Browsing Department of Health Promotion and Development by Title
Now showing items 628-647 of 647
‘We are unlikely to return to the same world, and I do not want it to destroy my future.’ Young people's worries through the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study aims to explore what worries youth were having during the seventh to ninth week of the COVID-19 lockdown. Our findings build on the responses to an open-ended survey question from 1314 youths. The worries covered ... -
What is the relationship between gaming behaviors and social self-efficacy, and does family support impact this relationship?
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Gaming en svært utbredt aktivitet, og en sosial arena for mange. Det er et åpenbart behov for en mer nyansert anerkjennelse av forskjellige spillatferder blant ungdom, da mesteparten av forskning kun ... -
What’s Gendered about Gender-Based Violence? An Empirically Grounded Theoretical Exploration from Tanzania
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-08)Violence is often considered gendered on the basis that it is violence against women. This assumption is evident both in “gender-based violence” interventions in Africa and in the argument that gender is irrelevant if ... -
When abortion is not within reach. Ethiopian university students struggling with unintended pregnancies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-01-28)Background In spite of increasing international commitment to young people’s sexual and reproductive health, unintended pregnancies remain a major problem for young women worldwide. This article explores the issue of ... -
When incentives work too well: locally implemented pay for performance (P4P) and adverse sanctions towards home birth in Tanzania - a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-01-18)Background: Despite limited evidence of its effectiveness, performance-based payments (P4P) are seen by leading policymakers as a potential solution to the slow progress in reaching Millennium Development Goal 5: improved ... -
When your source of livelihood also becomes the source of your discomfort: the perception of work–family conflict among child welfare workers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)We know from past research that social workers within the CWS are exposed to an array of workplace risks more than any other group within human services. Although several articles tend to focus on the reasons child welfare ... -
When “Normal” Becomes Normative: A Case Study of Researchers’ Quotation Errors When Referring to a Focus Group Sample Size Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-23)In 2011, we published a review exploring how researchers report and justify their focus group sample sizes. We concluded that sample sizes vary widely and that most researchers give no explanation for their sample size. ... -
Why physicians are lousy gatekeepers: Sicklisting decisions when patients have private information on symptoms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In social insurance systems that grant workers paid sick leave, physicians act as gatekeepers, supposedly granting sickness certificates to the sick and not to shirkers. Previous research has emphasized the physician's ... -
The Within-Person Effect of Psychological Distress on Social Self-Efficacy: A Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study investigated the temporal relationship between social self-efficacy and psychological distress during 3 years in middle to late adolescence. The sample comprised 1508 participants (60.7% female; baseline mean ... -
Women's Empowerment and Family Planning: A Quantitative study from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 2008
(Master thesis, 2014-05-20)Introduction This study analyses the impact of empowerment on women's health and contraceptive use. Empowerment is a process which enables one to exercise choice. In this study, choice is the present and/or planned use of ... -
Work & Health. Cognitive Activation Theory of Stress applied in an organisational setting
(Doctoral thesis, 2007-08-21)Most models of occupational stress propose that stressors in the work environment lead to negative psychological, physical, and behavioural changes in the individual employee (Jex & Bliese, 1999). This thesis focuses on ... -
Work and mental complaints: are response outcome expectancies more important than work conditions and number of subjective health complaints?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-24)Purpose Investigate the relative effect of response outcome expectancies, work conditions, and number of subjective health complaints (SHC) on anxiety and depression in Norwegian employees. Learned response outcome ... -
Work-life balance and health of women: A Qualitative Study of a Mining Company in Ghana
(Master thesis, 2014-05-13)Background: Both work and non-work activities are crucial to living and hence there is a need for balance and integration of career and other demands of life (Sturges & Guest, 2004). In many African countries after the ... -
Working Toward a Good Life as a Cancer Survivor. A Longitudinal Study on Positive Health Outcomes of a Rehabilitation Program for Young Adult Cancer Survivors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-01)Background: Research on cancer rehabilitation targeting young adult cancer survivors (YACS) is limited, and little is known about the positive health outcomes of rehabilitation programs tailored specifically for this ... -
Worry among primary school children in Somanya, Ghana
(Master thesis, 2006)This study assessed the content, frequency and distribution of worries among primary school children in Somanya, Ghana. In part one, 85 primary school children aged between 10-to-15 years listed their worries through a ... -
Young women’s agency to negotiate condom use in sexual relationships: Compromising factors leading to condom use inconsistency among young South African women
(Master thesis, 2020-06-25)Background. South Africa experiences a high prevalence of HIV, and women are disproportionately affected. Promoting condom use in heterosexual relationships has been one attempt to constrain the spread of HIV. However, ... -
Youth Participation in the Dream School Program in Norway: An Application of a Logic Model of the Six Cs of Positive Youth Development
(Book, 2021)School is a crucial setting for stimulating Positive Youth Development (PYD). The Dream School program in Norwegian upper secondary schools aims to improve the psychosocial learning environment and promote mental health ... -
Youth perspective on outreach service: A safety net for at-risk youth in a municipality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09)At-risk youth often rely on different municipal services, such as child welfare services, social services and medical services. All of these services play an important role in preventing drug use and promoting well-being, ... -
Youth Sport Coaches’ Well-Being Across the Season: The Psychological Costs and Benefits of Giving Empowering and Disempowering Sports Coaching to Athletes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-05)The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations between giving empowering and disempowering sports coaching to young athletes and coaches’ well-being across the season. The sample comprised 169 Norwegian youth ... -
Å skape et hjem - Etniske minoritetsbarn og fosterforeldres erfaringer - en scoping review
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)