Blar i Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care på utgivelsesdato
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Phonologie de la langue Sakata (BC 34). Langue bantoue du Zaïre Parler de Lemvien Nord
(Master thesis, 1987) -
In situ localization of interferons in psoriatic lesions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1989-10)An indirect immunofluorescence technique, using murine monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against human IFN- and human IFN- was used to study IFNs in cryostat sections from psoriatic skin lesions. The IFNs were more pronounced ... -
A geographical cluster of konzo in Tanzania
(Journal article, 1992)Konzo, an upper motor neuron disease, was diagnosed in 116 subjects in a community-based survey of 28,500 inhabitants in the Tarime District in Tanzania. All cases had a uniform clinical picture with isolated non-progressive ... -
Mestringsressurser og helsestatus : en empirisk undersøkelse av personer med revmatorid artritt
(Master thesis, 1995) -
Neurological disorders in Tanzania. Studies on HIV-I, Guillain-Barré syndrome and konzo
(Doctoral thesis, 1995-04-27)This thesis is the result of clinical studies carried out in Northern Tanzania from 1984-1992 and reports on a number of new clinical entities. These are HIV related neurological disorders, konzo and new forms of existing ... -
Immunohistochemical detection of p53 in non-malignant and malignant oral lesions associated with snuff dipping in the Sudan and Sweden
(Journal article, 1996)Immunohistochemistry was used to examine the expression of p53 in pre-malignant oral lesions and oral squamous-cell carcinomas (SCCs) from Swedish and Sudanese snuff-dippers, as well as in pre-malignant oral lesions and ... -
Hva er viktig for god omsorg? : en studie av kreftpasienters og sykepleieres oppfatning
(Master thesis, 1997) -
Angels of Mercy or Development Diplomats? NGOs & Foreign Aid
(Book, 1998) -
Characterization of an amorphous deposit in the lamina propria in oral snuff users in the Sudan as collagen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1998-04)Histological and ultrastructural features of 25 oral snuff dipper's lesions with distinctive subepithelial hyaline deposits were investigated. Periodic acid-Schiff reaction with and without diastase digestion demonstrated ... -
A Mouse Model for Latent Tuberculosis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1998-06)The aim of the study was to establish a reproducible murine model for latent tuberculosis. We propose an operational definition of latent murine tuberculosis as a stable Mycobacterium tuberculosis count in lungs and spleens ... -
Toombak Use and Cigarette Smoking in the Sudan: Estimates of Prevalence in the Nile State
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 1998-07)Background. Survey data on the prevalence of use of oral snuff (toombak) and cigarette consumption according to various demographic factors are needed in the Sudan. Methods. A house to house cross-sectional survey of a ... -
The Swedish Snus and the Sudanese Toombak: are they different?
(Journal article, 1998-11)In Sweden, snuff (locally known as snus), was introduced since the year 1637. Presently, Sweden has the highest per capita consumption and sale figures of snuff in the world, and the habit is becoming increasingly popular. ... -
Å vende tilbake til Islam : Islamisering, kjønn og identitet i en fransk kontekst
(IMER Norway/Bergen publications / International Migration and Ethnic Relations 21/99, Working paper, 1999) -
A Mouse Model for Slowly Progressive Primary Tuberculosis
(Journal article, 1999-08)The progression from primary Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection to disease is usually slow in humans. The aim of this study was to develop and characterize a mouse model for slowly progressive primary tuberculosis, using ... -
Mutations of the p53 gene in oral squamous-cell carcinomas from sudanese dippers of nitrosamine-rich toombak and non-snuff-dippers from the Sudan and Scandinavia
(Journal article, 1999-11-08)Using PCR-SSCP/DNA sequencing methods, we analyzed 14 oral squamous-cell carcinomas (OSCCs) and 8 pre-malignant oral lesions from different Sudanese patients for prevalence of mutations in exons 5 to 9 of the p53 gene in ... -
A Bibliography on the River Nile, Vol. I
(Book, 2000)An Annotated bibliography on the River Nile and its Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Role. -
In Situ Expression of Cytokines and Cellular Phenotypes in the Lungs of Mice with Slowly Progressive Primary Tuberculosis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2000-06)The cellular phenotypes and the expression of cytokines were studied in the lungs of mice, using immunohistochemistry, during different phases of slowly progressive primary murine tuberculosis infection. During the first ... -
Mestring av virkninger etter seksuelle overgrep
(Master thesis, 2001)Dette er en litteraturoppgave om mestring av virkninger etter seksuelle overgrep hos voksne kvinner. Oppgaven presenterer og drøfter hva som fremmer en positiv mestring hos de utsatte, og hvordan utøvelse av sykepleie kan ...