• Survival in a consecutive series of 467 glioblastoma patients: Association with prognostic factors and treatment at recurrence at two independent institutions 

      Blakstad, Hanne Kristin; Brekke, Jorunn; Rahman, Mohummad Aminur; Arnesen, Victoria Smith; Miletic, Hrvoje; Brandal, Petter; Lie, Stein Atle; Enger, Martha; Goplen, Dorota (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-02)
      Therapy of recurrent glioblastoma (GBM) is challenging due to lack of standard treatment. We investigated physicians’ treatment choice at recurrence and prognostic and predictive factors for survival in GBM patients from ...
    • Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workflows in Cancer Research: The Relevance of Choosing the Right Steps 

      Carrillo Rodriguez, Paula; Selheim, Frode; Valladares, Maria del Carmen Hernandez (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-16)
      The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of proteome changes that condition cancer development can be achieved with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS). LC-MS-based proteomics strategies are carried out ...
    • Labor epidural analgesia and subsequent risk of offspring autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A cross-national cohort study of over 4.5 million individuals and their siblings in Finland, Norway, and Sweden 

      Hegvik, Tor-Arne; Klungsøyr, Kari; Kuja-Halkola, Ralf; Remes, Hanna; Haavik, Jan; D*Onofrio, Brian M.; Metsä-Simola, Niina; Engeland, Anders; Fazel, Seena; Lichtenstein, Paul; Martikainen, Pekka; Larsson, Henrik; Sariaslan, Amir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background A recent study has suggested that labor epidural analgesia may be associated with increased rates of offspring autism spectrum disorder. Subsequent replication attempts have lacked sufficient power to confidently ...
    • Smart Suture with Iodine Contrasting Nanoparticle for Computed Tomography 

      Houshyar, Shadi; Yin, Hong; Pope, Leon; Zizhou, Rumbidzai; Dekiwadia, Chaitali; Hill-Yardin, Elisa; Yeung, Justin; John, Sabu; Fox, Kate; Tran, Nhiem; Cole, Ivan; Elbourne, Aaron; Truong, Vi Khanh; Truskewycz, Adam Leo (Journal article, 2023)
      Surgical site infections (SSI) are amongst the most common medical infections, occurring in 2 to 4% of patients undergoing a surgical procedure. Smart surgical sutures can play an important role in preventing infection. ...
    • Bio-psycho-social factors’ associations with brain age: a large-scale UK Biobank diffusion study of 35,749 participants 

      Korbmacher, Max; Gurholt, Tiril Pedersen; de Lange, Ann Marie; Van der meer, Dennis; Beck, Dani; Eikefjord, Eli Nina; Lundervold, Arvid; Andreassen, Ole; Maximov, Ivan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Brain age refers to age predicted by brain features. Brain age has previously been associated with various health and disease outcomes and suggested as a potential biomarker of general health. Few previous studies have ...
    • Deficit of homozygosity among 1.52 million individuals and genetic causes of recessive lethality 

      Oddsson, Asmundur; Sulem, Patrick; Sveinbjornsson, Gardar; Arnadottir, Gudny A.; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; Atlason, Bjarni A.; Oskarsson, Gudjon R.; Helgason, Hannes; Nielsen, Henriette Svarre; Westergaard, David; Karjalainen, Juha; Katrinardottir, Hildigunnur; Fridriksdottir, Run; Jensson, Brynjar O.; Tragante, Vinicius; Ferkingstad, Egil; Jónsson, Hákon; Gudjonsson, Sigurjon A.; Beyter, Doruk; Moore, Kristjan H.S.; Thordardottir, Helga B.; Kristmundsdottir, Snædis; Stefansson, Olafur A.; Rantapää Dahlqvist, Solbritt; Sonderby, Ida Elken; Didriksen, Maria; Stridh, Pernilla; Haavik, Jan; Tryggvadottir, Laufey; Frei, Oleksandr; Walters, G. Bragi; Kockum, Ingrid; Hjalgrim, Henrik; Olafsdottir, Thorunn A; Selbæk, Geir; Nyegaard, Mette; Erikstrup, Christian; Brodersen, Thorsten; Sævarsdottir, Sædis; Olsson, Tomas; Nielsen, Kaspar Rene; Haraldsson, Àsgeir; Bruun, Mie Topholm; Hansen, Thomas Folkmann; Steingrimsdottir, Thora; Jacobsen, Rikke Louise; Lie, Rolv T.; Djurovic, Srdjan; Alfredsson, Lars; Portilla, A.L.; Brunak, Søren; Havdahl, Alexandra; Andreassen, Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Genotypes causing pregnancy loss and perinatal mortality are depleted among living individuals and are therefore difficult to find. To explore genetic causes of recessive lethality, we searched for sequence variants with ...
    • Electroconvulsive therapy-induced volumetric brain changes converge on a common causal circuit in depression 

