Browsing Department of Psychosocial Science by Title
Now showing items 160-179 of 894
Daglig sammenheng mellom passiv-unnvikende ledelse og sviktende sikkerhetsetterlevelse: Den modererende rollen til moralsk utkobling og intoleranse for usikkerhet
(Master thesis, 2018-06-13)Kunnskap om faktorer som påvirker etterlevelse av sikkerhetsrutiner har trolig avgjørende betydning for arbeidsplass sikkerhet, særlig i sikkerhetskritiske kontekster hvor avvik kan medføre alvorlige konsekvenser. Hensikten ... -
Daglig sammenheng mellom rolleuklarhet og oppgaveprestasjon: Den modererende rollen til regulerende fokus. En kvantitativ dagbokstudie blant norske arbeidstakere på hjemmekontor
(Master thesis, 2022-03-30)Arbeid på hjemmekontor har fått økt oppmerksomhet i dagens arbeidsliv grunnet covid-19 pandemien. Pålagt bruk av hjemmekontor kan ha fremskyndet en endring i arbeidslivets fungering i form av samarbeid over lengre distanser ... -
Daglig sammenheng mellom transformerende ledelse og jobbprestasjon: Self-efficacy sin modererende rolle
(Master thesis, 2017-06-14)This quantitative diary study examines the daily influence of transformational leadership on positive change in followers daily job performance. In addition the study examines a possible moderating effect of employee trait ... -
Daily autonomy and job performance: Does person-organization fit act as a key resource?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)In the present study, we integrate Person-Organization (P-O) fit and Job Demands-Resources theories to argue that P-O fit (i.e., value congruence between person and organization) is a key resource that facilitates the ... -
Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to bullying behaviors at work: The moderating roles of trait anger and trait anxiety
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Building on the three-way model of workplace bullying and its underlying theories, this study investigates the role of trait anger and trait anxiety in the link between daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to ... -
Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily negative and positive affect: exploring the moderating role of neuroticism
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Background and Objectives Drawing on affective events theory, the present study investigates relationships between daily interpersonal conflicts and negative and positive affective reactions, and tested whether trait ... -
Daily sleep quality and naval work performance: the role of leadership
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Poor sleep is a growing concern in naval settings. Previous research has demonstrated that both civilian and military naval work strains sleep quality as well as a negative relationship between sleep quality ... -
Daily transformational leadership and employee job crafting: The role of promotion focus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018-03-08)Transformational leaders are expected to challenge their followers to take greater ownership of their work, allowing the leader to align followers with tasks that enhance their performance. In the present study, we hypothesize ... -
Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study uses the full-range leadership model to argue that on days when leaders engage in transformational leadership behaviors, they identify follower strengths and stimulate followers to show personal initiative. We ... -
Daily work pressure and exposure to bullying-related negative acts: The role of daily transformational and laissez-faire leadership
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The present study integrates the work environment hypothesis and the effort-reward imbalance model to argue that work-related antecedents of workplace bullying are moderated by the day-to-day leadership practices of one’s ... -
Daily work pressure and task performance: The moderating role of recovery and sleep
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-28)Whereas previous research has focused on the link between (mental and physical) workload and task performance, less is known about the intervening mechanisms influencing this relationship. In the present study, we test the ... -
Dark consequences of social media-induced fear of missing out (FoMO): Social media stalking, comparisons, and fatigue
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Research on the dark side of social media usage has explored the fear of missing out (FoMO), social media fatigue (fatigue), social media stalking (stalking), and online social comparison (social comparison) independently. ... -
The dark side of phubbing in the workplace: Investigating the role of intrinsic motivation and the use of enterprise social media (ESM) in a cross-cultural setting
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Despite the increasing phenomena of supervisor phubbing (a counterproductive workplace behaviour of managers), very few studies have explored its outcomes in organisations. This study aims to bridge this gap by investigating ... -
The dark side of social media: Stalking, online self-disclosure and problematic sleep
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The proliferation of social media usage has led to the manifestation of certain negative behaviours that are now referred to as the ‘dark side’ of social media use. These behaviours are a matter of concern, as they are ... -
Dataspillavhengighet : en oversikt over utbredelse, måling, korrelater, og behandling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)I forskningsmiljøene har det vært diskutert hvorvidt dataspillavhengighet (overdreven og tvangspreget dataspilling) er et nyttig begrep, hvordan det skal defineres og hva slags forklaringsmodeller som er mest passende. Per ... -
Decomposing the effect of hardiness in military leadership selection and the mediating role of self-efficacy beliefs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Psychological hardiness is a set of personality characteristics that is linked to better health, performance, and leadership in demanding environments. Research indicates that candidates who score high on hardiness have ... -
Decreased Job Security Without Change in Safety During Hydrocarbon Industry Recession
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Economic recessions may decrease an organization’s investment in maintenance, training and safety management, and may thus have a negative impact on safety. The present study examines how job security and safety changed ... -
Delayed sleep phase syndrome in adolescents: prevalence and correlates in a large population based study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-12-11)Background: The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) in adolescence, and to examine the association to insomnia and school non-attendance. Methods: Data stem from a large ... -
Demographical, personality, alcohol use, and mental health characteristics associated with different alcoholic beverage preferences among students
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-20)The study investigates correlates (i.e. demographics, personality, alcohol use and alcohol-related harm, alcohol expectancies, and mental health) of different alcoholic beverage preferences (i.e. beer/alcopops/cider, wine, ... -
Demographics, personality and substance-use characteristics associated with forming romantic relationships
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The current study aimed to identify demographic, personality and substance-use characteristics associated with forming romantic relationships. Data were collected by two online surveys among students in Bergen, Norway, ...