Blar i Department of Psychosocial Science på tittel
Viser treff 822-841 av 894
UK ethnic minority healthcare workers’ perspectives on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK ethnic minority community: A qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-08-03)Background: The experiences of UK ethnic minority (UKEM) healthcare workers are crucial to ameliorating the disproportionate COVID-19 infection rate and outcomes in the UKEM community. We conducted a qualitative study on ... -
Understanding University Students’ Acceptance of ChatGPT: Insights from the UTAUT2 Model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The current study explores the determinants of ChatGPT adoption and utilization among a sample of Norwegian university students. The theoretical perspective of the study is anchored in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and ... -
Unethical Leadership: Review, Synthesis and Directions for Future Research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The academic literature on unethical leadership is witnessing an upward trend, perhaps given the magnitude of unethical conduct in organisations, which is manifested in increasing corporate fraud and scandals in the ... -
Unique predictors of sleep quality in junior athletes: The protective function of mental resilience, and the detrimental impact of sex, worry and perceived stress
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-05-31)Since athletic development and functioning are heavily dependent on sufficient recuperation, sleep in athletes is becoming a topic of increasing interest. Still, existing scientific evidence points to inadequate sleep in ... -
Updating working memory in aircraft noise and speech causes different fMRI activations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-10-28)The present study used fMRI/BOLD neuroimaging to investigate how visual-verbal working memory is updated when exposed to three different background-noise conditions: speech noise, aircraft noise and silence. The number-updating ... -
User-generated alcohol-related content on social media. Determinants and relation to offline alcohol use
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-02-09)Alcohol is the most commonly used psychoactive substance worldwide. It is considered to increase social cohesion, and to play a part both in the development and expression of identity. Alcohol is, however, also associated ... -
Using card sorting to explore the mental representation of energy transition pathways among laypeople
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-12-04)Meeting international emission targets will require major changes in the energy system. This paper addresses the public perception of different pathways to energy transition, and their mental representation in particular. ... -
Using Norwegian National Patient Registry data to understand associations between potentially traumatic life experiences and mental health care use in adolescence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Exposure to potentially traumatic experiences (PTEs) is common among children and adolescents and associated with an increased risk of psychiatric diagnoses. This study aimed to ascertain how the number of PTEs differed ... -
Utforskende test-retest studie: Studenters konfidens og konsistens i vurderingen av risikable avhørsmetoder
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Avhør er en av politiets mest brukte og viktigste etterforskningsmetoder, og utgjør gjennomgående straffesakens mest sentrale bevis. Hvordan et avhør utføres kan spille en stor rolle for vurdering av vitnene eller en ... -
Utmattelse, lederadferd og oppgaveprestasjon - Ledelse som mulig ressurs for ansattes oppgaveprestasjoner
(Master thesis, 2016-05-14)By performing a quantitative diary study and multilevel analysis this study looks at how percieved exhaustion influences task performance. The relation of instrumental and authentic leadership with task performance was ... -
Utviklingen av stress over tid blant norske sykepleiere
(Master thesis, 2021-04-03)Stress blant sykepleiere har fått mye oppmerksomhet de siste årene og studier har vist at sykepleiere generelt har høye krav i arbeidet, noe som kan være en stressbelastning. Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke om ... -
Vaksineusikkerhet blant innvandrere under covid-19-pandemien – en kvalitativ studie
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Bakgrunn: Vaksinasjon mot SARS-CoV-2 har vært et viktig tiltak i håndteringen av pandemien. I Norge har vaksinasjonsdekningen vært lavere i flere innvandrergrupper enn i den øvrige befolkningen. Målet med denne studien var ... -
Validation of the 7-Item Domain-General Gambling Harm Scale (DGHS-7)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction Gambling can cause negative consequences affecting finances, work/study, physical and mental health, relationships, law abidingness, and the community. Although existing measures enable investigations of ... -
Validity, Reliability, and Cross-Cultural Comparability of a Problematic Overstudying Scale across European, North American, and Asian countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Problematic overstudying has been conceptualized as a potential addictive disorder and an early form of work addiction. Previous studies have shown that it is a different phenomenon from healthy learning engagement and is ... -
The value of diversity in cognitive science
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A recent article (Núñez et al., 2019) claims that cognitive science, while starting off as a multidisciplinary enterprise, has “failed to transition to a mature inter‐disciplinary coherent field.” Two indicators reported ... -
The value proposition of food delivery apps from the perspective of theory of consumption value
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Purpose The theory of consumption values (TCV) has successfully explained much consumer choice behavior, but few studies have investigated the values that drive food-delivery application (FDA) use. This study aims to ... -
Variability in staff perceptions of patientsafety culture in Norwegian nursinghomes — a longitudinal cross-sectional study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-09-18)Background Patients in nursing homes are at risk of adverse events, representing a highly vulnerable group that is chronically weak and cognitively or physically reduced. To prevent adverse events, knowledge of patient ... -
Variability in the alignment of number and space across languages and tasks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-10-04)While the domains of space and number appear to be linked in human brains and minds, their conceptualization still differs across languages and cultures. For instance, frames of reference for spatial descriptions vary ... -
Various close relationships for lesbian women in 1986 and 2005
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)This work explored various close relationships (romantic relationships and motherhood) as this relates to historical time period. Two national samples of self-identified lesbian women aged 20 to 49 years in Norway were ... -
Virker det? Etisk infrastruktur sin betydning for forekomst av trakassering og varsling i norske kommuner
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)Tidligere forskning på trakassering og varsling i arbeidslivet har hovedsakelig konsentrert seg om årsaker og konsekvenser. Mindre fokus har blitt rettet mot effektiviteten av organisatoriske systemer i forbindelse med ...