Browsing Department of Psychosocial Science by Title
Now showing items 722-741 of 894
Should the population limit its exposure to media coverage after a terrorist attack?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This study investigates the relationship between media exposure to the terrorist attacks in Norway on July 22, 2011 and post-traumatic stress reactions (PTSR) three years after the attacks. The sample consisted of two ... -
Sikkerhet til sjøs: en test av jobbkrav-ressursmodellen innenfor en sikkerhetskritisk norsk maritim næring
(Master thesis, 2022-03-30)Sjøfart er et farlig yrke som ofte assosieres med farer og risikoer som ikke finnes i like stor grad i landbaserte yrker. Dette kan innebære drift av tungt maskineri, arbeid med farlige stoffer samt sosial isolasjon. Ulykker ... -
The 'similarity index' as a measure of situation awareness in field studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-12-17)The aim of this paper is to present a methodology where the extent of information sharing among team members is used as an indicator of shared mental models (SMM) and situation awareness (SA). Data collection procedures ... -
Simulated Night Work, Sleep-Wake Changes and Markers of Brain Plasticity
(Master thesis, 2019-11-21)Nattarbeid skjer i et tidsvindu hvor kroppen er innstilt på å sove og muligheten for å sove er når kroppen er innstilt på å være våken. Dette påvirker søvn og våkenhetsmønstre, samt kognitiv fingering. Jeg har brukt en ... -
Simulated quick returns in a laboratory context and effects on sleep and pre-sleep arousal between shifts: a crossover controlled trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This trial presents a laboratory model investigating the effect of quick returns (QRs, <11 h time off between shifts) on sleep and pre-sleep arousal. Using a crossover design, 63 participants worked a simulated QR condition ... -
Situation awareness in bridge operations – A study of collisions between attendant vessels and offshore facilities in the North Sea
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-07-09)This study examined accident reports ( n = 23) for collisions between attendant vessels and offshore facil- ities on the Norwegian continental shelf during the period of 2001–2011. An initial analysis indicated that the ... -
Skal jeg gripe inn? Policys betydning på tilskueratferd i møte med mobbing
(Master thesis, 2022-05-20)Tidligere forskning på mobbing i arbeidslivet har hovedsakelig omhandlet det dyadiske forholdet mellom mobber og offer. Nyere forskning vektlegger hvordan tilskuerne både blir påvirket av situasjonen, samtidig som de kan ... -
Skeive liv. Felles fortellinger på tvers av forskjeller
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Hva er det som trekkes frem som viktige hendelser når skeive skal fortelle om sine liv i Norge på 2010-tallet? I denne artikkelen analyserer vi frem fellesnevne- re på tvers av kvalitative intervjuer med 99 skeive ... -
Skoleledelse under pandemi - En intervjuundersøkelse av skoleledere
(Master thesis, 2021-04-17)Idet Covid-19-pandemien spredde seg over hele verden, kjempet mange skoleledere med å reagere raskt og tilstrekkelig på en radikalt endret kontekst. Skolene var blant de viktigste samfunnsinstitusjonene som ble berørt av ... -
Skurker eller helgener? Hvordan påvirker en moralsk vs. umoralsk kontekst vårt syn på effektiv ledelse og tillit?
(Master thesis, 2023-05-01)Dagens ledere står overfor en rekke krav og forventninger om å lykkes. Det er forventninger om at ledere skal være gode, omsorgsfulle, autentiske og tillitsfulle. Samtidig forventes det at de oppnår virksomhetens mål på ... -
Sladrehank skal selv ha bank? Whistleblowing i en norsk bykommune
(Master thesis, 2004)Within the last three decades, the topic of whistleblowing at the workplace has attained growing attention in the media and public debate, and in organizational psychology as well. The present study was undertaken with the ... -
Sleep and body mass index in adolescence: results from a large population-based study of Norwegian adolescents aged 16 to 19 years
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-08-15)Background: The aim of this study was to examine the association between body mass index (BMI) and sleep duration, insomnia and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adolescents. Methods: Data were taken from a large ... -
Sleep and childhood maltreatment: A matched-control study of sleep characteristics in Norwegian 16–19-year-olds
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Sleep problems are an important but understudied health problem in adolescents exposed to childhood maltreatment. The current study aimed to examine sleep characteristics and insomnia in a population with maltreatment ... -
Sleep and dropout from upper secondary school: A register-linked study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Objective The present study investigates the association between sleep in late adolescence and completion of upper secondary school. Methods The data are drawn from the youth@hordaland study, a large population-based study ... -
Sleep and health in shift working nurses
(Doctoral thesis, 2013-02-22)In this thesis, the prevalence of Shift Work Disorder (SWD) in a sample of nurses, and the association between SWD and work characteristics, health outcome and personality (paper 1) have been investigated. Next, the ... -
Sleep and naval performance. The impact of personality and leadership
(Doctoral thesis, 2019-08-30)Adult life consists of work, non-work, and sleep. All individuals experience a relationship between how well and how much they sleep and subsequent functioning the next day, and the amount and quality of sleep is determined ... -
Sleep and use of electronic devices in adolescence: Results from a large population-based study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-02-02)Objectives: Adolescents spend increasingly more time on electronic devices, and sleep deficiency rising in adolescents constitutes a major public health concern. The aim of the present study was to investigate daytime ... -
Sleep and work functioning in nurses undertaking inpatient shifts in a blue-depleted light environment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-18)Background: Blue-depleted light environments (BDLEs) may result in beneficial health outcomes for hospital inpatients in some cases. However, less is known about the effects on hospital staff working shifts. This study ... -
Sleep duration and mental health in young adults
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background The association between sleep duration and mental illness has been established in middle-aged and older populations, yet remains less explored in younger adults. Additionally, a common limitation to existing ... -
Sleep Duration and Nocturnal Awakenings in Infants Born with Gestational Risk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Objective: Infants born with gestation-related risks (low birth weight (LBW), small for gestational age (SGA), and prematurely born infants) are faced with a cascade of developmental issues. The aim of this study was to ...