Now showing items 69-88 of 1353

    • Arctic Sea level Budget Assessment During the GRACE/Argo Time Period 

      Raj, Roshin Pappukutty; Andersen, Ole Baltazar; Johannessen, Johnny Andre; Benjamin, Gutknech; Chatterjee, Sourav; Rose, Stine; Bonaduce, Antonio; Horwath, Martin; Ranndal, Heidi; Richter, Kristin; Palanisamy, Hindumathi; Ludwigsen, Carsten; Bertino, Laurent; Nilsen, Jan Even Øie; Knudsen, Per; Hogg, Anna E.; Cazenave, Anny; Benveniste, Jérôme (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Sea level change is an important indicator of climate change. Our study focuses on the sea level budget assessment of the Arctic Ocean using: (1) the newly reprocessed satellite altimeter data with major changes in the ...
    • The Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS): Overview and experimental design 

      Tjernström, Michael; Leck, Caroline; Birch, Cathryn E.; Bottenheim, Jan W.; Brooks, Barbara J.; Brooks, Ian M.; Bäcklin, Leif; Chang, Rachel; de Leeuw, Gerrit; Di Liberto, Luca; De La Rosa, Sara; Granath, Eva; Graus, Martin; Hänsel, Armin; Heintzenberg, Jost; Held, Andreas; Hind, Andrew; Johnston, Paul; Knulst, Johan C.; Martin, Maria; Matrai, Patricia A.; Mauritsen, Thorsten; Müller, Markus; Norris, Sarah J.; Orellana, Mónica V.; Orsini, Douglas A.; Paatero, Jussi; Persson, P. Ola G.; Gao, Qiuju; Rauschenberg, Carlton; Ristovski, Zoran; Sedlař, Joseph; Shupe, Matthew D.; Sierau, Berko; Sirevaag, Anders; Sjögren, Staffan; Stetzer, Olaf; Swietlicki, Erik; Szczodrak, Malgorzata; Vaattovaara, Petri; Wahlberg, Nils; Westberg, Maria; Wheeler, Cassie R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-03-19)
      The climate in the Arctic is changing faster than anywhere else on earth. Poorly understood feedback processes relating to Arctic clouds and aerosol–cloud interactions contribute to a poor understanding of the present ...
    • Arctic tidal current atlas 

      Baumann, Till Martin; Polyakov, Igor V.; Padman, Laurie; Danielson, Seth L.; Fer, Ilker; Janout, Markus; Williams, William; Pnyushkov, Andrey V. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Tidal and wind-driven near-inertial currents play a vital role in the changing Arctic climate and the marine ecosystems. We compiled 429 available moored current observations taken over the last two decades throughout the ...
    • Arctic Warming and Eurasian Cooling: Weakening and Reemergence 

      Xu, Xinping; He, Shengping; Zhou, Botao; Wang, Huijun; Sun, Bo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The observed Eurasian winter surface cooling from the 1990s to the early 2010s, which is contrary to global warming, has been extensively studied. Previous studies revealed that the surface cooling trend has significantly ...
    • Arctic Wintertime Sea Ice Breakup Events - Detection and Evolution 

      Ordahl, Johanne (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      Openings in the Arctic sea ice give rise to strong localized heat fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere, causing ocean mixing and potentially leading to new sea ice growth. Despite the increased attention on sea ice ...
    • Arctic-Atlantic Climate Variability and Predictability in Observations and in a Dynamical Prediction System 

      Goncalves Dos Passos, Leilane (Doctoral thesis, 2023-11-03)
      Hovedfokuset i denne doktorgradsoppgaven er å forstå dekadisk klimaprediktabilitet (forutsigbarhet i klimaet) for å forbedre klimamodeller og klimavarsel. Klimavarseling viser lovende resultat, men det er fremdeles ...
    • Arctic/Atlantic exchanges via the Subpolar Gyre 

      Langehaug, Helene Reinertsen; Medhaug, Iselin; Eldevik, Tor; Otterå, Odd Helge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012)
      In the present study we investigate the decadal variability in the strength and shape of the Subpolar Gyre (SPG) in a 600-year pre-industrial simulation using the Bergen Climate Model. The atmospheric influence on the SPG ...
    • Artificial gas supersaturated water from small hydropower plants: methods to detect air entrainment at intakes 

      Sæle, Asgeir Grøm (Master thesis, 2022-06-01)
      Hydropower plants with submerged intake and Francis turbine can release artificial Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) supersaturated water from the plants outlet, if air is drawn into the pressure pipe at intake and dissolved in ...
    • Aspects on interactions between mid- to high latitude atmospheric circulation and some surface processes 

