Blar i Department of Psychosocial Science på tittel
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Taktisk pusting kan forbedre politistudenters prestasjoner under akutt stress i aktive, kritiske situasjoner
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Akutt stress kan få uheldige konsekvenser for feilbedømmelser og feilhandlinger, og dermed redusere politiets prestasjoner. Det finnes lite forskning om taktisk pusting og hvordan teknikken kan påvirke politiets akutte ... -
A Taxonomy of Terror - About the Effect of Different Kinds of Terror on Risk Perceptions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Terrorism is an increasing problem; still, research systematically investigating the impact of varying kinds of terrorism is scarce. The present investigation uses hypothetical scenarios to look at effects of diverging ... -
Teaching sustainability at the high sea: the “One Ocean Expedition”
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This case study explores educational practices and processes in an interdisciplinary summer course addressing SDG14 (Life below water), SDG13 (Climate action), SDG4 (Education), SDG3 (Good health and wellbeing), and SDG17 ... -
Teamwork on Patrol: Investigating Teamwork Processes and Underlaying Coordinating Mechanisms in a Police Training Program
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The Big Five theory suggests that five components in teamwork are essential for team effectiveness in stressful environments. Furthermore, three coordinating mechanisms are claimed to be decisive to upholding and informing ... -
Teamwork skills, shared mental models, and performance in simulated trauma teams: an independent group design
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010-08-31)Background Non-technical skills are seen as an important contributor to reducing adverse events and improving medical management in healthcare teams. Previous research on the effectiveness of teams has suggested that shared ... -
Telescoping and Gender Differences in High-Risk Gambling: Loss Limit Behavior in a Population of Electronic Gaming Machine Players
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Objective: Telescoping refers to the accelerated progression from starting a potentially addictive behavior to reaching a disordered level. For disordered gambling, telescoping has been reported for women compared to men. ... -
Temporal order of diagnosis between gambling disorder and substance use disorders: Longitudinal results from the Norwegian Patient Registry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction Previous research has established co-occurrence between substance use disorders (SUDs) and gambling disorder (GD). Less well understood is the temporal sequencing of onset between these disorders, and in ... -
Temporal trends in adolescents’ self-reported psychosomatic health complaints from 1980-2016: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-11-28)Objective There is increasing concern that mental health may be deteriorating in recent generations of adolescents. It is unclear whether this is the case for self-reported psychosomatic health complaints (PSHC). Method: ... -
Terapeuters tanker om gjenopprettende prosess når barn begår seksuelle overgrep: en kvalitativ studie
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background: Restorative process has been used as a treatment intervention in cases where children sexually abuse other children. However, empirical knowledge of the method is scarce. Aim: This study aims to explore ... -
A terrible future: Episodic future thinking and the perceived risk of terrorism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-10-22)Terrorism is a salient risk source in 21st century life and may deter tourists from visiting certain destinations. How people perceive the risk of a future terror attack abroad, and thus their traveling decisions, may be ... -
The effectiveness of Balanced Leadership Behaviour within the Norwegian Armed Forces, and the predictive value of personality traits
(Master thesis, 2022-04-22)Seleksjon av individer til lederstillinger er avgjørende for effektiviteten til de fleste organisasjoner, spesielt i en militær setting. Optimalisering av seleksjonsprosessen er av den grunn en kritisk del av å sikre en ... -
The Impact of Shift Schedules and Personality on Sleep Duration and Quality Among European Air Traffic Controllers: A Cross-Sectional Survey
(Master thesis, 2024-05-31)Shift work negatively impacts sleep, a finding supported by numerous studies among healthcare personnel. However, there is a scarcity of studies on how shift work impact sleep among air traffic controllers, a profession ... -
The Mediating Effect of Work-Family Spillover on the Relationship between Occupational Fatigue and Turnover Intentions: A study of Norwegian Nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Master thesis, 2023-04-21)Tidligere har studier på jobb-familie-spillover utelukkende blitt studert i en stresskontekst, men de siste 20 årene sett forskere begynt å interessere seg også for de positive sidene av jobb-familie-spillover. Denne ... -
The neural correlates of skill transmission: An fMRI study
(Master thesis, 2023-05-15)Studies on cumulative cultural evolution and cultural transmission typically focus on the changes in performance or potential improvements as a result of skill learning. Although there is great interest in the human brain ... -
Theorizing the relationship between the digital economy and firm productivity: The idiosyncrasies of firm-specific contexts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)With the rise of emerging economies such as China, the research environment for the digital economy (DE) has changed significantly. However, our understanding of the productivity impact of DE development in Chinese firms ... -
Threat, anti-western hostility and violence among European muslims: The mediating role of acculturation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In many Western countries, the public has extensively debated factors potentially leading Muslim minority-group members to support violence by foreign extremist states or to commit violence themselves. Here, one central ... -
Through the Looking Glass of Social Media. Focus on Self-Presentation and Association with Mental Health and Quality of Life. A Cross-Sectional Survey-Based Study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Social media (SOME) use among adolescents has been linked to mental health and well-being. SOME self-presentation has been highlighted as an important factor to better understand the potential links. The aims of this study ... -
Time in bed, sleep sufficiency and emotional and behavioral problems in a general population of 10-12 year old children
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-10)Objective: To examine the relationship between time in bed, sleep sufficiency and emotional and behavioral problems in a general population of children aged 10-12 years (N=5095). Methods: Emotional and behavioral problems ... -
Time-trends in Nordic adolescents’ communication with their parents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-11)Adolescence is an important developmental period toward greater independence. However, the family is still very important in the life of young people. The aim of this study was to analyse changes over time in easy communication ... -
Tinder use and romantic relationship formations: A large-scale longitudinal study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-14)The current paper aims to investigate if Tinder use predicts romantic relationship formation 1 year later and to identify demographic, personality, mental health, and substance use covariates in the relationship between ...