Browsing Faculty of Humanities by Title
Now showing items 3513-3532 of 4012
Tengo el orgullo de ser peruano y soy feliz": Estudio lingüístico-cultural de la representación del dialecto peruano en la música y la identidad nacional
(Master thesis, 2011)The main objective of this thesis was to find out whether or not the Peruvian dialect is a part of the Peruvian national identity, using music as a medium. To accomplish this objective, interviews were conducted in Trujillo, ... -
Tenkningens livsvilkår - Problemets genese i møtet mellom liv og tenkning hos Gilles Deleuze
(Master thesis, 2011-02-01)Oppgaven undersøker betydningen av møtet med livet for tenkningens genese og muligheter hos Gilles Deleuze, hovedsakelig med utgangspunkt i Difference et Repetition oglesningene av Henri Bergson. -
Teoretiske, metodiske og historiografiske diskusjoner i norsk Historisk tidsskrift og dansk Historisk tidsskrift
(Master thesis, 2022-06-03) -
Term Formation – Is There a State of the Art?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The article discusses theoretical problems of term formation with respect to the tradition as well as to recent developments of terminology theory. Terminology theory has been challenged, discussed and revised during the ... -
Terrorists or cowards: negative portrayals of male Syrian refugees in social media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This paper examines images and words shared on the Twitter hashtag #refugeesNOTwelcome to understand the portrayal of male Syrian refugees in a post-9/11 context where the Middle-Eastern male is often primarily cast as a ... -
Text Classification for the Automation of Article Selection on the Effectiveness of Medical Interventions.
(Master thesis, 2023-11-20) -
Textbook tasks and the development of ICC in the EFL-classroom. How do textbook tasks in the subject of English in VG1 potentially promote the developmentof intercultural communicative competence?
(Master thesis, 2016-05-17)As of 2016, due to globalization, cross- cultural contact and communication are at an all-time high. Therefore, it is important that education prepares pupils for the increased interconnectedness of the world, and as a ... -
Texts: A case study of joint action
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Our linguistic communication often takes the form of creating texts. In this paper, we propose that creating texts or ‘texting’ is a form of joint action. We examine the nature and evolution of this joint action. We argue ... -
Texture, Colour and Surface Appearance of the Cividale Stuccoes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The article discusses the material and aesthetic qualities of the female stucco saints in the Tempietto Longobardo at Cividale del Friuli (c. AD 750). The stuccoes combine two artistic and technical traditions: marble ... -
"That something better ought to come". Structure and canon formation in British literary history
(Master thesis, 2011-05-16)Literary historiography may, among other things, mean the study of how literary history is written. Taking as my departurepoint Hayden White's claim that history is fictional as well as factual, and that writing history ... -
«That’s why jeg sa ja til intervju også». Bruk av semistrukturerte dybdeintervju som metode innenfor andrespråks- forskningen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)I denne artikkelen argumenterer vi for bruken av semistrukturerte dybdeintervju som metode innenfor andrespråksforskningen. Vi bruker det kvalitative datamaterialet fra NINjA-prosjektet, et forskningsprosjekt ved Universitetet ... -
The Accents of Power: An attitudinal study of accent use in The Lord of the Rings and The Rings of Power
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Formålet med studien har vært å analysere bruken av engelske aksenter (uttalevarianter) i Ringenes Herre-filmene og The Rings of Power-serien, for å avdekke mulige mønster i hvordan karakterene snakker og deres karaktertrekk. ... -
The Adam Smith Project - An Account of Human Interaction
(Master thesis, 2019-06-21)This thesis sets out to treat Adam Smith’s work as a whole, showing how his two books, The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, both are part of one underlying message rather than opposed to each other. A ... -
The Aesthetic Paradox: Detachment and Intimacy in Joan Didion's Play It as It Lays (1970) and A Book of Common Prayer (1977)
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Joan Didions romaner Play It as It Lays og A Book of Common Prayer ble begge publisert på 70-tallet og kan leses som et svar på de turbulente tilstandene som preget Amerikas samfunn på 60-tallet. I denne masteroppgaven ... -
The Ambivalence of British Secular Culture: Investigating Conflicting Principles in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane (2003) and Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire (2017).
(Master thesis, 2024-05-15)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven er å utforske sekulær ambivalens i britisk kultur som beskrevet i de britiske samtidsverkene Brick Lane (2003) av Monika Ali og Home Fire (2017) av Kamila Shamsie. Masteroppgaven analyserer ... -
The Athenian Agora and the Roman Forum as Marketplaces.
(Master thesis, 2019-12-20)Det klassiske agora i Athen og det romerske forumet i Roma var sentrale samlingspunkt i dei antikke byane, sentrum for båe politisk, religiøs og økonomisk aktivitetar. Denne oppgåva tek føre seg det athenske agora og det ... -
The Boundaries of Reality: Quantum Physics within a Transcendental Ideal Framework
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)In this project I am going to explore how the boundaries of our reality are conditioned by metaphysical principles. I will argue, in the spirit of Immanuel Kant, that these metaphysical principles also ground our knowledge ... -
The construction of Male Identity in Shakespeare: Ambition and the Corruption of Masculinity in Macbeth and Richard Ⅲ.
(Master thesis, 2024-11-20) -
The Digital Audience - How social media platforms encourage behavior between content creators and their audiences
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)Denne studien har som formål å analysere i detalj forholdet mellom publikum og innholdsskaper blant de mest brukte sosiale nettverk sidene, for å forstå sammenkoblingen mellom skaper, plattform og publikum. Sosiale mediers ...