• AXL Targeting Abrogates Autophagic Flux and Induces Immunogenic Cell Death in Drug-Resistant Cancer Cells 

      Lotsberg, Maria Lie; Wnuk-Lipinska, Katarzyna; Terry, Stéphane; Tan, Tuan Zea; Lu, Ning; Trachsel-Moncho, Laura; Røsland, Gro Vatne; Siraji, Muntequa Ishtiaq; Hellesøy, Monica; Rayford, Austin James; Jacobsen, Kirstine; Ditzel, Henrik J; Vintermyr, Olav Karsten; Bivona, Trever G; Minna, John; Brekken, Rolf A; Baguley, Bruce; Micklem, David; Akslen, Lars A.; Gausdal, Gro; Simonsen, Anne; Thiery, Jean Paul; Chouaib, Salem; Lorens, James; Engelsen, Agnete (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Introduction Acquired cancer therapy resistance evolves under selection pressure of immune surveillance and favors mechanisms that promote drug resistance through cell survival and immune evasion. AXL receptor tyrosine ...
    • Fibroblast EXT1-Levels Influence Tumor Cell Proliferation and Migration in Composite Spheroids 

      Österholm, Cecilia; Lu, Ning; Lidén, Åsa; Karlsen, Tine V.; Gullberg, Donald; Reed, Rolf K.; Kusche-Gullberg, Marion (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-07-25)
      Background: Stromal fibroblasts are important determinants of tumor cell behavior. They act to condition the tumor microenvironment, influence tumor growth, support tumor angiogenesis and affect tumor metastasis. Heparan ...
    • Fibroblast α11β1 Integrin Regulates Tensional Homeostasis in Fibroblast/A549 Carcinoma Heterospheroids 

      Lu, Ning; Karlsen, Tine Veronica; Reed, Rolf K.; Kusche-Gullberg, Marion; Gullberg, Donald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-07-30)
      We have previously shown that fibroblast expression of α11β1 integrin stimulates A549 carcinoma cell growth in a xenograft tumor model. To understand the molecular mechanisms whereby a collagen receptor on fibroblast can ...
    • Generation of a novel mouse strain with fibroblast-specific expression of Cre recombinase 

      Alam, Jahedul; Musiime, Moses; Romaine, Andreas; Sawant, Mugdha; Melleby, Arne Olav; Lu, Ning; Eckes, Beate; Christensen, Geir; Gullberg, Donald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Cell-specific expression of genes offers the possibility to use their promoters to drive expression of Cre-recombinase, thereby allowing for detailed expression analysis using reporter gene systems, cell lineage tracing, ...
    • Human organotypic airway and lung organoid cells of bronchiolar and alveolar differentiation are permissive to infection by influenza and SARS-CoV-2 respiratory virus 

      Ekanger, Camilla Tvedt; Zhou, Fan; Bohan, Dana; Lotsberg, Maria Lie; Ramnefjell, Maria; Hoareau, Laurence; Røsland, Gro Vatne; Lu, Ning; Aanerud, Marianne; Gärtner, Fabian; Salminen, Pirjo-Riitta; Bentsen, Mariann; Halvorsen, Thomas; Ræder, Helge; Akslen, Lars Andreas; Langeland, Nina; Brokstad, Rebecca Jane Cox; Maury, Wendy; Stuhr, Linda Elin Birkhaug; Lorens, James; Engelsen, Agnete Svendsen Tenfjord (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to the initiation of unprecedented research efforts to understand the pathogenesis mediated by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). ...
    • Integrin α11 cytoplasmic tail is required for FAK activation to initiate 3D cell invasion and ERK-mediated cell proliferation 

      Murugan Erusappan, Pugazendhi; Alam, Jahedul; Lu, Ning; Zeltz, Cedric; Gullberg, Donald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Integrin α11β1 is a collagen-binding integrin, which is receiving increasing attention in the context of wound healing and fibrosis. Although α11β1 integrin displays similar collagen specificity to α2β1 integrin, both ...
    • Integrin α11β1 in tumor fibrosis: more than just another cancer-associated fibroblast biomarker? 

      Zeltz, Cedric; Navab, Roya; Heljasvaara, Ritva Leena; Gullberg, Marion Kusche; Lu, Ning; Tsao, Ming-Sound; Gullberg, Elon Donald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      There is currently an increased interest in understanding the role of the tumor microenvironment (TME) in tumor growth and progression. In this context the role of integrins in cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) will ...
    • Integrin α11β1 is a receptor for collagen XIII 

      Koivunen, Jarkko; Tu, Hongmin; Kemppainen, Antti; Anbazhagan, Padmanabhan; Finnilä, Mikko A; Saarakkala, Simo; Käpylä, Jarmo; Lu, Ning; Heikkinen, Anne; Juffer, André H; Heino, Jyrki; Gullberg, Donald; Taina, Pihlajaniemi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Collagen XIII is a conserved transmembrane collagen mainly expressed in mesenchymal tissues. Previously, we have shown that collagen XIII modulates tissue development and homeostasis. Integrins are a family of receptors ...
    • Oxygen-dependent regulation of tumor growth and metastasis in human breast cancer xenografts 

      Sletta, Kristine Yttersian; Tveitarås, Maria Kathrine; Lu, Ning; Svendsen, Agnete; Reed, Rolf K.; Garmann-Johnsen, Annette; Stuhr, Linda Elin Birkhaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-08-23)
      Background: Tumor hypoxia is relevant for tumor growth, metabolism, resistance to chemotherapy and metastasis. We have previously shown that hyperoxia, using hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT), attenuates tumor growth and ...
    • Stromal integrin α11-deficiency reduces interstitial fluid pressure and perturbs collagen structure in triple-negative breast xenograft tumors 

      Smeland, Hilde Ytre-Hauge; Lu, Ning; Karlsen, Tine Veronica; Salvesen, Gerd Signe; Reed, Rolf K.; Stuhr, Linda Elin Birkhaug (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-03-15)
      Background: Cancer progression is influenced by a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment. The aberrant tumor stroma with increased collagen deposition, contractile fibroblasts and dysfunctional vessels has a major impact on the ...
    • α11β1 integrin is induced in a subset of cancer- associated fibroblasts in desmoplastic tumor stroma and mediates in vitro cell migration 

      Zeltz, Cedric; Alam, Jahedul; Liu, Hengshuo; Erusappan, Pugazendhi M; Hoschuetzky, Heinz; Molven, Anders; Parajuli, Himalaya; Cukierman, Edna; Costea, Daniela Elena; Lu, Ning; Gullberg, Donald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-06-01)
      Integrin α11β1 is a collagen receptor that has been reported to be overexpressed in the stroma of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). In the current study, we further ...