Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 10-29 of 4014
A bakestones journey to Borgund. An archaeological study of Borgund’s role in the trade of bakestones in Western Norway between the 11th and 16th century
(Master thesis, 2023-11-10)This thesis studies bakestones found in the Medieval town of Borgund, and the town’s position in the commerce network of bakestones in Western Norway. Borgund lies on the sailing route between Trondheim and Bergen, located ... -
A Changing Focus: a historiographical analysis on the Swedish Era of Great Power in scholarly literature from before 1940 to the modern day
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Denne masteroppgaven er en historiografisk studie av fokuset på individer og hendelser, struktur, Sveriges konflikter med Danmark, i Tyskland og i øst samt de politiske, militære, sosiale og økonomiske aspektene i fagliteratur ... -
A comparative study of 20 potential offshore wind sites in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)This thesis addresses spatial planning for offshore wind energy in Norway, with a focus on sustainability. Through a comparative analysis, it explores 20 newly identified offshore wind areas by the Norwegian Water Resources ... -
A Cross-linguistic Form and Meaning Priming Study on Mandarin Chinese Multilingual Speakers
(Master thesis, 2020-06-20) -
A Framework for Local CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) in Rådalen, Norway, via Novel Ex-situ Mineral Carbonation Value Chains: A holistic approach
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20)The environmental footprints left by human activities are starting to pose numerous problems inour current world. More specifically, releasing a substantial amount of CO2 to the atmosphere has posed several global problems, ... -
A Homage to the Past? Antique Receptions in Italian Contemporary Sculpture: Classical Materiality and the Aesthetic Ideal of the Fragment
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)En hommage til fortiden, eller et resultat av manglende kreativitet og innovasjon? Denne avhandlingen undersøker antikke resepsjoner i den neoneoklassisistiske skulpturen, med et særlig fokus på den italienske kunstneren ... -
A home of one’s own | Philosophical considerations on the issue of housing
(Master thesis, 2020-12-15)While architects, social psychologists, anthropologists and historians have conceptualized it in varied ways, little has been made of the issue of housing in philosophy. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that many ... -
A Master's Thesis Has No Name: A study on personal names in fantasy literature
(Master thesis, 2019-06-21)Denne masteroppgåva handlar om personnamn i fantasy-seriane A Song of Ice and Fire av George R.R. Martin og The Stormlight Archive av Brandon Sanderson. Oppgåva sitt mål er undersøke korleis personnamna frå desse seriane ... -
A Monster Will Help You: Childhood Grief, Healing Nightmares, and Monstrous Wish-Fulfillment in A Monster Calls and The Nest
(Master thesis, 2023-05-25)Denne oppgaven tar for seg ulike debatterte tema innen barnelitteratur, slik som skumle bøker, monstre, sorg, død, traumer, med formålet om å vise hvorfor det er viktig å skape åpenhet rundt disse temaene. Basert på oppdatert ... -
A Ritual of Doubt Yiqing (疑情) in Kanhua Chan Buddhism and its Practice in Korean Contemporary Ganhwa Seon meditation
(Master thesis, 2021-11-23) -
“A strange feeling of disquiet, of foreboding” Om uhygge og ubehag i Jane Eyre (1847) og Rebecca (1938)
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Denne avhandlingen tar for seg Jane Eyre (1847) av Charlotte Brontë og Rebecca (1938) av Daphne du Maurier. I løpet av oppgaven vil jeg sammenligne disse to romanene med utgangspunkt i rom og karakterer som har en uhyggelig ... -
A Systematic Mapping of Meat Consumption Behaviours: Socio-Cultural Dimensions
(Master thesis, 2024-12-04)Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) are widely used to assess climate trajectories and mitigation strategies, but often fail to adequately incorporate human behaviour and societal feedback. This thesis addresses this gap ... -
A “Whole” New World of Accents: A Societal Treatment Study of Accent Use and Stereotyping in Disney’s Originals and Remakes
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)This master’s thesis analyzes the portrayal of English accents in eight Disney classics released between 1940 and 1998 and eight live-action remakes of these films released between 2019 and 2023. The purpose has been to ... -
AAVE In Pop-Music: Cultural Appropriation or Appreciation?
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Denne oppgaven tar for seg bruk av African American Vernacular English (AAVE) i pop-musikksjangeren. Det legges spesielt vekt på diskusjonen om en kan snakke om kulturelle appropriering, når ikke-svarte musiker bruker AAVE ... -
Ability qua Mobility: Disability as Identity and Hierarchy in Brave New World and Flowers for Algernon
(Master thesis, 2020-05-29)Skildringa av funksjonshemjing i litteraturen er ein verdifull målestokk for dei samfunnsverdiane som eit samfunn forventar både av kropp og sinn. Science Fiction inviterer særskild ei lesing med fokus på funksjonshemjing ... -
Abort og fosterreduksjon: En etisk sammenligning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)De siste årene har fosterreduksjon i økende grad vært gjenstand for debatt i Norge, og intensiteten nådde et foreløpig maksimum da Lovavdelingen leverte tolknings-uttalelsen § 2 - Tolkning av abortloven i 2016 som svar på ... -
Abortion and multifetal pregnancy reduction: An ethical comparison
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In recent years, multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR) has increasingly been a subject of debate in Norway. The intensity of this debate reached a tentative maximum when the Legislation Department delivered their interpretative ... -
The Absent ‘Thing’ and the Value of Distance – Social media through an Arendtian lens
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
The Abyss of Intransitivity: On Critical Realism and Theories of Religion
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)