Blar i Department of Clinical Psychology på utgivelsesdato
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Det gløymde objekt. Om psykodynamisk tilnærming til religiøse tema i terapi
(Master thesis, 2000)This paper is built upon the assumption that religiosity is an important dimension in human mental life, and that this dimension shouldn‘t be excluded from therapy. It is maintained that recent changes in psychodynamic ... -
Beck Anxiety Inventory: translation and validation of a Norwegian version
(Master thesis, 2001)This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in a community sample of 879 respondents and two student samples of a total of 408 respondents. Scores on the ... -
Parent Management Training - en foreldreveiledningsmetodefor behandling av barn med atferdsproblemer. Teori, behandlingsprogram og implementering i Norge
(Master thesis, 2001)Antisocial behavior is arguably one of the most comprehensive and expensive diseases in child psychiatry. Parent Management Training-Oregon (PMT-O), a treatment and prevention program for families with children with ... -
Spilleavhengighet. En litteraturstudie med vekt på behandlingsmetoder, supplert med en spørreundersøkelse blant psykologer
(Master thesis, 2001)It is recoqnised that pathological gambling causes significant health problems (APA, 2000). Gambling comes to dominate the individual´s life to the detriment of social, occupational, material, and family values and commitment. ... -
Cognitive Activity in Insomnia
(Master thesis, 2002)The study investigated the causal relationship between worry and insomnia. A 2 x 2 design (Worry x Induced sleeplessness) with repeated measures was employed. In all 96 female undergraduate students who scored high or low ... -
Ambivalens - hemmende eller fremmende i terapi? En teoretisk undersøkelse av ambivalensbegrepet i motiverende intervju
(Master thesis, 2003)The present work explores and discusses theoretical questions in relation to different functional descriptions of ambivalence in Miller and Rollnick’s (2002) presentation of motivational interviewing (MI). There seems to ... -
Evidensbaserte relasjoner: En litteraturgjennomgang av temaet pasient og terapimatching
(Master thesis, 2004)The relational context has proven to be the most important factor for positive change in therapy. That does not exclude more specific factors from being of significant value for therapy outcome. Studies of comparison ... -
Psykososiale tiltak ved store ulykker og katastrofer
(Rapport fra Kunnskapssenteret, Research report, 2006)In September 2004, the Directorate for Health and Social Affairs commissioned the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services to do a systematic review of the effects of psychosocial interventions after crises, ... -
Insomnia in older adults Consequences, assessment and treatment
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-11-23)Objective: Insomnia is one of the most common conditions in older adults, affecting almost one third of adults aged 55 years or older. Insomnia has been linked to a number of individual adverse medical and psychological ... -
Clinical Significance of Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) in Insomnia Patients
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2008) -
Being a therapist in difficult therapeutic impasses: A hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis of skilled psychotherapists’ experiences, needs, and strategies in difficult therapies ending well
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-03-08)The aim of this thesis is to explore from the first person perspective the experiences of processes involved in difficult therapies that are resolved constructively. The methodological approach towards this aim is qualitative ... -
Internet-based self-help for social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Factors associated with effect and use of self-help
(Doctoral thesis, 2011-11-08)Studies have documented the effect of self-help interventions for social anxiety disorder and panic disorder, and self-help interventions have been proposed as a way to improve access to psychological interventions for ... -
Obstructive sleep apnea, verbal memory, and executive function in a community-based high-risk population identified by the Berlin Questionnaire Akershus Sleep Apnea Project
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Purpose: Cognitive functions in community-dwelling adults at high risk of obstructive sleep apnea have not been described and nor are associations between cognitive functions and obstructive sleep apnea severity fully ... -
Mortality and health-related quality of life in prevalent dialysis patients: Comparison between 12-items and 36-items short-form health survey
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-05-06)Background: To assess health- related quality of life (HRQOL) with SF-12 and SF-36 and compare their abilities to predict mortality in chronic dialysis patients, after adjusting for traditional risk factors. Methods: The ... -
Comparing Physical Exercise in Groups to Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for the Treatment of Panic Disorder in a Randomized Controlled Trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-07-05)Background: Previous studies have suggested that physical exercise can reduce symptoms for subjects suffering from panic disorder (PD). The efficacy of this intervention has so far not been compared to an established ... -
Sleep problems in Parkinson’s disease: a community-based study in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-08-10)Background: The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of sleep problems in a community-based sample of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in Norway, and their associated factors. Methods: 176 consecutive ... -
How I found out I had a bipolar disorder: A reflexive-collaborative exploration of the process of identifying that one is struggling with a severe mental health problem
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Research indicates that it may take up to 10 years between onset of symptoms of bipolar disorder and receiving correct diagnosis and treatment. What is this period like? How do individuals experience the process of discovering ... -
Socioeconomic status and child mental health: The role of parental emotional well-being and parenting practices
(Journal article, 2013)Objective: This study examined the role of parental emotional well-being and parenting practices as mediators of the association between familial socioeconomic status (SES) and child mental health problems. Method: The ... -
Mental disorders in foster children: a study of prevalence, comorbidity and risk factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Background: The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence of mental disorders in 6- to 12-year-old foster children and assess comorbidity and risk factors. Methods: Information on mental health was collected from ... -
Professionals’ Experiences of the Relations between Personal History and Professional Role
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)The purpose of this paper is to explore whether and how workers in a crisis resolution home treatment (CRHT) team experience the relationship between their personal history and professional role. This paper is based on 13 ...