Browsing Department of Clinical Science by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 2531
Allele diversity of the H-ras-1 variable number of tandem repeats in Norwegian lung cancer patients
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1992-11)We have examined restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the H-ras-1 gene in germ-line DNA from 214 lung cancer patients and 309 unaffected controls. When DNA samples were digested with MspI/HpaII, Southern blot ... -
Molecular characterization of Corynebacterium diphtheriae isolates, Russia, 1957-1987
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2002)In the 1990s, the Newly Independent and Baltic States of the former Soviet Union experienced the largest diphtheria outbreak since the 1960s; it was caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains of a unique clonal group. ... -
Betaine as a determinant of postmethionine load total plasma homocysteine before and after B-Vitamin supplementation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2004)Objective—Betaine is a substrate in the betaine– homocysteine methyltransferase reaction, converting homocysteine to methionine. There are only sparse data on plasma betaine as a determinant of the plasma total homocysteine ... -
Functional analysis of tilS homologues in Bacteria and Archaea
(Master thesis, 2005-09-09)Out of all of the microorganisms sequenced so far about one third of the genes have unknown function. Several studies have shown that information on evolutionary relationships between unknown genes can aid in the prediction ... -
Latitude, Birth Date, and Allergy
(PLoS Medicine 2(10): e294, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2005-10-04)Background: The space and time distribution of risk factors for allergic diseases may provide insights into disease mechanisms. Allergy is believed to vary by month of birth, but multinational studies taking into account ... -
Multilocus analysis of SNP and metabolic data within a given pathway
(BMC Genomics 7(5), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-01-13)Background: Complex traits, which are under the influence of multiple and possibly interacting genes, have become a subject of new statistical methodological research. One of the greatest challenges facing human geneticists ... -
p53 protein biosignatures in acute myeloid leukemia
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-03-10)p53 is a tumor suppressor protein often regarded as the guardian of the genome. It is a highly connected protein involved in many signaling processes in the cell. The inactivation of p53 through genetic mutations in TP53 ... -
Prediction of indirect interactions in proteins
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-03-22)Background: Both direct and indirect interactions determine molecular recognition of ligands by proteins. Indirect interactions can be defined as effects on recognition controlled from distant sites in the proteins, e.g. ... -
Correlation analysis of two-dimensional gel electrophoretic protein patterns and biological variables
(BMC Bioinformatics 7(198), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-04-10)Background: Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) is a powerful technique to examine post-translational modifications of complexly modulated proteins. Currently, spot detection is a necessary step to assess relations ... -
A large community outbreak of waterborne giardiasis- delayed detection in a non-endemic urban area
(BMC Public Health 6(141), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-05-25)Background: Giardia is not endemic in Norway, and more than 90% of reported cases acquire the infection abroad. In late October 2004, an increase in laboratory confirmed cases of giardiasis was reported in the city of ... -
Anti-Interferon Autoantibodies in Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Syndrome Type 1
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-06-13)Background The autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene influences thymic self-tolerance induction. In autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome type 1 (APS1; OMIM 240300), recessive AIRE mutations lead to autoimmunity targetting ... -
Prevention of Hypertension and Organ Damage in 2-Kidney, 1-Clip Rats by Tetradecylthioacetic Acid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-07-17)Dietary lipids are reported to affect the blood pressure in both humans and experimental animal models with hypertension. In the present study, 2-kidney, 1-clip (2K1C) hypertensive rats were treated with the modified fatty ... -
Small-Diameter Nerve Fiber Neuropathy in Patients with Systemic Autoimmune Diseases
(Doctoral thesis, 2006-10-13) -
Expression of full-length p53 and its isoform Δp53 in breast carcinomas in relation to mutation status and clinical parameters
(Molecular Cancer 5(47), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006-10-20)Background: The tumor suppressor gene p53 (TP53) controls numerous signaling pathways and is frequently mutated in human cancers. Novel p53 isoforms suggest alternative splicing as a regulatory feature of p53 activity. ... -
Seafarers' wives and intermittent husbands - social and psychological impact of a subgroup of Norwegian seafarers' work schedule on their families
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007)Objective – To examine the psycho-social impact of work schedules (absence from home) on the families of a subgroup of Norwegian seafarers as reported by their wives (sea wives). Their husbands worked 4-6 weeks on and 4-6 ... -
Pre-apoptotic response to therapeutic DNA damage involves protein modulation of Mcl-1, Hdm2 and Flt3 in acute myeloid leukemia cells
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007)Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells are characterized by non-mutated TP53, high levels of Hdm2, and frequent mutation of the Flt3 receptor tyrosine kinase. The juxtamembrane mutation of FLT3 is the strongest ... -
The immunological dilemma: Cellular innate and adaptive immune response versus human acute myeloid leukemia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007)It is generally accepted that acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) patients are immunocompromized. On the other hand, antileukemic immune reactivity is important for the improved survival of AML patients treated with allogeneic ... -
Symptomer og malabsorpsjon hos pasienter med selvrapportert matoverfølsomhet etter inntak av fruktose og sorbitol - en sammenligning av pasienter med selvrapportert matoverfølsomhet og friske kontroller
(Master thesis, 2007)Rundt 25 % av befolkningen i den vestlige verden opplever gastrointestinale plager i forbindelse med matinntak. De fleste av disse har ikke matallergi. Malabsorpsjon av fruktose og sorbitol er foreslått som årsak til slike ... -
Airway Inflammation and Bronchial Remodelling in Toluene Diisocyanate-exposed BALB/c Mouse Model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2007)Toluene diisocyanate (TDI), a highly reactive industrial chemical, is one of the leading causes of occupation-related asthma in industrialized countries. The pathogenesis of TDI-induced asthma, however, remains not fully ...