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The SailBuoy remotely-controlled unmanned vessel: Measurements of near surface temperature, salinity and oxygen concentration in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-09)An experimental deployment of a new type of unmanned vessel is presented. The Christian Michelsen Research SailBuoy, a remotely-controlled surface vehicle, sampled near-surface properties during a two-month mission in the ... -
SAMURAI - Development, Test and Validation of an Airborne Sonic Anemometer
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-12-16)Fremskritt innen forskning på atmosfærens grenselag (ABL) er avhengig av en nøyaktig beskrivelse av turbulens i luften. Den veletablerte metoden for å undersøke turbulens involverer høy-frekvente in-situ observasjoner med ... -
Satellite altimetry for Indian reservoirs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Satellite radar altimetry has immense potential for monitoring fresh surface water resources and predicting the intra-seasonal, seasonal, and inter-annual variability of inundated surface water over large river basins. As ... -
Satellite and Ground Observations of Snow Cover in Tibet during 2001–2015
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-11-22)The seasonal snow cover of the Tibetan Plateau exerts a profound environmental influence both regionally and globally. Daily observations of snow depth at 37 meteorological stations in Tibet and MODIS eight-day snow products ... -
A Satellite Era Warming Hole in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Observations during the satellite era 1979–2018 only depict small sea surface temperature (SST) trends over the Equatorial Atlantic cold tongue region in boreal summer. This lack of surface warming of the cold tongue, ... -
Satellite monitoring of algal blooms in Norwegian coastal waters
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-02-23) -
Scaling non-stationary turbulence during the afternoon and evening transition of the convective boundary layer
(Doctoral thesis, 2025-02-07)Turbulens, transport og blanding i det atmosfæriske grenselaget (ABL) er relevant for en rekke felt med stor samfunnsmessig betydning, som urban meteorologi, kontroll og varsling av luftkvalitet, landbruksmeteorologi og ... -
Scaling the decay of turbulence kinetic energy in the free-convective boundary layer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We investigate the scaling for decaying turbulence kinetic energy(TKE) in the free-convective boundary layer, from the time the surface heat flux starts decaying, until a few hours after it has vanished. We conduct a set ... -
Sea ice cover in Isfjorden and Hornsund, Svalbard (2000–2014) from remote sensing data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-01-19)A satellite database including 16 555 satellite images and ice charts displaying the area of Isfjorden, Hornsund, and the Svalbard region has been established with focus on the time period 2000–2014. 3319 manual interpretations ... -
Sea ice thermohaline dynamics and biogeochemistry in the Arctic Ocean: Empirical and model results
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07)Large changes in the sea ice regime of the Arctic Ocean have occurred over the last decades justifying the development of models to forecast sea ice physics and biogeochemistry. The main goal of this study is to evaluate ... -
Sea ice velocity in the Fram Strait monitored by moored instruments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003-10-04)The Fram Strait sea ice velocity was measured by means of a new method using moored Doppler Current Meters in the period 1996–2000. Almost 3 years of ice velocity observations near 79N 5W are analyzed. The average southward ... -
Sea level variation in the Red Sea based on SODA data
(Master thesis, 2012-10-01)In this study we investigate the sea level variation in the Red Sea focusing on wind stress setup. 50-years dataset from 1957 to 2007 of sea level and wind stress from Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) data version ... -
Sea state contributions to thermosteric sea-level in high-resolution ocean-wave coupled simulations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study examines the impact of wave-induced processes (WIPs) in modulating thermosteric sea-level changes, highlighting the need to include these processes in future sea-level rise assessments and climate projections. ... -
Sea surface gravity wave - wind interaction in the marine atmospheric boundary layer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)In this study, we investigate the turbulence structure over idealized wind-generated surface gravity waves with varying wave age using a wave-modified one-dimensional boundary layer model. To prescribe the shape of the ... -
Sea surface pCO2 variability and air-sea CO2 exchange in the coastal Sudanese Red Sea
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The dynamics of sea surface pCO2 (pCO2w) and air–sea CO2 exchange of the Sudanese coastal Red Sea has for the first time been studied over a full annual cycle (October 2014–October 2015) based on semi-continuous measurements ... -
Sea Surface Temperature and Ocean Heat Content during Tropical Cyclones Pam (2015) and Winston (2016) in the Southwest Pacific Region
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The sea surface temperature (SST) and upper ocean heat content (OHC) have been explored along the track of two tropical cyclones (TCs), TC Pam (2015) and TC Winston (2016). These TCs severely affected the islands of Vanuatu ... -
Sea-ice-loss slowdown modulates the sea surface salinification in the Kara-Laptev Seas since the 2008 summer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Recent studies have revealed the slowed Arctic sea-ice loss, but its climate effect on the ocean system remains unclear. By examining reanalysis datasets, we illustrate a paradoxical regime shift characterized by sustained ... -
Sea-level change over the northern European continental shelf due to atmospheric and oceanic contributions
(Doctoral thesis, 2022-09-02)Global mean sea level (GMSL) is a key indicator of climate change as it comprises information on different components of the climate system. However, despite its importance for climate and society, GMSL cannot be used for ... -
Sea-state contributions to sea-level variability in the European Seas
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The contribution of sea-state-induced processes to sea-level variability is investigated through ocean-wave coupled simulations. These experiments are performed with a high-resolution configuration of the Geestacht COAstal ...