      Argyelan, Miklos; Deng, Zhi-De; Ousdal, Olga Therese; Oltedal, Leif; Angulo, Brian; Baradits, Mate; Spitzberg, Andrew J.; Kessler, Ute; Sartorius, Alexander; Dols, Annemiek; Narr, Katherine L.; Espinoza, Randall; van Waarde, Jeroen A.; Tendolkar, Indira; van Eijndhoven, Philip; van Wingen, Guido A.; Takamiya, Akihiro; Kishimoto, Taishiro; Jorgensen, Martin B.; Jorgensen, Anders; Paulson, Olaf B.; Yrondi, Antoine; Péran, Patrice; Soriano-Mas, Carles; Cardoner, Narcis; Cano, Marta; van Diermen, Linda; Schrijvers, Didier; Belge, Jean-Baptiste; Emsell, Louise; Bouckaert, Filip; Vandenbulcke, Mathieu; Kiebs, Maximilian; Hurlemann, René; Mulders, Peter Cr.; Redlich, Ronny; Dannlowski, Udo; Erhan, Kavakbasi; Kritzer, Michael D.; Ellard, Kristen K.; Camprodon, Joan A.; Petrides, Georgios; Malhotra, Anil K.; Abbott, Christopher C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Neurostimulation is a mainstream treatment option for major depression. Neuromodulation techniques apply repetitive magnetic or electrical stimulation to some neural target but significantly differ in their invasiveness, ...
    • Quality indicators and early adverse in surgery for atypical meningiomas: A 16-year single centre study and systematic review of the literature 

      Schipmann, Stephanie; Sletvold, Truls P.; Wollertsen, Yvonne; Schwake, Michael; Raknes, Ingrid Cecilie; Miletic, Hrvoje; Mahesparan, Rupavathana (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Introduction Atypical meningiomas represent approximately 20% of all intracranial meningiomas and are characterized by distinct histopathological criteria and an increased risk of postoperative recurrence. Recently, ...
    • The effects of phenylalanine and tyrosine levels on dopamine production in rat PC12 cells. Implications for treatment of phenylketonuria, tyrosinemia type 1 and comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders 

      Szigetvari, Peter Daniel; Patil, Sudarshan; Birkeland, Even; Kleppe, Rune; Haavik, Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene, resulting in phenylalanine accumulation and impaired tyrosine production. In Tyrosinemia ...
    • Identification of a core EMT signature that separates basal-like breast cancers into partial- and post-EMT subtypes 

      Knutsen, Erik; Sajib, Saikat Das; Fiskaa, Tonje; Lorens, James Bradley; Gudjonsson, Thorarinn; Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari; Johansen, Steinar Daae; Seternes, Ole Morten; Perander, Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a cellular plasticity program critical for embryonic development and tissue regeneration, and aberrant EMT is associated with disease including cancer. The high degree of plasticity ...
    • Cardiac Involvement in Systemic and Local Vasculitides: The Value of Noninvasive Multimodality Imaging 

      Mohamed Ali, Abukar; Yakupoglu, H. Yakup; Fuchs, Tobias A.; Larsen, Terje Hjalmar; Aukrust, Pål; Gunnarsson, Ragnar; Saeed, Sahrai (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Despite significant advances in managing systemic vasculitides, cardiovascular morbidity, and mortality are still of primary concern. Advances in noninvasive imaging have broadened our understanding of the clinical ...
    • Task-based functional connectivity reveals aberrance with the salience network during emotional interference in late-life depression 

