• Clinical outcomes among young patients with Fabry disease who initiated agalsidase beta treatment before 30 years of age: An analysis from the Fabry registry 

      Hopkin, Robert J.; Cabrera, Gustavo; Jefferies, John; Yang, Meng; Ponce, Elvira; Brand, Eva; Feldt-Rasmussen, Ulla; Germain, Dominique P.; Guffon, Nathalie; Jovanovic, Ana; Kantola, Ilkka; Karaa, Amel; Martins, Ana; Tøndel, Camilla; Wilcox, William R; Yoo, Han-Wook; Burlina, Alessandro; Mauer, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Clinical manifestations of classic Fabry disease (α-galactosidase A deficiency) usually occur in childhood, while complications involving major organs typically develop in adulthood. Outcomes of Fabry-specific ...
    • Clinical parameters affecting survival outcomes in patients with low-grade serous ovarian carcinoma: An international multicentre analysis 

      May, Taymaa; Bernardini, Marcus; Lheureux, Stephanie; Aben, Katja K.H.; Bandera, Elisa V.; Beckmann, Matthias W.; Benitez, Javier; Berchuck, Andrew; Bjørge, Line; Carney, Michael E.; Cramer, Daniel W.; Defazio, Anna; Dörk, Thilo; Eccles, Diana M.; Friedlander, Michael; García, María Jose; Goode, Ellen L.; Hein, Alexander; Jensen, Allan; Johnatty, Sharon; Kennedy, Catherine J.; Kiemeney, Lambertus A.; Kjær, Susanne K.; Kupryjanczyk, Jolanta; Matsuo, Keitaro; McGuire, Valerie; Modugno, Francesmary; Paddock, Lisa E.; Pejovic, Tanja; Phelan, Catherine M.; Riggan, Marjorie J.; Rodriguez-Antona, Cristina; Rothstein, Joseph H.; Sieh, Weiva; Song, Honglin; Terry, Kathryn L.; Altena, Anne M. Van; Vanderstichele, Adriaan; Vergote, Ignace; Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Webb, Penelope M.; Wentzensen, Nicolas; Wilkens, Lynne R.; Ziogas, Argyrios; Jiang, Haiyan; Tone, Alicia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background: Women with low-grade ovarian serous carcinoma (LGSC) benefit from surgical treatment; however, the role of chemotherapy is controversial. We examined an international database through the Ovarian Cancer Association ...
    • The clinical relevance of animal models in Sjögren's syndrome: The interferon signature from mouse to man 

      Maria, Naomi I.; Vogelsang, Petra; Versnel, Marjan A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-07-03)
      Mouse models have been widely used to elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of human diseases. The advantages of using these models include the ability to study different stages of the disease with particular respect to ...
    • Clinical relevance of globotriaosylceramide accumulation in Fabry disease and the effect of agalsidase beta in affected tissues 

      Tøndel, Camilla; Thurberg, Beth L.; DasMahapatra, Pronabesh; Lyn, Nicole; Maski, Manish; Batista, Julie L.; George, Kelly; Patel, Hiren; Hariri, Ali (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Fabry disease (FD) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder, characterized by a reduction in α-galactosidase A enzyme activity and the progressive accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (GL3) and its metabolites in the cells ...
    • The clinical significance of exercise-induced cardiac biomarkers 

      Kleiven, Øyunn (Doctoral thesis, 2020-01-17)
      Background Physical exercise induces changes in cardiac biomarkers associated with cardiac injury and inflammation. The ability of these changes to identify subjects at risk of sport-related cardiac events is largely ...
    • Clinical studies of epidemic influenza and pandemic COVID-19 to improve the chain of patient care: from bedside diagnostics to long-term complications : 

      Fjelltveit, Elisabeth Berg (Doctoral thesis, 2022-11-29)
      Tidlig diagnostikk og rask og målrettet behandling kan forbedre utfallet av influensa og Covid-19 sykdom. Gjennom prospektive, kontrollerte observasjonsstudier har vi vist betydningen av rask diagnostikk for å redusere ...
    • The clinical use of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation in children with neuromuscular disorders in Europe 

