Browsing Department of Clinical Science by Document Types "Doctoral thesis"
Now showing items 1-20 of 253
Ability of a lean-seafood diet to modulate lipid and glucose metabolism in healthy humans – a randomized controlled trial with a crossover design
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-01-08)Background: A Westernised lifestyle, which involves a high-energy diet and reduced physical activity, is indisputably linked to the pandemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Prevention of cardiovascular disease and type 2 ... -
Addressing the threat of AMR in Norway: optimising antibiotic prescribing and microbiology testing in hospitals
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-06-14)Increasing antimicrobial resistance rates are recognised as a global public health threat and many efforts are being undertaken to curb this development. One important measure is to optimise the use of antibiotics and ... -
Aiming towards evidence based interpretation of cardiac biomarkers in patients presenting with chest pain : The WESTCOR study
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-08-23)Bakgrunn: Ca 10% av alle pasientar i akuttmottak blir innlagt med brystsmerter og spørsmål om akutt koronarsyndrom (AKS), men under ¼ av pasientane har AKS. Metode:WESTCOR studien er ein prospektiv observasjonsstudie som ... -
The airway microbiota of stable COPD : Association with exacerbation frequency and the risks associated with bronchoscopic data collection
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-03-25)Background: Acute exacerbations of COPD are an important cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with COPD. It is incompletely understood why some COPD patients experience frequent exacerbations, while others rarely ... -
Alveolar function following extremely preterm birth
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-12-16)Bakgrunn: Ekstremt prematur (EP) fødsel skjer før normal lungeutvikling er fullført, og forstyrrer vekst og differensiering av alveolene. Mindre areal og tykkere membraner i alveolene gjør at lungenes evne til å drive ... -
Antibiotic Use in a Cohort of Norwegian Children and Neonates Before, During and After Hospitalisation : Exploring focus areas for antibiotic stewardship
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-11-22)Bakgrunn: Rasjonell antibiotikabruk blant barn er essensielt for å unngå økende antibiotikaresistens samt forstyrrelser i deres normale bakterieflora. Formål: Hensikten med dette prosjektet var å tilegne oss en bedre ... -
Antibody responses after influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and infection: Lessons across the ages
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-10-23)Influensa A og SARS-CoV-2 er RNA-baserte luftvegsvirus som forårsakar pandemiar og muterer raskt for å oppretthalde ein kontinuerleg sirkulasjon. Eit komplekst samspel mellom immunresponsar hjå verten og viruset er forma ... -
Assessment of nocturnal versus daytime gas exchange in stable COPD. With emphasis on hypoventilation during spontaneous sleep and in sleep influenced by alcohol or zopiclone
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-10-28)Background/purpose: Chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure (CHRF) is associated with increased mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and sleep hypoventilation (SH) has been proposed as ... -
The association between malnutrition and postoperative complications, and the potential for prevention of both
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-04-23)Introduction: Poor nutritional status is an established risk factor for suboptimal outcome of hospital stay, including among other things, an increased risk of postoperative complications. Despite the fact that international ... -
Asthma, atopy and lung function at 11 years of age after bronchiolitis in infancy
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-13)Background: Bronchiolitis is a frequently occurring respiratory disorder in young children, and also an established risk factor for subsequent recurrent wheeze and asthma. The association between bronchiolitis and later ... -
Asthma, atopy, and lung function in young adults after hospitalization for bronchiolitis in infancy
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-10-06)Bakgrunn: Bronkiolitt er en viral nedre luftveisinfeksjon som ofte rammer spedbarn. Respiratorisk syncytialt virus er det vanligste viruset ved bronkiolitt, etterfulgt av rhinovirus. Bronkiolitt er assosiert med økt risiko ... -
Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I. Novel diagnostic assays and immune regulation
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-02-10)Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I (APS-I) is a rare, monogenetic recessively inherited disease caused by mutations in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene. The patients display different endocrine and ectodermal ... -
Autoimmune primary adrenal insufficiency – autoantibodies and cell regeneration
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-02-02)Autoimmun primær binyrebarksvikt er en sjelden lidelse som skyldes autoimmun ødeleggelse av binyrebarken, og foreløpig finnes det ingen kurativ behandling. Her undersøkte vi to distinkte aspekter ved sykdommen, en molekylær ... -
Autoimmunity and viral immunity in Addison’s disease
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-11-27)Autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD) is caused by an immunological destruction of the steroid producing cells of the adrenal cortex. Both genetic and environmental factors are involved in disease development, and while ... -
B cell specificity and pattern in primary Sjögren’s syndrome - Studies in humans and a murine model
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-04-30)Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterised by focal inflammation of exocrine glands, particularly salivary and lacrimal glands. Here, mononuclear cells, including B cells, infiltrate the glands, ... -
B vitamin and iron status during infancy
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-01-30)Adequate nutrition during infancy is essential to ensure normal growth and development. Since 2001, World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months of life, which puts great ... -
Bioactive fatty acids and coronary heart disease. Mechanisms and clinical effects of dietary fatty acids
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-06-26)Background: A high intake of omega-3 (n-3) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs), which are potential peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonists, has been associated with proposed favourable ... -
Biofilm and planktonic lifestyles of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Proteomic analysis of bacteria grown as planktonic cells, mono- and dual species biofilm, and characterization of the biofilm extracellular polymeric matrix’
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-04-06)Periodontitis is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases affecting humans. Periodontitis leads to the destruction of the dental support tissues, which in the terminal stage causes loss of teeth. Periodontitis is ... -
Biological mechanisms for chronic fatigue in primary Sjøgren`s syndrome
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-06-15)Background: Primary Sjøgren`s syndrome (pSS) is a chronic autoimmune disease, characterised by lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands and autoantibody production. Fatigue is a frequent phenomenon in pSS, associated ...