Browsing Department of Education by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 379
Case-based teacher education preparing for diagnostic judgement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)An integrated part of teaching is to face unexpected situations. Teachers have to make immediate decisions, and these decisions may have a great impact on many people. An important question is how teacher education can ... -
Cause for concern? The value of practical knowledge in professional education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The aim of this paper is to explore how practical knowledge can enhance higher education and Bildung for the human service professions. The paper sheds light on how governance reforms such as New Public Management have ... -
A Childhood at Refuges. Children with multiple relocations at refuges for abused women
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-06-20)Domestic violence interrupts the home environment and relations of many families, causing thousands of mothers and children yearly to flee home and seek protection in refuges for abused women.1 Some children may experience ... -
Citizenship to (counter)terrorism: The need to de-securitise the Norwegian education system and create space for democratic resilience
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Education for citizenship has been the subject of growing policy and research attention since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Yet, alongside conventional assumptions that school can help young learners develop ... -
Classroom Achievement Goal Structure, School Engagement, and Substance Use Among 10th Grade Students in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)The present study was aimed at investigating the relationships between students’ perceived classroom achievement goals, school engagement and substance use in terms of smoking and drinking, and at investigating gender ... -
Clicker Interventions at University Lectures and the Feedback Gap
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The article presents a mixed methods study on clicker interventions conducted in collaboration with four philosophy teachers at fourteen university lectures. The aim was to examine how feedback from the interventions were ... -
Clickers and Formative Feedback at University Lectures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-01)Lecturing is often criticized for being a monological and student passive way of teaching. However, digital technology such as Student Response Systems (SRS) can be used to reconstruct the traditional lecturing format. ... -
Creating Spaces for Formative Feedback in Lectures : Understanding how use of educational technology can support formative assessment in lectures in higher education
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-03-06)In this thesis, I examine how the use of educational technology has the potential to create moments of contingency and, through those moments, to transform the premises for formative assessment in lectures. The main research ... -
"Da vet du at det er de jentene, liksom". Læring og identitetsutvikling i spenningsfeltet mellom majoritetsfelleskapet og minoritetsfellesskapet
(Master thesis, 2003)Fra sammendrag: Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ studie av en flerkulturell klasse med hovedfokuset på en jentegruppe bestående av fire pakistanske jenter og deres opplevelser av skolen som læringsarena med utgangspunkt i ... -
Deltakelse, muligheter og utenforskap i kunnskapssamfunnet -en studie av narrative konstruksjoner i utvalgte Meldinger til Stortinget
(Master thesis, 2019-07-02)Dette prosjektet undersøker hvordan narrative konstruksjoner av relasjonen mellom utdanning, arbeid og utenforskap kommer til uttrykk i utvalgte Meldinger til Stortinget. Disse er: St.meld. nr. 16 (2006-2007) …og ingen ... -
Deltakerbaner i psykologutdanningen en femårs oppfølging av psykologistudenter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)I denne longitudinelle intervjustudien undersøkte vi hvordan syv psykologistudenter opplevde den seksårige prosessen med å bli innført i psykologprofesjonen ved et lærested i Norge. Vi analyserte de sosialfaglige handlingene ... -
The Democratic Duty to Educate Oneself
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-11-12)I argue that democratic citizens have a duty to educate themselves politically. My argument proceeds in two stages. First, I establish a case for the moral importance of individual competence for voting, but also maintain ... -
Den omsorgsfulle væremåte: En studie av voksnes væremåte i forhold til barn i barnehagen
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-01-29)In Norway, children who attend a kindergarten have a legal right to receive care. This legal right is the juridical context of the present study and I describe care as a legal “shall”-obligation for adults in kindergarten. ... -
Dental students’ professional communication skills: Using a student response system and peer discussion to raise awareness of the importance of good professional communication skills in practice periods
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In large lectures in education of dentists there is often less dialogue and communication between students and the instructors, and several studies have found that traditional lecturing in such lectures is ineffective in ... -
Depoliticising political violence: state-centric and individualised discourses in the Norwegian counterterrorism policy field
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Over the past decades, emerging focus has been on how teachers in Norway can foster citizenship in their classrooms to strengthen democracy. Yet, in conjunction with rising concerns of homegrown terrorism, a new curriculum ... -
"Der skoen trykker"
(Master thesis, 2013-11-14)Learning objectives are used by businesses and organisations in order to reach strategic and overarching goals. Traditionally it is believed that training and education in general will benefit the business. The fundamental ... -
«Det er hvem jeg er» Tegnspråklige døve elevers sosiale vilkår i skoler tilrettelagt for døve og hørselshemmede
(Master thesis, 2023-05-30)Opplæring for døve og hørselshemmede elever har de siste tiårene hovedsakelig foregått i ordinære skoler. Da de statlige døveskolene ble lagt ned og opplæringen overført til kommunene, møtte dette kraftig kritikk og motstand ... -
«Det er ikkje målbart». Ei undersøking av korleis lærarar i vidaregåande arbeider for at livsmeistring skal verte ein del av opplæringa.
(Master thesis, 2021-05-28)Samandrag Temaet for masteroppgåva er korleis lærarar i vidaregåande skule driv arbeidet med å gjere livsmeistring til ein del av den overordna delen av læreplanverket for kunnskapsløftet 20. Problemstillinga for oppgåva ... -
"Det er jo ikke alltid vi kan ta med oss bokstavene ut i sandkassa" En kvalitativ studie av læreres erfaringer med motivasjon og belønning, sett i lys av selvbestemmelsesteori og operant betinging.
(Master thesis, 2021-05-14)Problemstilling: “Hva kjennetegner læreres belønningspraksis på barneskolen?” Forskningsspørsmålene i studiet omhandler læreres refleksjoner rundt hvorfor og hvordan de benytter belønning, samt på hvilken måte elevenes ... -
"Det er som å stå kliss naken på Karl Johan" En fenomenologisk studie om tre elevers erfaringer fra fysisk aktivitet og kroppsøving
(Master thesis, 2022-05-19)Masteroppgaven tar utgangspunkt i min tidligere utdanning i kroppsøving og idrettsfag. Interessen for temaet startet der. I dag jobber jeg som kroppsøvingslærer i videregående skole, der et av målene i kroppsøvingsfaget ...