• Relating model bias and prediction skill in the equatorial Atlantic 

      Counillon, Francois; Keenlyside, Noel; Toniazzo, Thomas; Koseki, Shunya; Demissie, Teferi Dejene; Bethke, Ingo; Wang, Yiguo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We investigate the impact of large climatological biases in the tropical Atlantic on reanalysis and seasonal prediction performance using the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) in a standard and an anomaly coupled ...
    • Relation between the wind stress curl in the North Atlantic and the Atlantic inflow to the Nordic Seas 

      Sandø, Anne Britt; Furevik, Tore (Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Journal article, 2008-06-27)
      In this study an isopycnic coordinate ocean model has been used to investigate the relationships between the North Atlantic wind stress curl (WSC) and the inflow of Atlantic water to the Nordic Seas. For the period 1995–2001, ...
    • The relationship between the eddy-driven jet stream and northern European sea level variability 

      Mangini, Fabio; Chafik, Léon; Madonna, Erica; Li, Camille; Bertino, Laurent; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Wintertime sea level variability over the northern European continental shelf is largely wind-driven. Using daily gridded sea level anomaly from altimetry, we examine both the spatial and the temporal relationship between ...
    • Relative importance of tropopause structure and diabatic heating for baroclinic instability 

      Haualand, Kristine Flacké; Spengler, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Misrepresentations of wind shear and stratification around the tropopause in numerical weather prediction models can lead to errors in potential vorticity gradients with repercussions for Rossby wave propagation and ...
    • Remarkable link between projected uncertainties of Arctic sea-ice decline and winter Eurasian climate 

      Cheung, Ho Nam; Keenlyside, Noel; Omrani, Nour-Eddine; Zhou, Wen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We identify that the projected uncertainty of the pan-Arctic sea-ice concentration (SIC) is strongly coupled with the Eurasian circulation in the boreal winter (December–March; DJFM), based on a singular value decomposition ...
    • Resampling of ENSO teleconnections: accounting for cold-season evolution reduces uncertainty in the North Atlantic 

      King, Martin Peter; Li, Camille; Sobolowski, Stefan Pieter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      We re-examine the uncertainty of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnection to the North Atlantic following the investigation of Deser et al. (2017) (DES2017). Our analyses are performed on the November–December ...
    • Resolving regions known for intense wave–current interaction using spectral wave models: A case study in the energetic flow fields of Northern Norway 

      Halsne, Trygve; Bohlinger, Patrik; Christensen, Kai Håkon; Carrasco, Ana; Breivik, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Oceanic current forcing in spectral wave models have recently been demonstrated to have a large impact on wave heights at scales between one and up to several hundred kilometers. Here we investigate the impact of such ...
    • Resolving the controls of water vapour isotopes in the Atlantic sector 

      Bonne, Jean-Louis; Behrens, Melanie K.; Meyer, Hanno; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Rabe, Benjamin; Schonicke, Lutz; Steen-Larsen, Hans Christian; Werner, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-09)
      Stable water isotopes are employed as hydrological tracers to quantify the diverse implications of atmospheric moisture for climate. They are widely used as proxies for studying past climate changes, e.g., in isotope records ...
    • Resolving the upper-ocean warm layer improves the simulation of the Madden-Julian oscillation 

      Tseng, Wan-Ling; Tsuang, Ben-Jei; Keenlyside, Noel; Hsu, Huang-Hsiung; Tu, Chia-Ying (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-09)
      Here we show that coupling a high-resolution one-column ocean model to an atmospheric general circulation model dramatically improves simulation of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) to have realistic strength, period, ...
    • Response of Arctic Ocean stratification to changing river runoff in a column model 

      Nummelin, Aleksi; Li, Camille; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-04-07)
      A one-dimensional model of the atmosphere-ice-ocean column is used to study the effects of changing river runoff to the Arctic Ocean. River runoff is the largest contributor of freshwater to the Arctic and is expected to ...
    • Retention of Coastal Cod Eggs in a Fjord Caused by Interactions between Egg Buoyancy and Circulation Pattern 

      Myksvoll, Mari Skuggedal; Sundby, Svein; Ådlandsvik, Bjørn; Vikebø, Frode B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-08-01)
      Norwegian coastal cod form a stationary population of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua consisting of several genetically separated subpopulations. A small-scale differentiation in marine populations with pelagic eggs and larvae ...
    • Retrieval of snow properties from the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument 