      Hov, Brit; Andersen, Tiina Maarit; Hovland, Vegard; Toussaint, Michel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E) is a strategy to treat pulmonary exacerbations in neuromuscular disorders (NMDs). Pediatric guidelines for optimal setting titration of MI-E are lacking and the settings used in ...
    • Clinicopathological factors associated with tumour-specific mutation detection in plasma of patients with RAS-mutated or BRAF-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer 

      Hamfjord, Julian; Guren, Tormod Kyrre; Glimelius, Bengt; Sorbye, Halfdan; Pfeiffer, Per; Dajani, Olav; Lingjærde, Ole Christian; Tveit, Magne Kjell; Pallisgaard, Niels; Spindler, Karen-Lise Garm; Kure, Elin Wenche Hegland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Detection of tumour-specific circulating cell-free DNA in plasma (ctDNA) fails in a significant number of cases depending on the clinical context. The primary aim was to investigate clinicopathological factors associated ...
    • Clonal evolution after treatment pressure in multiple myeloma: heterogenous genomic aberrations and transcriptomic convergence 

      Misund, Kristine; Hofste op Bruinink, Davine; Coward, Eivind; Hoogenboezem, Remco M.; Rustad, Even Holth; Sanders, Mathijs A.; Rye, Morten Beck; Sponaas, Anne-Marit; van der Holt, Bronno; Zweegman, Sonja; Hovig, Eivind; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda; Sundan, Anders; Myklebost, Ola; Sonneveld, Pieter; Waage, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      We investigated genomic and transcriptomic changes in paired tumor samples of 29 in-house multiple myeloma (MM) patients and 28 patients from the MMRF CoMMpass study before and after treatment. A change in clonal composition ...
    • Clonal evolution in primary breast cancers under sequential epirubicin and docetaxel monotherapy 

      Venizelos, Andreas; Engebrethsen, Christina; Deng, Wei; Geisler, Jürgen; Geisler, Stephanie; Iversen, Gjertrud Titlestad; Aas, Turid; Aase, Hildegunn Siv; Seyedzadeh, Manouchehr; Steinskog, Eli Sihn Samdal; Myklebost, Ola; Nakken, Sigve; Vodák, Daniel; Hovig, Eivind; Meza, Leonardo Zepeda; Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian; Eikesdal, Hans Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background Subclonal evolution during primary breast cancer treatment is largely unexplored. We aimed to assess the dynamic changes in subclonal composition of treatment-naïve breast cancers during neoadjuvant ...
    • Clonal heterogeneity reflected by pi3k-akt-mtor signaling in human acute myeloid leukemia cells and its association with adverse prognosis 

      Nepstad, Ina; Hatfield, Kimberley Joanne; Tvedt, Tor Henrik Anderson; Reikvam, Håkon; Bruserud, Øystein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-09-14)
      Clonal heterogeneity detected by karyotyping is a biomarker associated with adverse prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Constitutive activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-Akt-mechanistic target of rapamycin ...
    • Clues to Diagnosis and Clinical Outcomes in Autoimmune Addison’s Disease 

      Sævik, Åse Bjorvatn (Doctoral thesis, 2023-10-23)
      Forsinka diagnose av autoimmun Addisons sjukdom (AAS) aukar risikoen for ei potensielt dødeleg binyrekrise. Ved etablert sjukdom er det stor variasjon i kliniske utfall, med forskjellar i risiko for binyrekriser, kardiovaskulær ...
    • Clustering Schizophrenia Genes by Their Temporal Expression Patterns Aids Functional Interpretation 

      van der Meer, Dennis; Cheng, Weiqiu; Rokicki, Jaroslav; Fernandez-Cabello, Sara; Shadrin, Alexey; Smeland, Olav Bjerkehagen; Ehrhart, Friederike; Guloksuz, Sinan; Pries, Lotta-Katrin; Lin, Bochao Danae; Rutten, Bart P F; Van Os, Jim; O’Donovan, Michael; Richards, Alexander L.; Steen, Nils Eiel; Djurovic, Srdjan; Westlye, Lars Tjelta; Andreassen, Ole; Kaufmann, Tobias Herbert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Background Schizophrenia is a highly heritable brain disorder with a typical symptom onset in early adulthood. The 2-hit hypothesis posits that schizophrenia results from differential early neurodevelopment, predisposing ...
    • Co-design of a behaviour change intervention to equip geriatricians and pharmacists to proactively deprescribe medicines that are no longer needed or are risky to continue in hospital 