      Almdahl, Ina Selseth; Martinussen, Liva Jenny; Ousdal, Olga Therese; Kraus, Miroslawa; Sowa, Piotr; Agartz, Ingrid; Korsnes, Maria Stylianou (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Objectives Late-life depression (LLD) is a common and debilitating disorder. Previously, resting-state studies have revealed abnormal functional connectivity (FC) of brain networks in LLD. Since LLD is associated with ...
    • Comprehensive analysis of PSMD family members and validation of PSMD9 as a potential therapeutic target in human glioblastoma 

      Li, Yaquan; Liu, Xuemeng; Zhao, Feihu; Zhao, Zhimin; Li, Xingang; Wang, Jian; Huang, Bin; Chen, Anjing (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Aims PSMD family members, as important components of the 26S proteasome, are well known to be involved in protein degradation. However, their role in glioblastoma (GBM) has not been rigorously investigated. We aimed to ...
    • Protein target highlights in CASP15: Analysis of models by structure providers 

      Alexander, Leila T.; Durairaj, Janani; Kryshtafovych, Andriy; Abriata, Luciano A.; Bayo, Yusupha; Bhabha, Gira; Breyton, Cécile; Caulton, Simon G.; Chen, James; Degroux, Séraphine; Ekiert, Damian C.; Erlandsen, Benedikte S.; Freddolino, Peter L.; Gilzer, Dominic; Greening, Chris; Grimes, Jonathan M.; Grinter, Rhys; Gurusaran, Manickam; Hartmann, Marcus D.; Hitchman, Charlie J.; Keown, Jeremy R.; Kropp, Ashleigh; Kursula, Petri Tapani; Lovering, Andrew L.; Lemaitre, Bruno; Lia, Andrea; Liu, Shiheng; Logotheti, Maria; Lu, Shuze; Markusson, Sigurbjörn; Miller, Mitchell D.; Minasov, George; Niemann, Hartmut H.; Opazo, Felipe; Phillips, George N.; Davies, Owen R.; Rommelaere, Samuel; Rosas-Lemus, Monica; Roversi, Pietro; Satchell, Karla; Smith, Nathan; Wilson, Mark A.; Wu, Kuan-Lin; Xia, Xian; Xiao, Han; Zhang, Wenhua; Zhou, Z. Hong; Fidelis, Krzysztof; Topf, Maya; Moult, John; Schwede, Torsten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We present an in-depth analysis of selected CASP15 targets, focusing on their biological and functional significance. The authors of the structures identify and discuss key protein features and evaluate how effectively ...
    • VEGF-B hypertrophy predisposes to transition from diastolic to systolic heart failure in hypertensive rats 

      Samuelsson, Anne-Maj; Bartolomaeus, Theda Ulrike Patricia; Anandakumar, Harithaa; Thowsen, Irene Matre; Nikpey, Elham; Han, Jianhua; Marko, Lajos; Finne, Kenneth; Tenstad, Olav; Eckstein, Johannes; Berndt, Nikolaus; Kühne, Titus; Kedziora, Sarah; Sultan, Ibrahim; Skogstrand, Trude; Karlsen, Tine Veronica; Nurmi, Harri; Forslund, Sofia K.; Bollano, Entela; Alitalo, Kari; Muller, Dominik N.; Wiig, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Aims: Cardiac energy metabolism is centrally involved in heart failure (HF), although the direction of the metabolic alterations is complex and likely dependent on the particular stage of HF progression. Vascular endothelial ...
    • Feasibility of deep learning-based tumor segmentation for target delineation and response assessment in grade-4 glioma using multi-parametric MRI 

      Hannisdal, Marianne Hjellvik; Goplen, Dorota; Alam, Saruar; Haász, Judit; Oltedal, Leif; Rahman, Mohummad Aminur; Rygh, Cecilie Brekke; Lie, Stein Atle; Lundervold, Arvid; Enger, Martha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Tumor burden assessment is essential for radiation therapy (RT), treatment response evaluation, and clinical decision-making. However, manual tumor delineation remains laborious and challenging due to ...
    • PARP14 is a PARP with both ADP-ribosyl transferase and hydrolase activities 

