Browsing Department of Mathematics by Title
Now showing items 945-964 of 982
Validating a Computational Framework for Ionic Electrodiffusion with Cortical Spreading Depression as a Case Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a wave of pronounced depolarization of brain tissue accompanied by substantial shifts in ionic concentrations and cellular swelling. Here, we validate a computational framework for ... -
Validation of close‐kin mark–recapture (CKMR) methods for estimating population abundance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)1. Knowing how many individuals there are in a population is a fundamental problem in the management and conservation of freshwater and marine fish. We compare abundance estimates (census size, Nc) in seven brook trout ... -
Valuation of Guaranteed Investment Contracts
(Master thesis, 2002) -
Value of different data types for estimation of permeability
(Master thesis, 2011-06-01)The interrelation between sensitivity, non-linearity and scale, associated with the inverse problem of identifying permeability from measurements of fluid flow, is considered. The gouverning equations for fluid flow in a ... -
Varied mechanisms and models for the varying mitochondrial bottleneck
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-20)Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules exist in populations within cells, and may carry mutations. Different cells within an organism, and organisms within a family, may have different proportions of mutant mtDNA in these ... -
Vascular responses to radiotherapy and androgen-deprivation therapy in experimental prostate cancer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-05-23)Background: Radiotherapy (RT) and androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) are standard treatments for advanced prostate cancer (PC). Tumor vascularization is recognized as an important physiological feature likely to impact on ... -
Verifisering av ein tredimensjonal bølgemodell ved hjelp av eksperimentelle data
(Master thesis, 2001) -
Vertical Equilibrium Flow Models with Fully Coupled Geomechanics for CO2 Storage Modeling, Using Precomputed Mechanical Response Functions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Vertical equilibrium (VE) models have proved to be attractive for simulation of \co storage scenarios. Their primary advantage is a substantial reduction in computational requirements compared to standard 3D simulation ... -
Vertical equilibrium models for coupled flow and transport problems
(Master thesis, 2017-12-20)A better understanding of viscous fingering can help to increase the recovery of hydrocarbons. The need for modelling the impact of viscous fingering is great as it largely dictates the sweep quality of hydrocarbons in a ... -
Vertically averaged equations with variable density for CO2 flow in porous media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-03)Carbon capture and storage has been proposed as a viable option to reduce CO 2 emissions. Geological storage of CO 2 where the gas is injected into geological formations for practically indefinite storage, is an integral ... -
Vertically Averaged Models for CO2 Storage in Porous Media
(Master thesis, 2008) -
Vertically integrated models for coupled two‐phase flow and geomechanics in porous media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-02)Models of reduced dimensionality have been found to be particularly attractive in simulating the fate of injected CO2 in supercritical state in the context of carbon capture and storage. This is motivated by the confluence ... -
Videregåendeelevers strategier i brøkoppgaver. Hvilke deler av brøkbegrepet er synlige i strategiene?
(Master thesis, 2018-12-19)Behr, Lesh, Post & Silver (1983) mener at rasjonale tall er blant de mest komplekse og viktigste matematiske idéene barn i grunnskolen skal lære og jeg ønsket derfor å se nærmere på brøkkunnskapene til elever etter ... -
Vilhelm Bjerknes og Bergensskolen. Forelesning holdt på Matematisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen 22.04.1998
(Department of Applied Mathematics report, Research report, 1998-10) -
Visualisering og konkretisering av omdreiningslegemer ved bruk av Geogebra 3D og 3D-printer
(Master thesis, 2017-07-26)Digital programvare og digitale verktøy er i stadig utvikling, og matematiske programmer, som for eksempel Geogebra, gir oss mulighet til å visualisere matematikk på en enklere og raskere måte enn tidligere, både gjennom ... -
Visuelle løsningsstrategier til sannsynlighetsoppgaver - En studie av fem videregående elevers bruk av ulike visuelle løsningsstrategier i sannsynlighetsregning
(Master thesis, 2017-07-26)Denne masteroppgaven handler om elever på videregående sin bruk av visuelle løsningsstrategier i møte med sannsynlighetsoppgaver. Formålet var blant annet å undersøke hvilke ulike visuelle løsningsstrategier elever benytter ... -
Volatility modelling in time and space
(Doctoral thesis, 2020-11-06)This thesis contributes to the scientific community in several aspects. We introduce both spatial- and spatio-temporal extensions to the family of GARCH and ARMA-GARCH models and present asymptotic statistics for the quasi ... -
Volume preserving numerical integrators for ordinary differential equations
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-11-08) -
Vurdering for læring i matematikk - vurderingspraksis i 1YT i to klassar på elektrofag
(Master thesis, 2016-05-31)Denne oppgåva handlar om formativ vurdering i matematikk. I problemstillinga spør ein etter i kva grad kapittel- og lekseprøver i 1YT har ein formativ funksjon for elevar på elektrofag. Ein skil mellom formål og funksjon ... -
Water renewal in a threshold fjord: A simulation study of submerged fresh water discharge
(Master thesis, 2018-12-15)Threshold fjords are characterized by low concentrations of oxygen in the depths of the basin, caused by weak and/or infrequent exchange of the basin water. A three-dimensional ocean model, The Bergen Ocean Model (BOM), ...