Browsing Geophysical Institute by Title
Now showing items 334-353 of 1418
Early detection of anthropogenic climate change signals in the ocean interior
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Robust detection of anthropogenic climate change is crucial to: (i) improve our understanding of Earth system responses to external forcing, (ii) reduce uncertainty in future climate projections, and (iii) develop efficient ... -
The Earth system model CLIMBER-X v1.0 - Part 2: The global carbon cycle
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The carbon cycle component of the newly developed Earth system model of intermediate complexity CLIMBER-X is presented. The model represents the cycling of carbon through the atmosphere, vegetation, soils, seawater and ... -
The East Greenland Current studied with CFCs and released sulphur hexafluoride
(Journal article, 2005-03)The distribution and evolution of water masses along the East Greenland Current (EGC) from south of the Fram Strait to the Denmark Strait were investigated using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and the released tracer sulphur ... -
The East Greenland Current: Structure and Variability
(Master thesis, 2004) -
Eastern boundary circulation and hydrography off Angola. Building Angolan oceanographic capacities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-09-06)The eastern boundary region off Angola encompasses a highly productive ecosystem important for the food security of the coastal population. The fish-stock distribution, however, undergoes large variability on intraseasonal, ... -
Eddies and the Distribution of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Arctic Ocean
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Mesoscale eddies are important to many aspects of the dynamics of the Arctic Ocean. Among others, they maintain the halocline and interact with the Atlantic Water circumpolar boundary current through lateral eddy fluxes ... -
Eddy Structure and Dynamics in the Mozambique Channel
(Master thesis, 2010-06-01)Abstract The Mozambique Channel circulation is dominated by a sequence of southward migrating cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies and previous studies have been done to investigate the flow, the variability and nature of the ... -
Eddy-resolving simulations of the Fimbul Ice Shelf cavity circulation: Basal melting and exchange with open ocean
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-10)Melting at the base of floating ice shelves is a dominant term in the overall Antarctic mass budget. This study applies a high-resolution regional ice shelf/ocean model, constrained by observations, to (i) quantify present ... -
Effect of critical latitude and seasonal stratification on tidal current profiles along Ronne Ice Front, Antarctica
(Journal article, 2006-03-30)The ice front region of Ronne Ice Shelf lies near the critical latitude of the semidiurnal M2 tide, the principal tidal constituent in the southern Weddell Sea. Here the Coriolis frequency almost equals the M2 tidal ... -
The Effect of Diapycnal Mixing on the Ventilation and CFC-11 Uptake in the Southern Ocean
(Advances in Atmospheric Sciences;21(5), Journal article, 2004-03-04)The Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM) is used to investigate the effect of diapycnal mixing on the oceanic uptake of CFC-11 and the ventilation of the surface waters in the Southern Ocean (south of 45°S). Three ... -
The effect of moisture transport variability on Ethiopian summer precipitation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-12)The main rainy season in Ethiopia occurs during the northern hemisphere summer, when air masses carrying moisture from the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Guinea, the African continent, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, ... -
The Effect of Sea Surface Temperature Fronts on Atmospheric Frontogenesis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)It is thought that the sensible heat fluxes associated with sea surface temperature (SST) fronts can affect the genesis and evolution of atmospheric fronts. An analytic model is developed and used to explore this idea. The ... -
Effect of substrate type and pellet age on the resuspension of Atlantic salmon faecal material
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The influence of substrate type and particle age on the remobilization of settled Atlantic salmon Salmo salar faecal material was studied through a set of controlled experiments in horizontal flow flumes, simulating different ... -
The effect of vertical mixing on the horizontal drift of oil spills
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Vertical and horizontal transport mechanisms for marine oil spills are investigated using numerical model simulations. To realistically resolve the 3-D development of a spill on the ocean surface and in the water column, ... -
The effect of wind speed products and wind speed-gas exchange relationships on interannual variability of the air-sea CO2 gas transfer velocity
(Journal article, 2005)The lack of a firm relationship between wind speed (U10) and gas transfer velocity (k) is considered to be one of the factors that hinders accurate quantification of interannual variations of ocean–atmosphere CO2 fluxes. ... -
Effects of altitude and aerosol on UV radiation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-01-10)Measurements of erythemally weighted UV radiation during about 600 days at different sites in Bolivia and Germany ranging from 550 to 5240 m above sea level have been used to derive the altitude effect AE under cloud-free ... -
Effects of diapycnal and isopycnal mixing on the ventilation of CFCs in the North Atlantic in an isopycnic coordinate OGCM
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Simulated distributions of the chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11 and CFC-12 are used to examine the ventilation of the North Atlantic Ocean in a global version of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model (MICOM). Three simulations ... -
Effects of Eulerian current, Stokes drift and wind while simulating surface drifter trajectories in the Baltic Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The simulation of Lagrangian drift is an important task in applications such as dispersion of pollutants, larvae and search and rescue activities. In this study, the Eulerian current, Stokes drift and wind effect on the ... -
Effects of negative shear on loads for a 15 MW offshore wind turbine during low-level jet events
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Wind turbines are more often interacting with the negative shear region of a low-level jet due to increasing turbine sizes. However, the effects of negative shear on wind turbines are not sufficiently studied, particularly ... -
Effects of sea-ice and biogeochemical processes and storms on under-ice water fCO2 during the winter-spring transition in the high Arctic Ocean: Implications for sea-air CO2 fluxes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07)We performed measurements of carbon dioxide fugacity (fCO2) in the surface water under Arctic sea ice from January to June 2015 during the Norwegian young sea ICE (N-ICE2015) expedition. Over this period, the ship drifted ...