Blar i Department of Clinical Medicine på emneord "Kosthold"
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A high proportion of dietary casein attenuates the obesogenic effect of high-fat diets in C57BL/6J mice
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)The obesity epidemic is on the rise, and currently represents the largest global health threat. Westernization and advances in food production have led to a contemporary diet comprised of 49 % energy from carbohydrates, ... -
Sammenheng mellom inntak av FODMAPs og symptomer hos pasienter med inflammatorisk tarmsykdom i remisjonsfase som har irritabel tarm
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Introduksjon: Tidligere studier har vist at pasienter med IBS (irritabel tarm-syndrom) kan ha god effekt av et kosthold med lite FODMAP (fermenterbare oligo- di- og monosakkarider, og polyoler). Studier har også vist en ... -
Sosiale skilnadar i kostvanar blant ungdom i Sogn og Fjordane i perioden 1997 - 2009
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)Social disparities in health follow a gradient through the whole population, the social gradient in health. People with higher education, better occupational status and income live on average longer lives and have better ...