“The Bear Ceremonial” and bear rituals among the Khanty and the Sami
Original version
In: Grimm, O. (ed.), Bear and Human : facets of a Multi-Layered Relationship from Past to Recent Times, with Emphasis on Northern Europe, 677-691. https://doi.org/10.1484/M.TANE-EB.5.134356Abstract
Researchers from different fields of study agree on the importance of comparison, but debate how to compare. Rather than comparing globally, on the basis of secondary literature and looking for similarities alone, this article argues for a limitative approach that restricts itself to just a few cultures, is based on local sources, and takes both resemblances and differences into account. In contrast to the idea of a uniform and transcultural bear ceremonial in northern Eurasia, it focuses on plurality and diversity when discussing and comparing the bear rituals found among the southern Khanty (about 1900) and the southern Sami (about 1750).