Browsing Department of Education by Title
Now showing items 32-51 of 319
"Da vet du at det er de jentene, liksom". Læring og identitetsutvikling i spenningsfeltet mellom majoritetsfelleskapet og minoritetsfellesskapet
(Master thesis, 2003)Fra sammendrag: Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ studie av en flerkulturell klasse med hovedfokuset på en jentegruppe bestående av fire pakistanske jenter og deres opplevelser av skolen som læringsarena med utgangspunkt i ... -
Deltakerbaner i psykologutdanningen en femårs oppfølging av psykologistudenter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)I denne longitudinelle intervjustudien undersøkte vi hvordan syv psykologistudenter opplevde den seksårige prosessen med å bli innført i psykologprofesjonen ved et lærested i Norge. Vi analyserte de sosialfaglige handlingene ... -
The Democratic Duty to Educate Oneself
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-11-12)I argue that democratic citizens have a duty to educate themselves politically. My argument proceeds in two stages. First, I establish a case for the moral importance of individual competence for voting, but also maintain ... -
Den omsorgsfulle væremåte: En studie av voksnes væremåte i forhold til barn i barnehagen
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-01-29)In Norway, children who attend a kindergarten have a legal right to receive care. This legal right is the juridical context of the present study and I describe care as a legal “shall”-obligation for adults in kindergarten. ... -
Dental students’ professional communication skills: Using a student response system and peer discussion to raise awareness of the importance of good professional communication skills in practice periods
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In large lectures in education of dentists there is often less dialogue and communication between students and the instructors, and several studies have found that traditional lecturing in such lectures is ineffective in ... -
Depoliticising political violence: state-centric and individualised discourses in the Norwegian counterterrorism policy field
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Over the past decades, emerging focus has been on how teachers in Norway can foster citizenship in their classrooms to strengthen democracy. Yet, in conjunction with rising concerns of homegrown terrorism, a new curriculum ... -
"Der skoen trykker"
(Master thesis, 2013-11-14)Learning objectives are used by businesses and organisations in order to reach strategic and overarching goals. Traditionally it is believed that training and education in general will benefit the business. The fundamental ... -
«Det handler om å finne sin egen form» Læreres profesjonelle handlingsrom − hvordan det blir forstått og utnyttet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The aim of the study is to examine teachers’ understanding and interpretation of their professional space, and how they experience having possibilities to practice their pedagogical beliefs throughout their careers. The ... -
Developing a CVTAE-based conceptual framework for examining emotions in higher education teaching: a systematic literature review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)A number of studies on higher education (HE) teachers' emotions have been carried out, but overall, the literature on this issue is relatively limited, even though HE teaching can be regarded as an emotional endeavor and ... -
Developing professional digital competence in Norwegian teacher education: a scoping review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The widespread use of educational technology in schools compels teachers to seamlessly integrate technology while developing students’ digital competence. As educational technology continually evolves, digital competence ... -
Development of inclusive practice – the art of balancing emotional support and constructive feedback
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-01-17)Inclusive education in the context of challenging behavior is one of the most demanding challenges for teachers. Good support systems help teachers become more positive about inclusion and gain greater confidence in realizing ... -
"Diabetikar i ein skulekvardag - elevperspektiv"
(Master thesis, 2014-05-15)This study deals with young diabetics and their perspective on their schooldays. While surveying the theme, which was done before I started work on my study, I found that this point of view was a little researched area in ... -
Diagnostisk vurderingspraksis i matematikk
(Master thesis, 2014-11-11)In 2004, a report from OECD concluded that Norwegian schools lacked information about the progress of the students, and furthermore did not have sufficient tools for identifying students who needed extra support. After ... -
Dialogen som visker ut kategorier: En studie av hvilke erfaringer innvandrerungdommer og norskfødte med innvandrerforeldre har med videregående skole.Hva forteller ungdommenes erfaringer om videregående skoles håndtering av etniske ulikheter?
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-11-25)The aim of the thesis is immigrant youth and Norwegians born to immigrant parents in upper secondary school in Norway, and how this group of students experience their daily life in school. The thesis examines whether ... -
Digital assessment – how does it challenge local practices and national law? A Norwegian case study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The traditional exam has a strong holding within Norwegian higher education and is very often the preferred way of assessing students. Digital technology opens up for alternatives to the traditional exam, but so far focus ... -
Digital Consumer Health: Negotiating Multiple Voices in the Clinical Consultation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this paper, we explore what may happen when people who are ostensibly “well” bring data from digital self-tracking technologies to medical consultations. On the basis of a fictional case narrative, we explore how multiple ... -
Digital Learning Aids for Nynorsk Pupils in School - A Politically Sensitive Area or a Question of a Deeper Scientific Understanding of Learning?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)This position paper focuses on Nynorsk in the digital era and the need for research-based knowledge about it in school settings in Norway. The Norwegian language situation is exceptional because Norway has two written ... -
Digitale læremiddel i lærarutdanninga
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Bakgrunnen for artikkelen er eit utviklingsprosjekt i lærarutdanninga med utprøving av digitale læremiddel. Fokus vert retta mot lærarutdannarar og korleis dei vel å kopla saman sin pedagogiske praksis med den aukande ... -
Diskurser om barn i Rammeplanene for barnehager: 1996,2006 og 2017.
(Master thesis, 2017-06-15)The main theme of this assignment is how the view of children is in “the Norwegian framework plans for the content and tasks of kindergartens” from 1996, 2006 and 2017. The problem statement of the assignment is as follows: ... -
The Dramaturgy and Didactics of Computer Gaming. A Study of a Medium in the Educational Context of Kindergartens
(Doctoral thesis, 2014-06-06)