Now showing items 21-40 of 1183

    • Affordances in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications 

      Gjøsæter, Tor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      This paper explores the affordances of augmented reality content in a mobile augmented reality application. A user study was conducted by performing a multi-camera video recording of seven think aloud sessions. The think ...
    • Aggregating Probabilistic Judgments 

      Ivanovska, Magdalena; Slavkovik, Marija (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-07-22)
      In this paper we explore the application of methods for classical judgment aggregation in pooling probabilistic opinions on logically related issues. For this reason, we first modify the Boolean judgment aggregation framework ...
    • The AI Act and the risks posed by generative AI models 

      Elgesem, Dag (Chapter, 2023)
      This position paper presents work in progress on the foundation of the not yet finalized AI Act and discusses whether the proposed AI Act has the resources to adequately identify and mitigate the risks posed by generative ...
    • AI i Schibsted News Media 

      Heimstad, Helena (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      Schibsted har som et av Nordens fremste mediekonsern, vært en drivkraft for teknologisk innovasjon på mediemarkedet. I 2022 lanserte OpenAI språkmodellen ChatGPT, en milepæl i utviklingen og forståelsen av kunstig intelligens ...
    • AI-Driven UX for Video Object Annotation 

      Alam, Md Fazla Rabbi (Master thesis, 2021-12-01)
    • AJAX from the users point of view. The development and evaluation of a Rich Internet Application using asynchronous client-server communication 

      Fanebust, Øyvind Moland; Driveklepp, Karoline (Master thesis, 2008)
      This thesis focuses on how the use of asynchronous communication affects users of web applications, speciffically considering the expectations the users have towards the application. Our main hypothesis was: "Ajax influences ...
    • Allmenn- eller nisje-tv? 

      Torgersen, Anna (Master thesis, 2013-05-15)
      Allmenn- eller nisje-tv? Problemstillingen er: I hvilken grad skiller NRK3 seg ut fra sine kommersielle konkurrenter FEM og MAX? Problemstillingen blir belyst gjennom en sammenlignende kvantitativ sendeflateanalyse, analyse ...
    • Ambjørnsen i bok og på film- narrative analyser av adaptasjonsfilmene Døden på Oslo S, Elling og Øyenstikker 

      Martinsen, Håvard (Master thesis, 2010-06-01)
      Oppgaven tar for seg de endringene og de valg som fordres itransfomasjonen av litterære fortellinger til film. Sentrert rundtnarrative analyser av tre filmer (Døden på Oslo S, Elling ogØyenstikker), alle basert på tekster ...
    • An Application for Promoting Effective Antibiotic Stewardship 

      Berge, Axel Benjamin (Master thesis, 2024-06-03)
      Antibiotic stewardship programs have become essential in dealing with the threat of antibiotic resistance. These programs aim to improve antibiotic prescribing practices to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use and also slow ...
    • An Application Promoting Lifestyle Changes for Young Adults with MS 

      Jakobsen, Martine Oppegaard (Master thesis, 2019-06-26)
      This master thesis presents a Design Science research study of an application promoting a healthy lifestyle where the aim is to increase life quality for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A User-Centered Design method ...
    • An Open Learner Model Dashboard for Adaptive Learning 

      Ovchinnikova, Maria (Master thesis, 2021-06-01)
      The thesis describes the design process of the independent OLM dashboard, MittFagkart, that visualizes student activity data across digital math tools used in Norwegian classrooms for teachers.
    • Analogical News Angles from Text Similarity 

      Tessem, Bjørnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The paper presents an algorithm providing creativity support to journalists. It suggests analogical transfer of news angles from reports written about different events than the one the journalist is working on. The problem ...
    • Analogical Reuse of Object-Oriented Analysis Models 

      Bjørnestad, Solveig (Doctoral thesis, 2008-05-29)
      Software reuse involves using again software artifacts that have been successfully built before.To be successful with software reuse, techniques for reuse must be integrated into both theinformation system development ...
    • Analysis and Design of Computational News Angles 

      Motta, Enrico; Daga, Enrico; Opdahl, Andreas Lothe; Tessem, Bjørnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      A key skill for a journalist is the ability to assess the newsworthiness of an event or situation. To this purpose journalists often rely on news angles, conceptual criteria that are used both i) to assess whether something ...
    • An analysis of image folksonomy generation 

      Bråthen, Jan-Erik (Master thesis, 2009-06-01)
    • Analysis of patient pathways with contextual process mining 

      Rabbi, Fazle; Seyedehbahareh, Fatemivanani; Wendy, MacCaull (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      The volume and diversity of healthcare information available through the use of modern technology offers great potential for improving health services delivery. Giving healthcare practitioners and health system administrators ...
    • Andre verdenskrig i den sjette bølgen av Combat-film 

      Falk, Filip Juricin (Master thesis, 2021-09-01)
      Denne masteroppgaven er en studie av krigsfilmsjangeren combat-film. Sjangeren ble etablert på 1940-tallet med utgangspunkt i fortellinger om andre verdenskrig og er nå etter tusenårsskiftet inne i en sjette tidsperiode, ...
    • Aporia & Epiphany in Context: Computer Game Agency in Baldur’s Gate II & Heroes of Might & Magic IV 

      Jørgensen, Kristine (Master thesis, 2003)
      This thesis studies computer games from a recipient’s perspective by doing an analysis ofhow an implied player is expected by game design to take action in computer games. Fromthe assumption that the player of computer ...
    • An Application of Bayesian Network in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

      Andersen, Benjamin (Master thesis, 2021-11-30)
      Mental health has received increased focus in recent years, with a larger emphasis on treatment and acceptance. However, evidence-based psychological interventions are of poor availability and have room for improvement. ...