Blar i Department of Education på tittel
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Accountability, ethics and knowledge production: racialised academic staff navigating competing expectations in the social production of research with marginalised communities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Universities, both in Canada and throughout the global North, are predicated on empiricist and positivist understandings of knowledge and knowledge production which are communicated and strengthened through research practices ... -
Adapted Eduction for Gifted Students in Norway: A Mixed Methods Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)In this article, we describe the mixed methods research (i.e., quantitative survey and qualitative interviews) we conducted to investigate adapted education for gifted students in Norway. The survey results showed that the ... -
Adaptive Learning Technology in Primary Education: Implications for Professional Teacher Knowledge and Classroom Management
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The aim of this study is to explore the introduction of Adaptive Learning Technology (ALT) and inherent Learning Analytics (LA) in the classroom management and professionalism of teachers in a primary education real-life ... -
Aktørskap hjå norsklærarar i vidaregåande skule : Ein sosiokulturell intervjustudie
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-04-22)This thesis is an interview study with the aim of exploring upper secondary school teachers’ experiences with giving direction to their own practice. These experiences can be understood and explored as expressions of teacher ... -
"Alle burde hatt ein forskarskule". Ein kvalitativ studie av tidlegare stipendiatar sine erfaringar med forskarskulen NAFOL
(Master thesis, 2017)National research schools are defined as one strategy to increase the quality of the doctoral education in Norway, by offering an enhanced professional environment for PhD students in selected research domains. In this ... -
Alternativ Kroppsøving i den vidaregåande skulen. Ein kvalitativ studie av elevane sine erfaringar med motivasjon i kroppsøvingsfaget
(Master thesis, 2015-05-13)My own experience, statistics and research findings suggest that many pupils struggle with motivation in Physical Education (PE). Alternative PE is a training offer that is created with the purpose of getting more pupils ... -
Are Autonomously Motivated University Instructors More Autonomy-Supportive Teachers?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We extended the research on autonomy-supportive teaching to universities and examined the relationships between autonomous motivation to teach and autonomy-supportive teaching. Autonomously motivated university instructors ... -
‘Are we going to do that now?’ Orientations and response-abilities in the embodied classroom
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Asking ‘How do spatial and bodily processes produce teaching as a phenomenon?’ this paper approaches ‘teaching’ as a relational, spatial and bodily encounter. Findings from a video-based ethnographic account of everyday ... -
«Å beskrive det magiske» En kvalitativ studie av musikklærere i ungdomsskolen sine opplevelser med vurdering av komposisjoner
(Master thesis, 2023-05-30)Dette masterprosjektet har undersøkt hvilke opplevelser musikklærere har med vurdering av komposisjoner i musikkfaget i ungdomsskolen. Det undersøkes også hva de sier de legger vekt på når de vurderer slikt kreativt, ... -
«Å lede en gjeng med ledere» - bruken av lærernes arbeidstid i den videregående skolen
(Master thesis, 2020-06-26)En viktig mekanisme for styring i den moderne norske skolen, er rammene rundt lærernes arbeidstid. Selv om mesteparten av arbeidstiden er båndlagt gjennom nasjonale bestemmelser, og hovedsakelig knyttet til undervisning, ... -
«Å lede til utvikling». En kvalitativ studie av muligheten mellomledere i ungdomsskolen har til å drive pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid.
(Master thesis, 2017-06-24)Summary Objective: In recent years, middle-level leaders have been assigned a new role in the Norwegian educational system. In the school’s hierarchy, this new role is situated between the teachers and the principal. This ... -
«Å svømme på dypt vann?»: En kvalitativ studie av traineers opplevelser av læring og læringsprosesser i traineeprogram
(Master thesis, 2017-06-16)The subject of this master’s thesis is trainees’ experiences of being a trainee in two recognized and complex knowledge intensive companies. The main research question is «What characterizes trainee employees’ experiences ... -
Barn og barndom i skolens sanger
(Master thesis, 2014-05-20)Our understanding of children and childhood seems to have undergone a change in recent years in relation to previous times. Statements such as “children mature more rapidly these days” or “childhood is on the verge of ... -
Barnehagelærerers psykososiale arbeidsmiljø- - en kvantitativ studie av barnehagelæreres opplevelser av krav, kontroll, sosial støtte, mestring og stress i arbeidsituasjonen
(Master thesis, 2019-06-18)Denne kvantitative studien tar for seg barnehagelæreres psykososiale arbeidsmiljø i kommunale barnehager, i en stor kommune i Norge. Arbeidsmiljøfaktorer som er undersøkt er barnehagelæreres opplevelser av krav, kontroll, ... -
Barnehagelæreres forutsetninger for å ivareta barn med nedsatt hørsel
(Master thesis, 2023-05-30)Barn med nedsatt hørsel er en gruppe stadig flere barnehagelærere i ordinære barnehager møter i sin yrkestid. Dette er grunnet i at det nå er færre spesialiserte barnehager med egen tilrettelegging knyttet til hørsel og ... -
Barnehagestyreren på stram line - En studie av kompetansekrav til barnehagestyrere
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the requirements for kindergarden skills and the real expertise of these leaders. The study has a qualitative design. From a hermeneutical approach I conducted ... -
Barnets stemme hjemme. Om barneskolebarns deltagelse hjemme sett fra barns synsvinkel
(Master thesis, 2008-06-30)Implementeringen av Barnekonvensjonen i norsk lovverk i 2003 har aktualisert ulike tema knyttet til barns rettigheter. Barns deltagelse er et barnepolitisk satsingsområde, og Norge skal være ledende i Europa på dette ... -
Becoming a professional digital competent teacher
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The aim of this Norwegian study is to focus on challenges and possibilities concerning professional digital competence (PDC) for teacher education encountering students in transition between the position as private and ... -
Becoming legitimate academic subjects: Doing meaningful work in research administration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Professional staff in research administration work closely and collaboratively with academic staff. Examining research administrators’ work provides a point of entry for investigating research culture in the Canadian ... -
Bedre skolestart med skolestartskjema? En kvalitativ studie av skolestartskjema som overgangspraksis
(Master thesis, 2018-06-27)The theme of this master’s thesis is kindergarten teachers, school teachers and SFO leaders' experiences with information transfer in the transition between kindergarten and school. The problem is as follows: What characterizes ...