvopplevde psykiske helse"
(Master thesis, 2017-06-27)Previous research on the relationship between social media and mental health shows a lot of mixed results. The purpose of this study is therefore to further explore the relationship between youth’s social media use and ... -
Sammenhenger mellom livstilfredshet, autonomistøtte og målorientering blant skoleungdom i 10 klasse og 1. klasse videregående.
(Master thesis, 2013-05-21)Bakgrunn: Høy livstilfredshet er et mål i seg selv for god helse, men har også vist å være relatert til positiv ungdomsutvikling og helsefremmende atferd hos ungdom. Det er derfor nyttig å undersøke hvilke faktorer som har ... -
Sanitation and Health practices: A Positive Deviance study of three Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) host villages in Uganda
(Master thesis, 2016-05-20)Background: Uganda is hard hit by poor access to clean water, lack of basic sanitary facilities and practices, and the high cost of health care, all contributing to a high toll of infection-related illness. Although Uganda ... -
Satisfaction With Life, Mental Health Problems and Potential Alcohol-Related Problems Among Norwegian University Students
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Objective: Recent studies have shown that today's college students more than ever are struggling with mental health and alcohol problems. While poor satisfaction with life and mental health problems have been linked to ... -
Saumlaus overføring og helsefremmande effektar for mor og barn etter fødsel. Ein eksplorativ, longitudinell studie av samanhengar.
(Master thesis, 2015-08-05)Background: In most maternity wards in Norway, early discharge (less than 48h) has become standard for women in confinement and their babies. To monitor babies and women's health the first week after delivery, several ... -
Scaling-up and rooting-down: a case study of North-South partnerships for health from Tanzania
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-06-28)Background: North-South Partnership (NSP) is the mandated blueprint for much global health action. Northern partners contribute funding and expertise and Southern partners contribute capacity for local action. Potential ... -
Scar, vulnerability, or both? A longitudinal study of the association between depressive tendencies and global negative self-esteem from early adolescence to young adulthood with gender as a moderating factor
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Purpose Many studies on adolescents have investigated whether self-esteem affects depression (the vulnerability model) or vice versa (the scar model), but only recently have studies begun distinguishing differences between ... -
A school based study of time trends in food habits and their relation to socio-economic status among Norwegian adolescents, 2001–2009
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-09-25)Background: In recent years, adolescents’ food habits have become a major source of concern, and substantial policy and intervention efforts have been made to influence adolescents to consume more fruit and vegetables ... -
School competence among adolescents in low-income families: does parenting style matter?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In the present study, we investigated parenting styles and self-perceived school competence among low-income adolescents in Norway. The purpose of the study was threefold: (1) to identify differences, if any, in self-perceived ... -
Schooling as a threat or contribution to wellbeing? A study of Norwegian teachers' perceptions of their role in fostering wellbeing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Little is known about the role of teachers in fostering wellbeing in the everyday context of school life. This paper explores the phenomenon among a sample of Norwegian teachers. Focus groups with 23 teachers in four schools ... -
Secret-keeping in therapy by clients who are sexually attracted to children
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objective This study investigated the reasons why pedohebephilic clients disclose their sexual attraction to children in therapy and the experiences associated with this decision among English-speaking samples. Method: The ...