Blar i Department of Psychosocial Science på tittel
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Safe travel: Passenger assessment of trust and safety during seafaring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-04)Across two studies, this paper explores passengers’ knowledge and perceptions of safety and risk during voyage at sea. Study 1 showed that, although overall safety knowledge can be considered good, some differences exist ... -
Safety Climate perceptions in High Reliability Organizations - the role of Psychological Capital
(Doctoral thesis, 2018-12-06)Over recent decades, research on antecedents of safety in High Reliability Organizations (HROs) has shifted from focusing mostly on technical issues to placing greater emphasis on human factors. Although an abundance of ... -
Safety on board offshore vessels: A study of shipboard factors and situation awareness
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-10-19)The overall aim of this thesis is to shed new light on how shipboard factors may influence the ability to achieve and maintain situation awareness (SA) in day-to-day operations on offshore vessels. The term, ‘shipboard ... -
Safety Onboard Norwegian Vessels: Investigating The Risk Assessments Of Maritime Operators
(Master thesis, 2021-05-14)Dette studiet undersøkte hvordan norske sjøfolk vurderer risiko som er assosiert med deres arbeid. Nærmere bestemt om deres subjektive vurdering av risiko stemmer overens med den objektive risikoen, og om de fatter ... -
Samhandling i virtuelle team: under hvilke omstendigheter og hvor godt fungerer det? En kvantitativ dagbokstudie om effekten av transformasjons- og passiv-unnvikende ledelse blant norske arbeidstakere på hjemmekontor
(Master thesis, 2021-04-03)Virtuelt arbeid og virtuelle team har fått økende oppmerksomhet i dagens arbeidsliv, til tross for at det foreligger lite empiri innen forskningsfeltet. Covid-19 pandemien tvang flere nasjonale og internasjonale arbeidsteam ... -
Sammenhengen mellom daglig job crafting og daglig oppgaveutførelse, og jobbengasjements betydning i dette forholdet.
(Master thesis, 2017-01-05)This qualitative diary study builds on the job crafting literature by examine if a person's daily task performance can be explained by the cadet's ability on the various facets of job crafting: «increasing personal resources», ... -
Sammenhengen mellom daglig transformasjonsledelse og affektiv tillit til leder neste dag: Den medierende rollen til daglig tilfredsstillelse av de basale psykologiske behovene
(Master thesis, 2022-03-30)For at organisasjoner skal blomstre i dagens usikre omgivelser og oppnå suksess gjennom intellektuell kapital, er det viktig at den enkelte arbeidstaker våger å ta interpersonlig risiko, stoler på nærmeste leder og bidrar ... -
Sammenhengen mellom emosjonelle krav og arbeidstakeres “Need for Recovery” i et flernivåperspektiv: Modererende effekter av delt persepsjon av transformasjonsledelse og sosial støtte fra leder og kollegaer
(Master thesis, 2021-04-03)Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke relasjonen mellom emosjonelle krav og “Need for Recovery”. I tillegg til dette hadde studien også som formål å undersøke om sosial støtte fra leder og sosial støtte fra kollegaer ... -
Sammenhengen mellom erfarte problemer med endring og de individuelle utfallene jobbengasjement og behov for restitusjon: Psykososialt sikkerhetsklima som mulig moderator. En kvantitativ flernivåstudie
(Master thesis, 2021-05-14)Det høye endringstempoet som kjennetegner arbeidsmarkedet i dag, har vist seg å kunne være belastende for de ansatte. Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom erfarte problemer med endring og de ... -
Sammenhengen mellom jobbusikkerhet og subjektive helseplager moderert av transformasjonsledelse, støttende ledelse og laissez-faire ledelse
(Master thesis, 2017-06-13)The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between job insecurity and health complaints and to investigate if transformational leadership, supportive leadership and laissez-faire leadership had a moderating ... -
Sammenhengen Mellom Svevende Objekter og Illusjonen Om Tomt Rom: Det Forunderlige Tilfellet av Amodalt Fravær
(Master thesis, 2018-06-07)The aim of this study was to explore a phenomenon that has not been previously explored within the field of psychology, called amodal absence. Amodal absence refers to the process where the visual system fills in the area ... -
School Principals’ Experiences and Learning from the Covid-19 Pandemic in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This exploratory study present findings from semi-structured interviews with 15 Norwegian school principals elaborating on their experiences and learning from the school closures, transition to digital education, and ... -
Scientific truth or debate: On the link between perceived scientific consensus and belief in anthropogenic climate change
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Scientists overwhelmingly agree that climate change exists and is caused by human activity. It has been argued that communicating the consensus can counter climate scepticism, given that perceived scientific consensus is ... -
Screen-based activities and physical complaints among adolescents from the Nordic countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-06-09)Background: A positive association between time spent on sedentary screen-based activities and physical complaints has been reported, but the cumulative association between different types of screen-based activities and ... -
Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder: A comprehensive systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The inclusion of gaming disorder (GD) as an official diagnosis in the ICD-11 was a significant milestone for the field. However, the optimal measurement approaches for GD are currently unclear. This comprehensive systematic ... -
Seasonality and symptoms of depression: A systematic review of the literature
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-04-22)Aims: Lay opinions and published papers alike suggest mood varies with the seasons, commonly framed as higher rates of depression mood in winter. Memory and confirmation bias may have influenced previous studies. We therefore ... -
Self-esteem and emotional reactivity of actors and magicians: a comparative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Self-esteem and emotional reactivity may be important personality determinants of human functioning in situations of social exposure. In this study, we compared the levels of these personality variables in a group of ... -
Self-reported adverse experiences and age of opioid onset for first time admitted to opioid maintenance treatment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Patients in opioid maintenance treatment might differ significantly on major life events, coping resources and living conditions. Aim: This study investigated patients’ sociodemographic characteristics before ... -
Self-reported and parent-reported mental health in children from low-income families in Agder, Norway: results from baseline measurements of New Patterns project participants
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background Poverty may pose risks to child and adolescent mental health, but few studies have reported on this association among children and adolescents in low-income families in Norway. Methods Based on a sample participating ... -
Self-reported reasons for (not) being worried about climate change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)A national sample from Norway (N = 2001) was asked to report how much they worry about climate change (closed-ended question), and then to write down their reasons for (not) being worried (open-ended question). Answers to ...