Browsing Department of Education by Issue Date
Now showing items 41-60 of 314
Verbal communication at a stand-alone computer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)The study this article refers to investigates pupils’ face-to-face verbal communication at a computer in a mathematics lesson. The pupils (14 years) work in single-gender pairs and each pair shares one computer. The study ... -
Opplæring av nyutdannede sykepleiere - leder sin rolle
(Master thesis, 2011-01-28)The object of this thesis has been to gain insight into how Nurse Managers themselves describe training of newly educated nurses in somatic hospitals. The thesis focuses in particular on what kind of knowledge managers ... -
IKT og læring. Praktisk bruk av et digitalt diskusjonsforum i undervisning ved en videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2011-03-03)The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of what students in high school thinks is important when the teacher uses a digital forum in teaching. I use a forum with a low entry level for the user which is available ... -
Lærere sin bruk av sosial web. "Del&bruk" - en møteplass for profesjonell utvikling?
(Master thesis, 2011-03-13)This master paper describes the findings of a qualitative research study examining teacher's use of social web for their own professional development. Semi-structured interviews and electronic dialogues were conducted from ... -
Hvorfor rektorskole? - En diskursanalyse av de utdanningspolitiske dokumentene som ligger til grunn for rektorskolen.
(Master thesis, 2011-05-14)This master thesis is based on analyses of political documents where the aim has been to identify the constituting discourses behind the Norwegian national program for school leadership education, called “Rektorskolen”, ... -
“Smilet er en vanskelig del av jobben”. En kritisk-pedagogisk tilnærming til hvordan selgere av gatemagasinet Megafon opplever læring og endringsmuligheter gjennom jobben
(Master thesis, 2011-05-14)Street papers all over the world offer different marginalized groups the possibilty to have a legal income. In this study, I've done eight interviews with vendors of the street paper Megafon. In addition to the interviews, ... -
Barnehagestyreren på stram line - En studie av kompetansekrav til barnehagestyrere
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the requirements for kindergarden skills and the real expertise of these leaders. The study has a qualitative design. From a hermeneutical approach I conducted ... -
Skoleledelse - en relasjonell øvelse
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The theme of this master‟s thesis is the connection between a school‟s leadership and the students‟ learning results in schools with an increased focus on learning. The intention of this thesis is to construct a body of ... -
Mellom smilefjes og karakterer : en kvalitativ studie om vurdering i skolen
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)The project "Mellom smilefjes og karakterer" is about assessment. Its focus is formative assessment in grades five through seven. A goal is to gain insight into how teachers find that their written assessments enhance ... -
"Ja, det finnes mobbing i barnehagen" - Pedagogers beskrivelser av mobbing blant barn i barnehagen
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)Research on bullying in kindergarten implies that bullying exists amongst small children, and that it is as big a problem in kindergartens as in schools. Hence the kindergartens have a responsibility for early prevention ... -
Stemmer som ikke stemmer - ved sang: Læreres opplevelser av elever med sangvansker og om sangvanskeproblematikken i grunnskolen
(Master thesis, 2011-11-10)Singing, but not in tune while singing Teachers' experiences of students with song disabilities and song disabilities topics in the Norwegian compulsory school. A compulsory school without children singing? Unthinkable. ... -
Helheten er mer enn summen av delene: En diskursanalyse av hvordan samarbeid mellom lærere beskrives i nyere utdanningspoliske dokument
(Master thesis, 2011-11-10)The theme of this thesis is how teachers' collaborative work is described in educational policy documents connected to the latest reform in Norwegian primary and secondary school, Kunnskapsløftet or The Knowledge Promotion ... -
NAV: Kampen om kompetanseforståelsen - En diskursanalyse av kompetanseforståelsen i NAV
(Master thesis, 2011-11-17)This master thesis explores what discourses that are drawn upon in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisations (NAV) understanding of competence. To answer this question, I interviewed seven managers of NAV about what ... -
Møte med yrkesfagleg utdanning i den norske vidaregåande skulen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)Artikkelen byggjer på ein kvalitativ studie av seks elevar sitt møte med vidaregåande skule, yrkesfaglege utdanningsprogram. Studien undersøkjer elevane sine perspektiv og refleksjonar kring overgangen mellom skuleslaga ... -
Innsette i fengsel: Samanhengen mellom kontrollplassering, utdanningsaktivitet og utdanningsønske. Ei empirisk undersøking i alle norske fengsel
(Master thesis, 2012-02-08)Prisoners have the same right to education as all other citizens in Norway. In accordance to political guidelines, the prisons and prison schools have a responsibility to promote inmates' participation in education while ... -
Samarbeid og medverknad i grunnskulen: "Tid for samtale". Ei intervjuundersøking med foreldre om foreldresamtalen.
(Master thesis, 2012-05-10)The objective of this study has been to develop new knowledge about how school parents experience the meeting with the school through the parent conferences. This conversation between teacher, parents and pupil is required ... -
Pupils collaborating in pairs at a computer in mathematics learning: investigating verbal communication patterns and qualities
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-06-19)The dissertation concerns 9th grade pupils’ verbal communication in mathematics learning when they work in pairs at a computer. The dissertation includes three substudies, involving three sub-questions. The first sub-study ... -
Læringsmiljø i skulen. Til lags åt alle kan ingen gjera?
(Master thesis, 2012-11-16)Research shows that the environment of learning has a great influence on the pupils' results of learning and professional development . A good environment of learning is founded in the curriculum, the law of education, and ... -
Bruk av digitale verktøy i elevers læringsarbeid – med fokus på sammenhengen mellom læring og vurdering for læring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Denne artikkelen fokuserer på utfordringer ved bruk av digitale verktøy i elevers læring og vurdering for læring i videregående skole etter innføring av ny læreplan, Kunnskapsløftet. Forskning viser at norsk skole har en ... -
Praksisfellesskap innvandrerungdom erfarer i møte med videregående skole
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)This article examines how immigrant youths from non-western countries experience everyday life in an upper secondary school in Norway. The youngsters have key information about how they personally experience school. Etienne ...