Browsing Department of Chemistry by Title
Now showing items 195-214 of 464
Identification and quantification of valuable platform chemicals in aqueous product streams from a preliminary study of a large pilot-scale steam explosion of woody biomass using quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Steam explosion breaks down the polymeric matrix and enables the recovery of valuable compounds from lignocellulosic feedstock. In the steam explosion process, biomass is treated with high-pressure steam which subsequently ... -
Identification of a Phage Display-Derived Peptide Interacting with the N-Terminal Region of Factor VII Activating Protease (FSAP) Enables Characterization of Zymogen Activation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Factor VII Activating protease (FSAP) has a protective effect in diverse disease conditions as inferred from studies in FSAP–/– mice and humans deficient in FSAP activity due to single-nucleotide polymorphism. The zymogen ... -
Ikkje god, ikkje dårleg, men berre OK. Det er bra. Ei kvalitativ studie om etterarbeid ved vurderingar i kjemifaget i vidaregåande skule
(Master thesis, 2011-05-30)This thesis is mainly based on my interviews of four chemistry teachers and nine chemistry pupils. The goal of the thesis is to find out how teachers and pupils continue working with a subject after the pupils has been ... -
Imidazole Backbone Functionalization with Olefin Cross-Metathesis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)A selective and high-rate Ru-catalyzed cross-metathesis reaction of alkenes with vinylimidazole is disclosed. Cross-metathesis is known to operate less efficiently on N-heterocycles, but through optimization by means of ... -
Immiscible Viscous Fingering: Modelling Unstable Water–Oil Displacement Experiments in Porous Media
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Viscous fingering in porous media occurs when the (miscible or immiscible) displacing fluid has a lower viscosity than the displaced fluid. For example, immiscible fingering is observed in experiments where water displaces ... -
Impact assessment culture in the European Union. Time for something new?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Current approaches and cultures for the economic evaluations of environmental and health policies may suffer from excessive reliance on a standard neoclassic economic toolbox that neglects alternative perspectives. This ... -
Impact of fish protein concentrate on apparent viscosity and physical properties of soy protein concentrate subjected to thermomechanical treatment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-30)The aim of this research was to investigate the plasticizing and binding effect of fish protein concentrate (FPC) on soy protein concentrate (SPC) with the use of a capillary rheometer with pre-shearing capabilities. A ... -
The Impact of Rheology on Viscous Oil Displacement by Polymers Analyzed by Pore-Scale Network Modelling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Several experimental studies have shown significant improvement in heavy oil recovery with polymers displaying different types of rheology, and the effect of rheology has been shown to be important. These experimental ... -
The Impact of Water on Ru-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis: Potent Deactivating Effects Even at Low Water Concentrations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Ruthenium catalysts for olefin metathesis are widely viewed as water-tolerant. Evidence is presented, however, that even low concentrations of water cause catalyst decomposition, severely degrading yields. Of 11 catalysts ... -
Important Differences and Potential Synergies between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, and the Isolation of Natural Products from Bretschneidera Sinensis
(Master thesis, 2010-05-19)Summary Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been an important medical system in China for thousands of years. Lately, certain techniques like acupuncture and herbal medicines are also becoming increasingly popular in ... -
Incorporation of an intact dimeric Zr12 oxo cluster from a molecular precursor in a new zirconium metal-organic framework
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Two zirconium–organic frameworks were synthesized by exchanging the acetate ligands in [Zr12O8(OH)8(CH3COO)24] with polydentate linkers. Partial substitution of acetate groups by a phosphine based linker yielded a new ... -
Influence of adiposity and physical activity on the cardiometabolic association pattern of lipoprotein subclasses to aerobic fitness in prepubertal children
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Aerobic fitness (AF) and lipoprotein subclasses associate to each other and to cardiovascular health. Adiposity and physical activity (PA) influence the association pattern of AF to lipoproteins almost inversely making it ... -
Influence of chain length on the activity of tripeptidomimetic antagonists for CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-01)Here we report a series of close analogues of our recently published scaffold-based tripeptidomimetic CXCR4 antagonists, containing positively charged guanidino groups in R1 and R2, and an aromatic group in R3. While ... -
The influence of crude oil acids on natural inhibition of hydrate plugs
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-03-26)Gas hydrates can form in petroleum production systems of natural gas, water and crude oil. In some systems the hydrates agglomerate rapidly into large plugs that cause hazardous blockages of e.g. transport pipelines. The ... -
The influence of pipeline wettability and crude oil composition on deposition of gas hydrates during petroleum production
(Doctoral thesis, 2010-02-05)At specific temperature and pressure conditions, hydrates can sometimes plug production pipelines. It has been shown that some oils contain natural inhibiting compounds (NICs) that prevent hydrate plug formation even though ... -
Inklusjonskompleks mellom β-syklodekstrin og surfaktantene natrium dodekyl sulfat og natrium dekanoat
(Master thesis, 2002)Det er utført tetthets- og ultralydsmålinger på fortynningsserier av natrium dekanoat og natrium dodekyl sulfat i vann- og i β-syklodekstrin/vann- løsninger, med konsentrasjoner over og under kritisk micelle konsentrasjon, ... -
Insights into the synthesis of NHC-stabilized Au nanoclusters through real-time reaction monitoring
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Atomically precise gold nanoclusters (AuNCs) are interesting nanomaterials with potential applications in catalysis, bioimaging and optoelectronics. Their compositions and properties are commonly evaluated by various ... -
Intensive lifestyle intervention provides rapid reduction of serum fatty acid levels in women with severe obesity without lowering omega-3 to unhealthy levels
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08)Serum fatty acid (FA) levels were monitored in women with severe obesity during intensive lifestyle intervention. At baseline, total FA levels and most individual FAs were elevated compared to a matching cohort of normal ... -
Interaksjon av Coenzym Q10 på lipidmonolag. Effekt av ulike konsentrasjoner Coenzym Q10 på lipidmonolag studert ved Langmuir monolagsteknikk.
(Master thesis, 2013-12-12)Biologiske membraner er bygd opp som et bilag bestående av lipider, proteiner og karbohydrater. Coenzym Q10 (CoQ10) utgjør den største fysiologiske formen av ubiquinoner hos dyr og mennesker. Denne forbindelsen har ... -
Interfacial Aromatics Mediating Cation-π Interactions with Choline-Containing Lipids Can Contribute as Much to Peripheral Protein Affinity for Membranes as Aromatics Inserted below the Phosphates
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Membrane-binding interfaces of peripheral proteins are restricted to a small part of their exposed surface, so the ability to engage in strong selective interactions with membrane lipids at various depths in the interface, ...