Browsing Department of Philosophy by Title
Now showing items 131-150 of 266
Jakten på et fagfelt: den skandinaviske kvinne- og kjønnshistoriens fremvekst i skjæringsfeltet mellom historieforskning og kvinne- og kjønnsforskning
(Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-20)The roots of women’s and gender history have been places within social history, interdisciplinary women’s and gender research, and within 1970s and 1980s new women’s movement. Which of these roots gets emphasised and why, ... -
Judicial review and its discontents: Is judicial review democratically legitimate?
(Master thesis, 2017-12-20) -
Justifying International Legal Human Rights
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Kan sjølvmord vere rasjonelle? Og i så fall, kva vil det seie for nullvisjonen for sjølvmord?
(Master thesis, 2023-09-01)I 2020 fremja regjeringa ein nullvisjon for sjølvmord i Noreg. I denne avhandlinga argumenterer eg for at eit normativt ideal om null sjølvmord ikkje kan vere riktig, då rasjonelle sjølvmord faktisk er moglege. For å ... -
Kant og stemmeretten
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Denne artikkelen er et bidrag til debatten om velgeres moralske ansvar. Kristian Skagen Ekeli har i to artikler argumentert for at uvitende borgere har en plikt til ikke å stemme, noe han begrunner ut fra en kantiansk ... -
Kant und Treschow
(Lecture, 2007) -
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Denne artikkelen diskuterer klimamoralismens moralske berettigelse. Ifølge et tradisjonelt og relativt utbredt syn i dag, er moralisme og moralisering noe iboende negativt. Jeg gir en forklaring på moralismens dårlige rykte ... -
Knowledge production in experimental molecular medicine Primers for a reflexive life knowledge.
(Master thesis, 2011-09-01)Experimental molecular medicine has developed into a major scientific discipline. It has during the last 60 years had significant impact on health, and disease, and on the understanding of life. The main aim of this study ... -
Kritikk av den rene tidsdiskontering
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Artikkelen gir en innføring i og bidrar til å klargjøre debatten om ren tidsdiskontering i kostnad-nytte-analyser. Denne klargjøringen er viktig fordi debatten om ren tidsdiskontering preges av ulik systematikk, ulik ... -
Limits to Levels in the Methodological Individualism-Holism Debate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)It is currently common to conceive of the classic methodological individualism–holism debate in level terms. Accordingly, the dispute is taken to concern the proper level of explanations in the social sciences. In this ... -
Linguïculture: Thomas A. Sebeok as a revolutionary ethnographer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Sebeok started his career as an ethnographer, focusing on the verbal art of anthropology to describe the cultures associated with then-called “primitive” languages. He followed Bloomfield’s linguistics to study Boas’ ... -
The Link between Subsistence and Human Rights
(Chapter, 2020)This chapter constitutes an exploration and evaluation of the so-called “linkage argument” in support of the inclusion of a right to subsistence among human rights. While it is uncontroversial that avoiding poverty is ... -
Logical contextualism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This paper outlines a contextualist version of logical pluralism. One motivation for this idea comes from a desire to block a principal argument against pluralism called ‘the meaning-variance objection’. The paper also ... -
Logical Instrumentalism and Anti-exceptionalism about Logic
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper critically examines logical instrumentalism as it has been put forth recently in the anti-exceptionalism about logic debate. I will argue that if one wishes to uphold the claim that logic is significantly similar ... -
Logical Nihilism and the logic of 'prem'.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)As the final component of a chain of reasoning intended to take us all the way to logical nihilism, Russell (2018) presents the atomic sentence ‘prem’ which is supposed to be true when featuring as premise in an argument ... -
Logical Predictivism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08)Motivated by weaknesses with traditional accounts of logical epistemology, considerable attention has been paid recently to the view, known as anti-exceptionalism about logic (AEL), that the subject matter and epistemology ... -
Looking and Making Visible
(Chapter, 2023)Drawing has been seen as the most intellectual in character among the forms of art, and croquis drawing has been taught within an academic and scientific framework, as theoretical knowledge about the human body was considered ... -
Love Redirected: On Adam Smith's Love of Praiseworthiness
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Why be moral? Why, in the language of Adam Smith, act on what you think is praiseworthy even when it does not get you praise from other people? Because, answers Smith, you love praiseworthiness. But what is this love of ... -
Ludwig Wittgenstein and Us 'Typical Western Scientists'
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2015)This piece continues my efforts to identify the link between the Philosophical Investigations’ (PI) criss-cross form and its conception of philosophy and philosophical methods. In my ‘The Philosophical Investigations and ... -
Makt, frihet og subjektivitet hos Michel Foucault
(Master thesis, 2010-05-20)Makt, frihet og subjektivitet forstås ofte som gjensidig avgrensende størrelser. Makt forstås som grensedragning for subjektets frihet. I denne oppgaven problematiserer jeg denne forestillingen med utgangspunkt i Michel ...