Blar i Department of Comparative Politics på tittel
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A Reaffirmed Call for Responsibility-Sharing: Determinants of Responsibility-Sharing after the 2018 Global Compact on Refugees
(Master thesis, 2021-07-02)This thesis investigates what can explain states’ contributions to responsibility-sharing in the implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees. Refugees and the responsibilities of refugee protection continue to be ... -
Abolition of the death penalty. An event history analysis of the political, cultural and socioeconomic determinants of death penalty abolition.
(Master thesis, 2008-09)During the past 50 years, more and more countries have abolished the death penalty. Today,more than half of the countries of the world have removed capital punishment from theirlaws for crimes such as murder. The use of ... -
The Accountability Function within a One-party Regime: The Case of China’s Local People’s Congress
(Doctoral thesis, 2012-04-27)This is a study of Chinese local legislatures, the Local People’s Congresses (LPCs), and their accountability function within the one-party regime. The focus is to what extent, how, and why LPCs can promote political ... -
Accountable to whom? How strong parties subvert local democratic institutions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)How do politicians in emerging democracies subvert institutional reforms that are designed to improve accountability? Looking at patron-client relations within political parties, I present a strategy, partisan accountability, ... -
Achieving justice by starvation: a quantitative analysis of hunger strike outcomes
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)This thesis analysis hunger strikes as a specific protest tactic and aims to contribute to the understanding of where, when and how hunger strikes are most likely to reach their intended goals. By using a dataset consisting ... -
Adapting to closing space: Human rights NGOs’ strategies in Putin’s Russia
(Master thesis, 2018-06-21)This thesis is concerned with investigating two phenomena related to civil society occurring in competitive authoritarian regimes: Closing space for civil society and deliberation in the form of limited pluralism. The study ... -
Adapting to Peacetime Politics? Rebranding and Ideological Change in Former Rebel Parties
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-06)How do rebel groups turned political parties adapt their ideological profiles after war? Do they continue to mobilize along the main conflict cleavage or do they adopt new issues that are conducive to peace? This article ... -
"Addressing the Gender Blindness of Decommodification" - Adapting decommodification of the paradox of female commodification
(Master thesis, 2015-06-01)This thesis seeks to resolve the gender blindness of Esping-Andersen's decommodification index and examine which socioeconomic and political forces that explain decommodification when female decommodification is accounted ... -
Affirmative action measures and electoral candidates’ positioning in Zambia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)While the increase of women in elected office has received much scholarly attention, less attention has been paid to the dynamics of resisting gender quotas in countries that fail to adopt such measures despite regional ... -
Affluence and Influence in a Social Democracy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Research from the United States and Europe suggests that affluent citizens enjoy considerably more policy influence than do average citizens and the poor. I examine the extent of unequal policy responsiveness in one of the ... -
Affordable Care Act- for better or for worse? - En liten oppsummering
(Master thesis, 2017-06-29)Helse som menneskerettighet er ikke konstitusjonelt forankret i USA, men Obama, som mange presidenter før han satte helse som menneskerettighet på den politiske dagsordenen. Det var hans viktigste innenrikspolitiske ... -
Afrikansk samarbeid i regionale mellomstatlege institusjonar.
(Master thesis, 2009-05-20)The thesis deals with interstate cooperation in African regional institutions, and poses the question: What characterizes African interstate cooperation as opposed to regional cooperation in other world regions. Institutional ... -
All about the money? A cross-national study of parties’ relations with trade unions in 12 western democracies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article examines political parties’ approach to trade unions and the role of private and public party finance in contemporary democracies. We suggest that both unions’ direct donations and states’ party finance regimes ... -
Alle piler peker opp En vekstkurveanalyse av kvinner i de høyeste domstolene
(Master thesis, 2019-12-18)Cross-sectional time-series analysis of women’s representation in states’ legislatures has a rich tradition within social sciences. The same cannot be said about women’s representation on the highest courts. This thesis ... -
Allies and traitors : Vice-presidents in Latin America
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Vice-presidents in Latin America have often been at the centre of political turbulence. To prevent conflicts within the executive, most Latin American countries have therefore put in place formulae to elect presidents and ... -
Amerikansk bruk av etterretningskontraktører - En utfordring for de statlige kjerneoppgavene og voldsmonopol?
(Master thesis, 2019-07-02)Bruken av etterretningskontraktører i den amerikanske forsvarssektoren har siden angrepene 11. september 2001 hatt en voldsom oppblomstring. Manglende ressurser, store personellkutt og tungrodd byråkrati er noe av forklaringen ... -
An economic explanation to welfare state attitudes: a multilevel analysis of 21 European countries
(Master thesis, 2021-07-23) -
An Islamic liberation of Afghan women? A study of the legitimacy of different frameworks for the promotion of women’s rights in Afghanistan
(Master thesis, 2019-08-27)This thesis addresses the question of what constitutes the basis rights of Afghan woman, in the area of matrimonial law. By covering the narratives of gender promotion in Afghanistan, with the aim to examine the effectiveness ... -
Approaching the boundary problem: Self-determination, inclusion, and the unpuzzling of transboundary conflicts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In recent decades, decisionmakers have increasingly faced conflicts juxtaposing demands for self-determination and inclusion. Political theorists term this juxtaposition “the boundary problem.” They have offered normative ...