      Scott, Sion; Atkins, Bethany; Kellar, Ian; Taylor, Jo; Keevil, Victoria; Alldred, David Phillip; Murphy, Katherine; Patel, Martyn; Witham, Miles D.; Wright, David John; Bhattacharya, Debi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background: Trials of hospital deprescribing interventions have demonstrated limited changes in practitioner behaviour. Our previous research characterised four barriers and one enabler to geriatricians and pharmacists ...
    • Coexistence of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and Autoimmune Addison's Disease 

      Aslaksen, Sigrid; Methlie, Paal; Vigeland, Magnus Dehli; Jøssang, Dag Eirik; Wolff, Anette Susanne Bøe; Sheng, Ying; Oftedal, Bergithe Eikeland; Skinningsrud, Beate; Undlien, Dag Erik; Selmer, Kaja Kristine; Husebye, Eystein Sverre; Bratland, Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09-27)
      Background: Underlying causes of adrenal insufficiency include congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and autoimmune adrenocortical destruction leading to autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD). Here, we report a patient with a ...
    • Cognitive dysfunction in autoimmune diseases 

      Lauvsnes, Maria Boge (Doctoral thesis, 2015-06-18)
    • Cognitive impairment - role of vascular risk factors and lipid alterations for development and progression 

      Bergland, Anne Katrine (Doctoral thesis, 2021-03-26)
      Background: Dementia is a growing challenge, and there is no curative treatment available. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD), where treatment studies focusing on anti-amyloid treatment have thus ...
    • Cognitive Profiles and Atrophy Ratings on MRI in Senior Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment 

      Flak, Marianne Møretrø; Hol, Haakon Ramsland; Hernes, Susanne M S; Chang, Linda; Ernst, Thomas; Engvig, Andreas; Bjuland, Knut Jørgen; Madsen, Bengt-Ove; Lindland, Elisabeth Margrete Stokke; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Ulstein, Ingun; Lona, Trine Eli.B.; Skranes, Jon Sverre; Løhaugen, Gro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-11-21)
      In this cross-sectional study, we sought to describe cognitive and neuroimaging profiles of Memory clinic patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). 51 MCI patients and 51 controls, matched on age, sex, and socio-economic ...
    • Cohort profile: the Norwegian Registry of Persons Assessed for Cognitive Symptoms (NorCog) - a national research and quality registry with a biomaterial collection 

      Medbøen, Ingrid Tøndel; Persson, Karin Ester Torun; Nåvik, Marit; Totland, Torunn Holm; Bergh, Sverre; Treviño, Cathrine Selnes; Ulstein, Ingun; Engedal, Knut; Knapskog, Anne Brita; Brækhus, Anne; Øksengård, Anne Rita; Horndalsveen, Peter Otto; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Lyngroth, Anne Liv; Ranhoff, Anette Hylen; Skrettingland, Dagny B; Naik, Mala; Soares, Jelena Zugic; Johnsen, Bente; Selbæk, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Purpose: The Norwegian Registry of Persons Assessed for Cognitive Symptoms (NorCog) was established to harmonise and improve the quality of diagnostic practice across clinics assessing persons with cognitive symptoms in ...
    • COL6A3 expression in adipose tissue cells is associated with levels of the homeobox transcription factor PRRX1 

      Dankel, Simon N; Grytten, Elise; Bjune, Jan-Inge; Nielsen, Hans Jørgen; Dietrich, Arne; Blüher, Matthias; Sagen, Jørn V.; Mellgren, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Fibrillar collagen COL6α3 in adipose tissue has been associated with obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance and cancer. We here aimed to identify novel transcriptional regulators of COL6A3 expression. Based on a ...