• A Pore-Level Study of Dense-Phase CO2 Foam Stability in the Presence of Oil 

      Benali, Benyamine; Fernø, Martin; Halsøy, Hilde; Alcorn, Zachary Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      The ability of foam to reduce CO2 mobility in CO2 sequestration and CO2 enhanced oil recovery processes relies on maintaining foam stability in the reservoir. Foams can destabilize in the presence of oil due to mechanisms ...
    • Pore-scale bubble population dynamics of CO2-foam at reservoir pressure 

      Benali, Benyamine; Føyen, Tore Lyngås; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Haugen, Malin; Gauteplass, Jarand; Kovscek, Anthony R.; Fernø, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The flow of CO2 foam for mobility control in porous media is dictated by the foam texture, or bubble density, which is commonly expressed as the number of bubbles per unit of flowing gas. In most high-pressure laboratory ...
    • Pore-scale dynamics for underground porous media hydrogen storage 

      Lysyy, Maksim; Ersland, Geir; Fernø, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) has been launched as a catalyst to the low-carbon energy transitions. The limited understanding of the subsurface processes is a major obstacle for rapid and widespread UHS implementation. ...
    • Pore-scale investigation of methane hydrate phase transitions and growth rates in synthetic porous media 

      Lysyy, Maksim (Master thesis, 2018-06-20)
      A growing demand for energy and natural gas in particular, makes methane gas hydrates a potential target to supplement natural gas production from conventional resources. Several pilot projects have proven the feasibility ...
    • Pore-scale kinetics of calcium dissolution and secondary precipitation during geological carbon storage 

      Liu, Na; Haugen, Malin; Benali, Benyamine; Landa-Marbán, David; Fernø, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Geological carbon storage (GCS) in deep underground formations presents a significant opportunity to mitigate anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide in the context of climate change. The injected carbon dioxide may ...
    • Pore-scale spatiotemporal dynamics of microbial-induced calcium carbonate growth and distribution in porous media 

      Liu, Na; Haugen, Malin; Benali, Benyamine; Landa-Marbán, David; Fernø, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The naturally occurring bio-geochemical microbial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) process is an eco-friendly technology for rehabilitating construction materials, reinforcement of soils and sand, heavy metals ...
    • Pore-scale study of microbial hydrogen consumption and wettability alteration during underground hydrogen storage 

      Liu, Na; Kovscek, Anthony R.; Fernø, Martin Anders; Dopffel, Nicole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Hydrogen can be a renewable energy carrier and is suggested to store renewable energy and mitigate carbon dioxide emissions. Subsurface storage of hydrogen in salt caverns, deep saline formations, and depleted oil/gas ...
    • Pore-to-Core Laboratory Upscaling and Visualization of Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage 

      Gauteplass, Jarand (Doctoral thesis, 2015-01-09)
      The global energy demand increases, and the need for hydrocarbon reserve growth is evident. The maturation of hydrocarbon formations worldwide combined with declining rate of major oil and gas discoveries, have caused a ...
    • Positron bunching and electrostatic transport system for the production and emission of dense positronium clouds into vacuum 

      Aghion, Stefano; Amsler, C; Ariga, A; Ariga, T; Belov, AS; Bonomi, G; Bräunig, P; Bremer, J; Brusa, RS; Cabaret, L; Caccia, M; Caravita, R; Castelli, F; Cerchiari, G; Chlouba, K; Cialdi, S; Comparat, D; Consolati, G; Demetrio, A; Di Noto, L; Doser, M; Dudarev, A; Ereditato, A; Evans, C; Fesel, J; Fontana, A; Forslund, OK; Gerber, S; Giammarchi, M; Gligorova, Angela; Gninenko, S; Guatieri, F; Haider, S; Holmestad, Helga Margrete; Huse, Torkjell; Jernelv, IL; Jordan, E; Kaltenbacher, T; Kellerbauer, A; Kimura, M; Koetting, T; Krasnicky, D; Lagomarsino, V; Lebrun, P; Lansonneur, P; Lehner, S; Liberadzka, J; Malbrunot, C; Mariazzi, S; Marx, L; Matveev, V; Mazzotta, Z; Nebbia, G; Nedelec, P; Oberthaler, M; Pacifico, Nicola; Pagano, D; Penasa, L; Petracek, V; Pistillo, C; Prelz, F; Prevedelli, M; Ravelli, L; Rienäcker, B; Røhne, Ole Myren; Rosenberger, S; Rotondi, A; Sacerdoti, M; Sandaker, Heidi; Santoro, R; Scampoli, P; Sorrentino, F; Spacek, M; Storey, J; Strojek, IM; Testera, G; Tietje, I; Vamosi, S; Widmann, E; Yzombard, P; Zavatarelli, S; Zmeskal, J (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-11)
      We describe a system designed to re-bunch positron pulses delivered by an accumulator supplied by a positron source and a Surko-trap. Positron pulses from the accumulator are magnetically guided in a 0.085 T field and are ...
    • Possibilities, limitations, and the way ahead for dust explosion modelling 