      Đukić, Nina; Strømland, Øyvind; Elsborg, Jonas Damgaard; Munnur, Deeksha; Zhu, Kang; Schuller, Marion; Chatrin, Chatrin; Kar, Pulak; Duma, Lena; Suyari, Osamu; Rack, Johannes Gregor Matthias; Baretić, Domagoj; Crudgington, Dorian Richard Kenneth; Groslambert, Joséphine; Fowler, Gerissa; Wijngaarden, Sven; Prokhorova, Evgeniia; Rehwinkel, Jan; Schüler, Herwig; Filippov, Dmitri V.; Sanyal, Sumana; Ahel, Dragana; Nielsen, Michael L.; Smith, Rebecca; Ahel, Ivan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      PARP14 is a mono–ADP-ribosyl transferase involved in the control of immunity, transcription, and DNA replication stress management. However, little is known about the ADP-ribosylation activity of PARP14, including its ...
    • Loss of N-terminal acetyltransferase A activity induces thermally unstable ribosomal proteins and increases their turnover in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 

      Guzman, Ulises H.; Aksnes, Henriette; Ree, Rasmus; Krogh, Nicolai; Jakobsson, Magnus; Jensen, Lars J.; Arnesen, Thomas; Olsen, Jesper V. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Protein N-terminal (Nt) acetylation is one of the most abundant modifications in eukaryotes, covering ~50-80 % of the proteome, depending on species. Cells with defective Nt-acetylation display a wide array of phenotypes ...
    • GAP43-dependent mitochondria transfer from astrocytes enhances glioblastoma tumorigenicity 

      Watson, Dionysios C.; Bayik, Defne; Storevik, Simon Humberto; Moreino, Shannon Sherwin; Sprowls, Samuel A.; Han, Jianhua; Augustsson, Mina Thue; Lauko, Adam; Sravya, Palavalasa; Røsland, Gro Vatne; Troike, Katie; Tronstad, Karl Johan; Wang, Sabrina; Sarnow, Katharina; Kay, Kristen; Lunavat, Taral; Silver, Daniel J.; Dayal, Sahil; Vareecal Joseph, Justin; Mulkearns-Hubert, Erin; Ystaas, Lars Andreas Rømo; Deshpande, Gauravi; Guyon, Joris; Zhou, Yadi; Magaut, Capucine R.; Seder, Juliana; Neises, Laura; Williford, Sarah E.; Meiser, Johannes; Scott, Andrew J.; Sajjakulnukit, Peter; Mears, Jason A.; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Chakraborty, Abhishek; Daubon, Thomas; Cheng, Feixiong; Lyssiotis, Costas A.; Wahl, Daniel R.; Hjelmeland, Anita B.; Hossain, Md Jubayer al; Miletic, Hrvoje; Lathia, Justin D. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The transfer of intact mitochondria between heterogeneous cell types has been confirmed in various settings, including cancer. However, the functional implications of mitochondria transfer on tumor biology are poorly ...
    • Inhibition of extracellular vesicle-derived miR-146a-5p decreases progression of melanoma brain metastasis via Notch pathway dysregulation in astrocytes 

      Rigg, Emma Kayleigh; Wang, Jiwei; Xue, Zhiwei; Lunavat, Taral; Liu, Guowei; Hoang, Tuyen; Parajuli, Himalaya; Han, Mingzhi; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Nazarov, Petr V.; Nicot, Nathalie; Kreis, Stephanie; Margue, Christiane; Nomigni, Miléne Tetsi; Utikal, Jochen; Miletic, Hrvoje; Sundstrøm, Terje; Ystaas, Lars Andreas Rømo; Li, Xingang; Thorsen, Frits (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Melanoma has the highest propensity of all cancers to metastasize to the brain with a large percentage of late-stage patients developing metastases in the central nervous system (CNS). It is well known that metastasis ...