Browsing Department of Philosophy by Title
Now showing items 250-266 of 266
Vagueness in emergent levels
(Master thesis, 2017-06-22)I denne tesen, så skal jeg presentere filosfisk emergens, og argumentere for at det er for vagt. Jeg vil gi et overblikk i både vaghet og emergens, med fokus på teorier om emergente nivåer. Jeg vil så argumentere for at ... -
Valuing the Length of Lives in Public Health and Beyond
(Doctoral thesis, 2024-08-26)Denne avhandlinga undersøker nokon normative problem som oppstår som følge av forskjellar i livslengder. Sjølv om personar i vår samtid lever lengre enn gong før i historia, er det framleis usikkert om ein gitt person ... -
Variable relativity of causation is good
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Interventionism is a theory of causation with a pragmatic goal: to define causal concepts that are useful for reasoning about how things could, in principle, be purposely manipulated. In its original presentation, Woodward’s ... -
Veien til væren : En eksistensiell vandring gjennom Heideggers værenstenkning
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)Til grunn for hele Martin Heideggers filosofiske virke ligger hans spørren etter væren. Slik Heidegger av mange regnes som en av de viktigste tenkere i det tjuende århundres kontinentalfilosofi, er dette først og fremst i ... -
Viser zombie-argumentet at fysikalisme er en inadekvat teori? Does the zombieargument show that physicalism is inadequate?
(Master thesis, 2016-11-30)I denne masteravhandlingen har jeg presentert og analysert fysikalisme med det mål å finne en formulering som er både nødvendig og tilstrekkelig, slik at den uttrykker minimal fysikalisme. Jeg ender opp med en formulering ... -
The weak variable sharing property
(Journal article, 2023)An algebraic type of structure is shown forth which is such that if it is a characteristic matrix for a logic, then that logic satisfies Meyer's weak variable sharing property. As a corollary, it is shown that RM and all ... -
What Is Transcription, Really?
(Chapter, 1993-06) -
What is Wrong with Blind Necessity? Schelling’s Critique of Spinoza’s Necessitarianism in the Freedom Essay
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Spinoza’s necessitarianism—the doctrine that everything that is actual is necessary—is an important matter of debate in German Idealism. I examine Schelling’s discussion of Spinoza’s necessitarianism in his 1809 Freedom ... -
Why the Moral Equality Account of Hypocrisy Does Not Fail After All
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The Moral Equality Account of Hypocrisy (ME) is a prominent theory of why hypocrites lack moral standing to blame. Hypocrites make exceptions for themselves and thereby implicitly deny moral equality, which is an essential ... -
Wittgenstein and His Literary Executors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Rush Rhees, Georg Henrik von Wright and Elizabeth Anscombe are well known as the literary executors who made Ludwig Wittgenstein’s later philosophy available to all interested readers. Their editions of Wittgenstein’s ... -
Wittgenstein in (Self-)Translation
(Colecao CLE, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-02) -
Wittgenstein on 'Imaginability' as a Criterion for Logical Possiblity in 'The Big Typescript'
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Throughout his whole work, Wittgenstein seizes on a distinction between logical and physical possibility, and impossibility. Despite this continuity and although, Wittgenstein brings in this distinction in various contexts ... -
Wittgenstein on Mathematical Symbolism: A Response to Stenlund’s Historical Interpretation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In recent work, Sören Stenlund (2015) contextualizes Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics as aligned with the tradition of symbolic mathematics. In the early modern era, mathematicians began using purely formal methods ... -
Wittgenstein on the Anthropological Grounds of Mathematics
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-12-01)Ludwig Wittgensteins senere syn på matematikk har vært gjenstand for omfattende debatt innenfor filosofien. Denne avhandlingen tar for seg en kritisk gjennomgang av forskjellige alternative tolkninger av de relevante ... -
Wittgenstein on understanding: language, calculus and practice
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Wittgensteins Nachlaß
(Information Philosophie 4, Journal article, 1993-10) -
Xenophobia, Political Society and the Mechanism of the Imitation of Affects
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)