      Kokhanovsky, Alexander; Lamare, Maxim; Danne, Olaf; Brockmann, Carsten; Dumont, Marie; Picard, Ghislain; Arnaud, Laurent; Favier, Vincent; Jourdain, Bruno; Le Meur, Emmanuel; Di Mauro, Biagio; Aoki, Teruo; Niwano, Masashi; Rozanov, Vladimir; Korkin, Sergey; Kipfstuhl, Sepp; Freitag, Johannes; Hoerhold, Maria; Zuhr, Alexandra; Vladimirova, Diana; Faber, Anne-Katrine; Steen-Larsen, Hans Christian; Wahl, Sonja; Andersen, Jonas K.; Vandecrux, Baptiste; van As, Dirk; Mankoff, Kenneth D.; Kern, Michael; Zege, Eleonora; Box, Jason E. (Journal article, 2019)
      The Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) architecture facilitates Earth Observation data processing. In this work, we present results from a new Snow Processor for SNAP. We also describe physical principles behind the ...
    • A review of air-ice chemical and physical interactions (AICI): Liquids, quasi-liquids, and solids in snow 

      Bartels-Rausch, Thorsten; Jacobi, Hans-Werner; Kahan, Tara F.; Thomas, Jennie L.; Thomson, Erik S.; Abbatt, Jonathan P.D.; Ammann, Markus; Blackford, Jane R.; Bluhm, Hendrik; Boxe, Christopher S.; Dominé, Florent; Frey, Markus M.; Gladich, Ivan; Guzmán, Marcelo I.; Heger, Dominik; Huthwelker, Thomas; Klán, Petr; Kuhs, Werner F.; Kuo, Min H.; Maus, Sønke; Moussa, Samar G.; McNeill, V. Faye; Newberg, John T.; Pettersson, Jan B.C.; Roeselovà, Martina; Sodeau, John R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-02-12)
      Snow in the environment acts as a host to rich chemistry and provides a matrix for physical exchange of contaminants within the ecosystem. The goal of this review is to summarise the current state of knowledge of physical ...
    • A revised ocean glider concept to realize Stommel's vision and supplement Argo floats 

      Bruvik, Erik Magnus; Fer, Ilker; Våge, Kjetil; Haugan, Peter M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02)
      This paper revisits Stommel's vision for a global glider network and the Argo design specification. A concept of floats with wings, so-called slow underwater gliders, is explored. An analysis of the energy or power consumption ...
    • Rise and fall of sea ice production in the Arctic Ocean’s ice factories 

      Cornish, S.B.; Johnson, H.L.; Mallett, R.D.C.; Dörr, Jakob Simon; Kostov, Y.; Richards, A.E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The volume, extent and age of Arctic sea ice is in decline, yet winter sea ice production appears to have been increasing, despite Arctic warming being most intense during winter. Previous work suggests that further warming ...
    • Riverine impact on future projections of marine primary production and carbon uptake 

      Gao, Shuang; Schwinger, Jörg; Tjiputra, Jerry; Bethke, Ingo; Hartmann, Jens; Mayorga, Emilio; Heinze, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Riverine transport of nutrients and carbon from inland waters to the coastal and finally the open ocean alters marine primary production (PP) and carbon (C) uptake regionally and globally. So far, this process has not been ...
    • Rogue waves: Results of the ExWaMar project 

      Bitner-Gregersen, E. M.; Gramstad, Odin; Trulsen, Karsten; Magnusson, Anne Karin; Støle-Hentschel, Susanne; Aarnes, Ole Johan; Breivik, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Rogue waves, also known as freak waves, have received much attention in the scientific community as well as in media and the marine industry in the past two decades. Forecasts of extreme weather events have always been ...
    • The role of air–sea coupling on November–April intraseasonal rainfall variability over the South Pacific 

      Pariyar, Sunil Kumar; Keenlyside, Noel Sebastian; Tseng, Wan-Ling; Hsu, Huang-Hsiung; Tsuang, Ben-Jei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We investigate the impact of resolving air-sea interaction on the simulation of the intraseasonal rainfall variability over the South Pacific using the ECHAM5 atmospheric general circulation model coupled with the ...
    • The Role of Atlantic Heat Transport in Future Arctic Winter Sea Ice Loss 

      Årthun, Marius; Eldevik, Tor; Smedsrud, Lars H. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-14)
      During recent decades Arctic sea ice variability and retreat during winter have largely been a result of variable ocean heat transport (OHT). Here we use the Community Earth System Model (CESM) large ensemble simulation ...
    • Role of atmosphere-ocean interactions in supermodeling the tropical Pacific climate 

      Shen, Mao-Lin; Keenlyside, Noel; Bhatt, Bhuwan Chandra; Duane, Gregory (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-12-29)
      The supermodel strategy interactively combines several models to outperform the individual models comprising it. A key advantage of the approach is that nonlinear improvements can be achieved, in contrast to the linear ...