      Skjold, Trygve; Larsen, Ø.; Hansen, Olav R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006)
      The purpose of the present paper is threefold. First, a brief review of modelling, main results, and preliminary conclusions from the DESC project are presented; current capabilities and limitations of the DESC code are ...
    • Possibility of Measuring the CP of a Higgs Boson at the LHC 

      Myklevoll, Kari Ertresvåg (Master thesis, 2002)
    • Possible Ionospheric Influence on Substorm Onset Location 

      Elhawary, Reham Zakaria Ahmed Mohamed; Laundal, Karl Magnus; Reistad, Jone Peter; Hatch, Spencer Mark (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Auroral substorm onset locations are highly unpredictable. Previous studies have shown that the By component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) explains ∼5% of the variation in onset magnetic local time (MLT), while ...
    • Power budget equations and calibration factors for fish abundance estimation using scientific echo sounders and sonar systems 

      Lunde, Per; Korneliussen, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07-09)
      Acoustic methods used in fish abundance estimation constitute a key part of the analytic assessment that makes the basis for abundance estimation of marine resources. The methods rely on power-budget equations and calibrated ...
    • Precise description of medium-induced emissions 

      Isaksen, Johannes Hamre; Tywoniuk, Konrad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We study jet fragmentation via final-state parton splittings in the medium. These processes are usually calculated theoretically by invoking the large-Nc limit. In this paper we perform the first computation of a 1 → 2 ...
    • Prediction of Soft Proton Intensities in the Near-Earth Space Using Machine Learning 

      Kronberg, Elena A.; Hannan, Tanveer; Huthmacher, Jens; Münzer, Marcus; Peste, Florian; Zhou, Ziyang; Berrendorf, Max; Faerman, Evgeniy; Gastaldello, Fabio; Ghizzardi, Simona; Escoubet, Philippe; Haaland, Stein; Smirnov, Artem; Sivadas, Nithin; Allen, Robert C.; Tiengo, Andrea; Ilie, Raluca (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The spatial distribution of energetic protons contributes to the understanding of magnetospheric dynamics. Based upon 17 yr of the Cluster/RAPID observations, we have derived machine-learning-based models to predict the ...
    • Prediction of Three-Phase Capillary Pressure using a Network Model Anchored to Two-Phase Data 

      Dale, Elisabeth Iren; Dijke, Marinus I. J. van; Skauge, Arne (Working paper, 2008-04-30)
      Three-phase capillary pressure is difficult to measure experimentally and therefore has to be estimated by other methods. In this work a network model was applied to generate a consistent set of two-phase and three-phase ...
    • The Predictive Capabilities of the Auroral Electrojet Index for Medium Energy Electron Precipitation 

      Tyssøy, Hilde Nesse; Partamies, Noora; Babu, Eldho Midhun; Smith-Johnsen, Christine; Salice, Josephine Alessandra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      The chemical imprint of the energetic electron precipitation on the atmosphere is now acknowledged as a part of the natural forcing of the climate system. It has, however, been questioned to which degree current proxies ...
    • Preliminary results of 3D-DDTC pixel detectors for the ATLAS upgrade 

      La Rosa, A; Boscardin, M; Dalla Betta, G.-F.; Darbo, G; Gemme, C; Pernegger, H; Piemonte, C; Povoli, M; Ronchin, S; Zoboli, A; Zorzi, N; Bolle, Erlend; Borri, M; Da Via, C; Dong, S; Fazio, S; Grenier, P; Grinstein, S; Gjersdal, H; Hansson, P; Huegging, F; Jackson, P; Kocian, M; Riviero, F; Røhne, Ole Myren; Sandaker, Heidi; Sjøbak, K; Slavicek, T; Tsung, W; Tsybychev, D; Wermes, N; Young, C (Journal article, 2009)
      3D Silicon sensors fabricated at FBK-irst with the Double-side Double Type Column (DDTC) approach and columnar electrodes only partially etched through p-type substrates were tested in laboratory and in a 1.35 Tesla magnetic ...
    • Pressure Development in Dust Explosions - An experimental study in the 20-liter Siwek sphere and a 0.5 m³ non-standardized vessel 

      Skavland, Camilla Engström (Master thesis, 2018-07-27)
      This thesis describes an experimental investigation of pressure development in dust explosions, using two different volumes. The 20-liter Siwek sphere is a standard explosion test apparatus used for determining maximum ...
    • Pressure Measurements for Monitoring CO2 Foam Pilots 

      Karakas, Metin; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Aminzadeh, Fred; Graue, Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This study focuses on the use of pressure measurements to monitor the effectiveness of foam as a CO2 mobility control agent in oil-producing reservoirs. When it is applied optimally, foam has excellent potential to improve ...