• FLIIMP - a community software for the processing, calibration, and reporting of liquid water isotope measurements on cavity-ring down spectrometers 

      Sodemann, Harald; Mørkved, Pål Tore; Wahl, Sonja (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Precise and accurate measurements of the stable isotope composition from precipitation, land ice, runoff, and oceans provide critical information on Earth's water cycle. The analysis, post-processing, and calibration of ...
    • FLOHOF 2007: an overview of the mesoscale meteorological field campaign at Hofsjökull, Central Iceland 

      Reuder, Joachim; Ablinger, Markus; Ágústsson, Hálfdán; Brisset, Pascal; Brynjólfsson, Sveinn; Garhammer, Markus; Jóhannesson, Tómas; Jonassen, Marius O.; Kühnel, Rafael; Lämmlein, Stephan; de Lange, Tor; Lindenberg, Christian; Malardel, Sylvie; Mayer, Stephanie; Müller, Martin; Ólafsson, Haraldur; Rögnvaldsson, Ólafur; Schäper, Wolfgang; Spengler, Thomas; Zängl, Günther; Egger, Joseph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-04)
      The FLOHOF field campaign took place in the period July 21 to August 24, 2007 on and in the surroundings of Hofsjökull glacier in Central Iceland. During the campaign, 18 automatic weather stations (AWS) recording temperature, ...
    • Flow over a rounded backward-facing step, comparing a z-coordinate model and a σ-coordinate model 

      Rygg, Kristin; Alendal, Guttorm; Haugan, Peter Mosby (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
      Homogeneous, nonrotating flow over a backward-facing rounded step is simulated using the 2D vertical version of two general circulation models, a z-coordinate model—the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation ...
    • Flow Structure around a Multicopter Drone: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis for Sensor Placement Considerations 

      Ghirardelli, Mauro; Kral, Stephan Thomas; Müller, Nicolas Carlo; Hann, Richard; Cheynet, Etienne; Reuder, Joachim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This study presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based approach to determine the optimal positioning for an atmospheric turbulence sensor on a rotary-wing uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) with X8 configuration. The ...
    • Fluxes of carbon and nutrients to the Iceland Sea surface layer and inferred primary productivity and stoichiometry 

      Jeansson, Emil; Bellerby, Richard; Skjelvan, Ingunn; Frigstad, Helene; Ólafsdóttir, Sólveig R.; Ólafsson, Jón Hjaltalín (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-02-12)
      This study evaluates long-term mean fluxes of carbon and nutrients to the upper 100 m of the Iceland Sea. The study utilises hydro-chemical data from the Iceland Sea time series station (68.00° N, 12.67° W), for the years ...
    • Forced and internal components of observed Arctic sea-ice changes 

      Dörr, Jakob Simon; Bonan, David; Årthun, Marius; Svendsen, Lea; Wills, Robert C.J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The Arctic sea-ice cover is strongly influenced by internal variability on decadal timescales, affecting both short-term trends and the timing of the first ice-free summer. Several mechanisms of variability have been ...
    • Formation and pathways of dense water in the Nordic Seas 

      Brakstad, Ailin (Doctoral thesis, 2023-10-20)
      Sammendrag De nordiske hav er viktig for dannelsen av kalde, tette og dype vannmasser som strømmer sørover på tvers av Grønland-Skottland-ryggen og forsyner den dype grenen av omveltningssirkulasjonen i Atlanterhavet. På ...
    • Formation and pathways of dense water in the Nordic Seas based on a regional inversion 

      Brakstad, Ailin Dale; Gebbie, Geoffrey; Våge, Kjetil; Jeansson, Emil; Olafsdóttir, Solveig R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Dense waters formed in the Nordic Seas spill across gaps in the Greenland-Scotland Ridge into the abyss of the North Atlantic to feed the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. The overflow water ...
    • Formation of maritime convergence zones within cold air outbreaks due to the shape of the coastline or sea ice edge 

      Watanabe, Shun-ichi I.; Niino, Hiroshi; Spengler, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Maritime cold air outbreaks often feature convergence zones that provide a conducive environment for the development of polar mesoscale cyclones and polar lows. This study examines the formation mechanisms of these convergence ...
    • Framework for an Ocean-Connected Supermodel of the Earth System 

      Counillon, Francois Stephane; Keenlyside, Noel Sebastian; Wang, Shuo; Devilliers, Marion; Gupta, Alok Kumar; Koseki, Shunya; Shen, Mao-Lin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      A supermodel connects different models interactively so that their systematic errors compensate and achieve a model with superior performance. It differs from the standard non-interactive multi-model ensembles (NI), which ...
    • A Framework for the Development, Design and Implementation of a Sustained Arctic Ocean Observing System 

