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Rabulist i store sko Komedie, modernisme og realisme i Pippi Langstrømpe
(Master thesis, 2004) -
Racial Passing as an Act of Self-erasure in The Name of Freedom
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)zeljka zvirjuga -
Rape and Rape Culture in the Ancient Greek Culture? Was rape “really” rape in Ancient Greece?
(Master thesis, 2019-06-08) -
Rare relasjoner hos Arne Lygre: Ingenting av meg (2013) og Meg nær (2019) i lys av dagligspråksfilosofi
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Denne masteravhandlingen tar for seg Arne Lygres dramaer Ingenting av meg fra 2013 og Meg nær fra 2019. Dramaene handler om hver sin kvinnelige hovedperson som på febrilsk vis forsøker å oppnå nære relasjoner med andre ... -
Rationing of Personalised Cancer Drugs: Rethinking the Co-production of Evidence and Priority Setting Practices
(Chapter, 2022)Rising health care costs is a challenge for all health care systems, and new and expensive cancer drugs is an important contributor to this. Many countries – like Norway – have therefore established priority setting ... -
The Ravished Reader. Angela Carter’s Allegory in Nights at the Circus
(Master thesis, 2000) -
Raza, clase y género en el nuevo cine argentino. Un estudio de las relaciones de dominación en Bolivia y La ciénaga.
(Master thesis, 2009-11-20)El tema central de esta tesis es las relaciones sociales de dominación, con dos películas argentinas de 2001 como fuentes primarias de la investigación. El fin del trabajo es la indagación de dos aspectos de los filmes: ... -
The Re-shaping of Bodies: A Discourse Analysis of Feminine Athleticism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-24)Slender and skinny body ideals have been associated with psychological disorders such as eating disorders. However, the tendency to promote a “healthier” and more athletic female body ideal has received minimal critical ... -
Reactivity and Good Data in Qualitative Data Collection
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Reactivity in qualitative data collection occurs when a researcher generates data about a situation with reactivity, that is, a situation in which the ongoing research affects the research participants such that they, say, ... -
Reactivity in the Human Sciences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The reactions that science triggers on the people it studies, describes, or theorises about, can affect the science itself and its claims to knowledge. This phenomenon, which we call reactivity, has been discussed in many ... -
Reading Literature in the EFL-classroom - A qualitative study of teachers' views on the teaching of literature
(Master thesis, 2015-09-01)Summary in Norwegian Denne studien tar for seg skjønnlitteraturens rolle i engelskfaget i den videregående skole. Mer konkret blir det undersøkt hvilken oppfatning lærere har av danningsprosesser som gjør seg gjeldene i ... - – the theory of 21st-century reading: fostering 21st-century reading skills through digital competence, digital teaching aids and frequent digital teaching.
(Master thesis, 2020-12-12)Digitalisering i den norske skulen er synleg – og engelskfaget er ikkje eit unntak. Det engelske språket er vårt verktøy for kommunikasjon med store delar av verda gjennom internet og digitale platformar – å kunne lese ... -
Realisme og underliggjøring i Tor Ulvens lyrikk og kortprosa
(Master thesis, 2013-05-14)Oppgaven analyserer et utvalg tekster av Tor Ulven med fokus på forholdet til de viktigste retningene innenfor litteraturvitenskapens realisme, og til de russiske formalistenes begrep om underliggjøring og «den vanskeliggjorte ... -
The Reality of Neandertal Symbolic Behavior at the Grotte du Renne, Arcy-sur-Cure, France
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-06-29)Background: The question of whether symbolically mediated behavior is exclusive to modern humans or shared with anatomically archaic populations such as the Neandertals is hotly debated. At the Grotte du Renne, Arcy-sur-Cure, ... -
Recalibrating Seasonal Cultures with Communities
(Peer reviewed, 2024)