      Byrkjedal, Øyvind (Doctoral thesis, 2006-06-08)
      The Arctic is a hot topic in Climate Research. A large number of signs of a warming Arctic Climate have been identified the latest years. This is of major concern in light of the increasing atmospheric content of greenhouse ...
    • Assessing the influence of sea surface temperature and arctic sea ice cover on the uncertainty in the boreal winter future climate projections 

      Cheung, Ho-Nam; Keenlyside, Noel Sebastian; Koenigk, Torben; Yang, Shuting; Tian, Tian; Xu, Zhiqing; Gao, Yongqi; Ogawa, Fumiaki; Omrani, Nour-Eddine; Qiao, Shaobo; Zhou, Wen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We investigate the uncertainty (i.e., inter-model spread) in future projections of the boreal winter climate, based on the forced response of ten models from the CMIP5 following the RCP8.5 scenario. The uncertainty in the ...
    • Assessing the Norwegian Offshore Wind Resources: Climatology, Power Variability and Wind Farm Siting 

      Solbrekke, Ida Marie (Doctoral thesis, 2022-09-09)
      De norske havvindressursene er fantastiske. Likevel er det ingen operative vindparker i de norske havvområdene. Tatt i betraktning både utslippsmål og forventet økning i elektrisitetsforbruk har regjerningen nå begynt å ...
    • Assessing the Sampling Quality of a Low-Tech Low-Budget Volume-Based Rainfall Sampler for Stable Isotope Analysis 

      Fischer, Benjamin M C; Aemisegger, Franziska; Graf, Pascal; Sodemann, Harald; Seibert, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-27)
      To better understand the small-scale variability of rainfall and its isotopic composition it is advantageous to utilize rain samplers which are at the same time low-cost, low-tech, robust, and precise with respect to the ...
    • Assessment of Atmospheric Reanalyses With Independent Observations in the Weddell Sea, the Antarctic 

      Jonassen, Marius Opsanger; Valisuo, Ilona; Vihma, Timo; Uotila, Petteri; Makshtas, Alexander, P.; Launiainen, Jouko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Surface layer and upper‐air in situ observations from two research vessel cruises and an ice station in the Weddell Sea from 1992 and 1996 are used to validate four current atmospheric reanalysis products: ERA‐Interim, ...
    • An Assessment of CO2 Uptake in the Arctic Ocean From 1985 to 2018 

      Yasunaka, Sayaka; Manizza, Manfredi; Terhaar, Jens; Olsen, Are; Yamaguchi, Ryohei; Landschützer, Peter; Watanabe, Eiji; Carroll, Dustin; Adiwira, Hanani; Müller, Jens Daniel; Hauck, Judith (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      As a contribution to the Regional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes phase 2 (RECCAP2) project, we present synthesized estimates of Arctic Ocean sea-air CO2 fluxes and their uncertainties from surface ocean pCO2-observation ...
    • An assessment of future extreme precipitation in western Norway using a linear model 

      Caroletti, Giulio Nils; Barstad, Ida (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-11-26)
      A Linear Model (Smith and Barstad, 2004) was used to dynamically downscale Orographic Precipitation over western Norway from twelve General Circulation Model simulations. The GCM simulations come from the A1B emissions ...
    • Assessment of wind conditions at a fjord inlet by complementary use of sonic anemometers and lidars 

      Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic; Cheynet, Etienne; Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor; Mikkelsen, Torben; Sjøholm, Mikael; Angelou, Nicolas; Hansen, Per; Mann, Jakob; Svardal, Benny; Kumer, Valerie-Marie; Reuder, Joachim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-12-02)
      Wind velocity measurement devices based on the remote optical sensing, lidars, are extensively applied in wind energy research and wind farm operation. The present paper demonstrates the relevance and potential of lidar ...
    • The Atlantic inflow across the Greenland-Scotland ridge in global climate models (CMIP5) 

      Heuzé, Céline; Årthun, Marius (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-21)
      Oceanic heat transport from the North Atlantic to the Arctic through the Nordic Seas is a key component of the climate system that has to be modelled accurately in order to predict, for example, future Arctic sea ice changes ...
    • Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and δ13C Variability During the Last Interglacial 

      Kessler, Augustin; Bouttes, Nathaelle; Roche, Didier M.; Ninnemann, Ulysses Silas; Galaasen, Eirik Vinje; Tjiputra, Jerry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is thought to be relatively vigorous and stable during Interglacial periods on multimillennial (equilibrium) timescales. However, recent proxy (δ13C benthic) reconstructions ...
    • Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation modulates the impacts of Arctic sea ice decline 

      Li, Fei; Orsolini, Yvan; Wang, Huijun; Gao, Yongqi; He, Shengping (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-03)
      The Arctic sea ice cover has been rapidly declining in the last two decades, concurrent with a shift in the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) to its warm phase around 1996/1997. Here we use both observations and model ...