      Lee, Craig M.; Starkweather, Sandy; Eicken, Hajo; Timmermans, Mary-Louise; Wilkinson, Jeremy; Sandven, Stein; Dukhovskoy, Dmitry; Gerland, Sebastian; Grebmeier, Jacqueline; Intrieri, Janet M.; Kang, Sung-Ho; McCammon, Molly; Nguyen, An T.; Polyakov, Igor; Rabe, Benjamin; Sagen, Hanne; Seeyave, Sophie; Volkov, Denis; Beszczynska-Möller, Agnieszka; Chafik, Léon; Dzieciuch, Matthew; Goni, Gustavo; Hamre, Torill; King, Andrew Luke; Olsen, Are; Raj, Roshin Pappukutty; Rossby, Thomas; Skagseth, Øystein; Søiland, Henrik; Sørensen, Kai (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08-08)
      Rapid Arctic warming drives profound change in the marine environment that have significant socio-economic impacts within the Arctic and beyond, including climate and weather hazards, food security, transportation, ...
    • Frazil ice formation in ice shelf water plume 

      Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Jenkins, Adrian (Journal article, 2004-03-17)
      We present a model for the growth of frazil ice crystals and their accumulation as marine ice at the base of Antarctic ice shelves. The model describes the flow of buoyant water upward along the ice shelf base and includes ...
    • Frequency Regulation of Synchronous Generator 

      Sørås, Stian Jensen (Master thesis, 2017-06-20)
      The objective of this thesis is to create a Load Frequency Control (LFC) to regulate the active power output and frequency of a synchronous generator, and to conduct experiments to verify frequency stability. The electrical ...
    • Freshwater transport over the northeast Greenland shelf in Fram strait 

      Karpouzoglou, Theodoros; de Steur, Laura; Dodd, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We assess the contribution of flow over the Northeast Greenland Shelf (NEGS) to the total freshwater transport (FWT) through the Fram Strait. We analyze available observations since 2013 consisting of hydrographic sections, ...
    • From winter to late summer in the northwestern Barents Sea shelf: Impacts of seasonal progression of sea ice and upper ocean on nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics 

      Koenig, Zoe Charlotte; Muilwijk, Morven; Sandven, Håkon Johan; Lundesgaard, Øyvind; Assmy, Philipp Kurt Wolf; Lind, Sigrid Gjessing; Assmann, Karen; Chierici, Melissa; Fransson, Agneta; Gerland, Sebastian; Jones, Elizabeth Marie; Renner, Angelika; Granskog, Mats (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Strong seasonality is a key feature of high-latitude systems like the Barents Sea. While the interannual variability and long-term changes of the Barents Sea are well-documented, the seasonal progression of the physical ...
    • Frontal-wave cyclogenesis in the North Atlantic –a climatological characterisation 

      Schemm, Sebastian; Sprenger, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-10)
      The ambient conditions during cyclogenesis on fronts in the North Atlantic (NA) are characterised climatologically in the ERA-Interim dataset. These ‘secondary’ cyclones, which grow from frontal waves, are typically small ...
    • Frontogenesis of the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone 

      Koseki, Shunya; Giordani, Herve; Goubanova, Katerina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-02-08)
      A diagnostic analysis of the climatological annual mean and seasonal cycle of the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone (ABFZ) is performed by applying an ocean frontogenetic function (OFGF) to the ocean mixing layer (OML). The ...
    • Front–orography interactions during landfall of the 1992 New Year's Day Storm 

      Spensberger, Clemens; Schemm, Sebastian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Although following a common synoptic evolution for this region, the 1992 New Year's Day Storm was associated with some of the strongest winds observed along the Norwegian west coast. The narrow wind band along its bent-back ...
    • A full year of turbulence measurements from a drift campaign in the Arctic Ocean 2019-2020 

      Schulz, K.; Mohrholz, Volker; Fer, Ilker; Janout, Markus; Hoppmann, Mario; Schaffer, Janin; Koenig, Zoe Charlotte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Ocean turbulent mixing is a key process in the global climate system, regulating ocean circulation and the uptake and redistribution of heat, carbon, nutrients, oxygen and other tracers. In polar oceans, turbulent heat ...
    • Future change in extreme precipitation in East Asian spring and Mei-yu seasons in two high-resolution AGCMs 

      Chen, Chao-An; Hsu, Huang-Hsiung; Liang, Hsin-Chien; Chiu, Ping-Gin; Tu, Chia-Ying (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Precipitation in the spring and Mei-yu seasons, the main planting and growing period in East Asia, is crucial to water resource management. Changes in spring and Mei-yu extreme precipitation under global warming are evaluated ...