Browsing Department of Sociology by Title
Now showing items 300-319 of 444
Paid and unpaid work in the Norwegian Welfare state - the case of the lone mother allowance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)In much of the literature, the Nordic states are presented as models for womanfriendly and gender equality policy. Differences between the gendered dimensions among the Nordic countries are less frequently explored. From ... -
The paradox of control: An ethnographic analysis of opiate maintenance treatment in a Norwegian prison
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-08)Background: Opiate maintenance treatment (OMT) is increasingly being offered in prisons throughout Europe. The benefits of OMT in prison have been found to be similar to those produced by OMT in community settings. However, ... -
The Paradox of Poverty Research: Why is Extreme Poverty not in Focus?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008)Relevant and reliable knowledge based on research is indispensable if extreme poverty is to be combatted. It is a paradox that three of the most significant paradigms in poverty research fail to focus directly on extreme ... -
Parasosiale relasjoner på YouTube - en studie av forholdet mellom YouTube-kjendisen Zoe "Zoella" Sugg og hennes publikum
(Master thesis, 2016-09-01)Denne oppgaven tar sikte på å studere den nye utviklingen innenfor kjendiskulturen og fokuserer på en ny type kjendis som har vokst frem ved hjelp av Internett og sosiale medier. Jeg har utforsket mikrokjendisbegrepet til ... -
Parlamentets natur. Utviklingen av norsk miljø- og petroleumspolitikk (1945–2013)
(Book; Peer reviewed, 2017)Sociology as a discipline is concerned with relationships. The relationship addressed in this book, is the one between society and nature. More specifically, the process of making pollution and the environmental condition ... -
Parlamentets natur: Produksjonen av en legitim miljø- og petroleumspolitikk (1945–2013)
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-05-20)Sociology as a discipline is concerned with relationships. The relationship addressed in this thesis, is the one between society and nature. More specifically, the process of making pollution and the environmental condition ... -
Participation of the poor in civil society
(Chapter, 1996) -
The passport: A perception of risk on mobility -A Documentary Analysis of the passport from a Norwegian view
(Master thesis, 2016-03-30)The passport is an item that most people take for granted; it is internalised in the population that the world constitute of a myriad of nation-states dictating laws that are controlling and inhibiting people's movements ... -
På veg mot ei ny dansk maktutgreing; makt, hierarki og ulikskap i ein egalitær kontekst.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Maktutgreiingar har vore noko av eit sær-skandinavisk fenomen, med eigne utgreiingar i både Noreg (1972-82 og 1997-2003), Sverige (1985-1990) og Danmark (1997-2003).1 I alle desse prosjekta har koplinga mellom makt og ... -
Penger eller legitimitet – spillet om spilleautomatene.
(Master thesis, 2006) -
PIONEERED: Elaborating the link between social and educational policies for tackling educational inequalities in Europe
(Journal article, 2021)Although a number of policies tackling educational inequalities have been introduced in recent decades in Europe, educational inequalities exist to a varying extent both in different sub- and supranational contexts. In ... -
Policyprofesjonelle i Norge - En analyse av tenketanker, PR-byråer og regjeringsrådgivere i et interstitielt policyprofesjonelt felt
(Master thesis, 2017-06-16)Denne masteroppgaven handler om policyprofesjonelle i Norge. Dette er en gruppe mennesker som det er forsket lite på, men som kan sies å ha mye makt til å påvirke offentlige beslutninger på ulike måter. Hovedproblemstillingen ... -
The Political Game of Social Policy Making
(Chapter, 1990) -
Political motivations for intra-European migration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08-07)Motivations for migrating within the European Union have mainly been attributed to economic, career and lifestyle choices. This article suggests that political dissatisfaction is also an important motivator of recent ... -
The Politics of Comprehensive School Reforms: Cleavages and Coalitions
(Cambridge Studies in the Comparative Politics of Education;, Book, 2022) -
The polyscopic landscape of povert research. "State of the art" in International Poverty Research. An overview and 6 in-depth studies.
(Research report, 2005)In August 2004 the Research Council of Norway announced tenders for a “State-of-the-art”report within international poverty research, with special focus on institutions and rights. TheResearch Council wanted the report to ... -
Poverty production: a different approach to poverty understanding
(Chapter, 2004)Poverty understanding and poverty research can be said to have gone throughroughly three phases: Tale-telling, studies with a client focus as well as developmentresearch, and knowledge building about poverty reduction. ... -
Poverty production: a different approach to poverty understanding
(Chapter, 2005) -
Poverty Research Rethought
(Chapter, 1996) -
Power, resistance and development in the global south: notes towards a critical research agenda
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-09)This article engages with radical critiques of the Eurocentric grammar of development discourses. I start from a position of considerable sympathy with their appreciation of the discursive dimensions of power that attach ...