Now showing items 229-248 of 281

    • Scorekeeping 

      Antonsen, Pål Fjeldvig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      An influential suggestion from David Lewis is that we should think of assertions in terms of how they affect the conversational score. This note outlines a way to model conversational scores in such a way that two assertoric ...
    • Searching for Deep Disagreement in Logic: The Case of Dialetheism 

      Martin, Benjamin Joseph Lewis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      According to Fogelin’s account of deep disagreements, disputes caused by a clash in framework propositions are necessarily rationally irresolvable. Fogelin’s thesis is a claim about real-life, and not purely hypothetical, ...
    • Self-Location in Interactive Fiction 

      Antonsen, Pål Fjeldvig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The aim of this paper is to make sense of a characteristic feature of interactive fictions, such as video game fictions, adventure books and role playing games. In particular, I describe one important way consumers of ...
    • Sellars on Self-Knowledge 

      Knappik, Franz Ulrich (Routledge Studies in American Philosophy, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Wilfrid Sellars had an elaborate theory of self-knowledge about one’s own thoughts that anticipates some crucial claims and topics of current work on self-knowledge. In this contribution, I reconstruct Sellars’s theory of ...
    • Should we care about the existence and well-being of future generations? An inquiry into the non-identity problem 

      Lekve, Sofie (Master thesis, 2018-06-30)
      I vår tidsalder, har klimaendringer stått frem som et av de største utfordringene vi står ovenfor som en samlet menneskehet. Vi har allerede sett endringene i klimaet, og forskere anslår at de fremtidige effektene av ...
    • Sinking Islands, Rising Duties: Insights from theories of territory on climate exiles 

      Moe, Erlend Haukeland (Master thesis, 2024-05-22)
      Denne avhandlingen tar for seg «klimaeksiler», mennesker som er fordrevet fordi hele territoriet deres har blitt ubeboelig på grunn av klimaendringer. Det sentrale spørsmålet i avhandlingen er om klimaeksiler bør gis de ...
    • Skam og kjønn 

      Miklavic, Kristina (Master thesis, 2021-06-02)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg skam og hvordan skam opererer som normregulerende i forhold til det å uttrykke maskulinitet og femininitet, og, dermed, konstruerer kjønnede idealer for subjektivitet. Skam er som oftest ...
    • Social Identities and Representation: How Art Can Affect Epistemic Injustice 

      Genesini, Federica (Master thesis, 2022-09-01)
      Målet med denne oppgaven er å vise hvordan representasjon gjennom kunst, både når det gjelder emnet for kunstverket og når det gjelder kunstneren, kan understøtte epistemisk – spesifikt hermeneutisk – urettferdighet av ...
    • Social Rights at Work 

      Tomalty, Jesse (Chapter, 2022)
      This chapter explores connections between social rights and labour rights within a human rights framework. Social human rights tend to be marginalized both in philosophical debates about human rights and in international ...
    • Structural proof theory for first-order weak Kleene logics 

      Fjellstad, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      This paper presents a sound and complete five-sided sequent calculus for first-order weak Kleene valuations which permits not only elegant representations of four logics definable on first-order weak Kleene valuations, but ...
    • “Students Can Write!”: How Can Students Explore and Improve their Writing by Using Different Academic Genres, Sources and Voices? 

      Brodersen, Randi Benedikte; Kavli, Solveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      One purpose of this article is to shed light upon the concept of voice in writing, related to genres and sources in humanities. Another purpose is to participate in the academic discussion on voice. We want to raise awareness ...
    • Substitution in Relevant Logics 

      Øgaard, Tore Fjetland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This essay discusses rules and semantic clauses relating to Substitution—Leibniz’s law in the conjunctive-implicational form s = t ^ A(s) -> A(t)—as these are put forward in Priest’s books "In Contradiction" and "An ...
    • Tenkningens livsvilkår - Problemets genese i møtet mellom liv og tenkning hos Gilles Deleuze 

      Åm, Ingrid Grønli (Master thesis, 2011-02-01)
      Oppgaven undersøker betydningen av møtet med livet for tenkningens genese og muligheter hos Gilles Deleuze, hovedsakelig med utgangspunkt i Difference et Repetition oglesningene av Henri Bergson.
    • Texts: A case study of joint action 

      Gangopadhyay, Nivedita; Pichler, Alois (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Our linguistic communication often takes the form of creating texts. In this paper, we propose that creating texts or ‘texting’ is a form of joint action. We examine the nature and evolution of this joint action. We argue ...
    • The Adam Smith Project - An Account of Human Interaction 

      Zimmer, Sebastian-Stefan (Master thesis, 2019-06-21)
      This thesis sets out to treat Adam Smith’s work as a whole, showing how his two books, The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, both are part of one underlying message rather than opposed to each other. A ...
    • The Boundaries of Reality: Quantum Physics within a Transcendental Ideal Framework 

      Mukherjee, Twisha (Master thesis, 2021-06-02)
      In this project I am going to explore how the boundaries of our reality are conditioned by metaphysical principles. I will argue, in the spirit of Immanuel Kant, that these metaphysical principles also ground our knowledge ...
    • The ethics of drug criminalization 

      Johnstad, Petter Grahl (Master thesis, 2023-02-01)
    • The Intergenerational Ethics of Climate Change: Alternative Ethical Resources 

      Coffay, Matthew Mark (Master thesis, 2019-12-05)
    • THE PATH TO VIRTUE Character Improvement in Seneca’s Philosophical Writings 

      Bø, Sebastian Frost (Master thesis, 2024-05-22)
      Denne oppgaven argumenterer for at Seneca mener den Stoiske progressoren – en person som henvender seg til Stoiske lærere med mål om å forbedre seg selv – kan skaffe seg dyd – et perfekt rasjonelt sinn bestående av praktisk ...