Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 612-631 of 649
Valgets kval. Hvorfor innførte Tunisia og Egypt valgsystemene de gjorde etter den arabiske våren, og hvilke konsekvenser hadde dette?
(Master thesis, 2015-05-31)Midtøstens regimestabilitet ble kraftig utfordret av den arabiske våren som startet i 2010. Autoritære statsledere som hadde sittet ved makten i decennier i Tunisia og Egypt måtte bøye av for et massivt folkeopprør. I løpet ... -
Valkampen – ei journalistisk høgtid. Korleis dekka journalistar stortingsvalet i 2017, og kva meiner dei sjølve om denne dekkinga i etterkant?
(Master thesis, 2019-01-12)Journalistar har ei viktig samfunnsrolle, men denne rolla er under press. Det er viktigare enn nokon gang at journalistar oppfyller sin samfunnskontrakt, der dei sørger for å oppretthalda funksjonen som den fjerde statsmakt ... -
"Vår evne til å kompromisse" - Flernivåanalyse av årsakene til dissens i straffesaker i Norges Høyesterett fra 1996 til 2011
(Master thesis, 2012-06-07)Målet med oppgaven er å undersøke hva som påvirker dommere til å dissentere i straffesaker i Norges Høyesterett. Problemstillingen er interessant fordi dommere skal drive rettsutvikling gjennom deres beslutningstaking. ... -
The veepstakes: A study of the selections of the American vice presidents from 1940 to 2008
(Master thesis, 2009-11-19)American vice presidents have become influential and powerful political figures. Yet, they are not popularly elected; since 1940, they have been personally selected by the presidential nominees themselves. This thesis ... -
Veien til økt kvalitet. Internasjonalisering av norsk høyere utdanning
(Master thesis, 2015-05-31)Denne studien har som formål å belyse hvilke rasjonaler som driver norske statlige høyskoler til å investere i internasjonalisering, samt å avdekke hvilke utfordringer norske statlige høyskoler opplever i møte med ... -
Velferd, Utjamning, Fattigdom. Problemrepresentasjoner i tre stortingsmeldinger om velferdspolitikk 1995-2002
(Master thesis, 2007)Denne oppgaven argumenterer for at en viktig innfallsvinkel til å studere utviklingen av velferdsstaten er å undersøke hvordan den blir språklig konstruert i politisk debatt og policydiskurs. Med dette som utgangspunkt ... -
«Vi har egentlig drevet med dette lenge, vi har bare ikke kalt det klimatilpasning» En kvalitativ studie av hvordan klimatilpasning har kommet på agendaen i to mellomstore kommuner.
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)Adaption to climate change has become a topical issue within public administration. Global temperatures are on course for a 2,3 to 4,6-degree Celsius rise this century. An increasingly wilder and wetter climate will have ... -
Voter alignments in a dominant party system: The cleavage structures of the Russian Federation.
(Master thesis, 2015-11-20)This thesis investigates whether there is a social cleavage structure across the Russian regions and whether this structure is mirrored in the electoral vote shares for Putin and his party United Russia on one hand, versus ... -
Voter preferences as a source of descriptive (mis)representation by social class
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This paper presents the results of a conjoint survey experiment in which Swiss citizens were asked to choose among parliamentary candidates with different class profiles determined by occupation, education and income. ... -
Wage Inequality in Rich Democracies : Policies and Politics
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-08-09)Økende økonomisk ulikhet er en betydelig utfordring for moderne avanserte demokratier. Økonomisk ulikhet skaper sosiale spenninger, reduserer sosial mobilitet, hindrer økonomisk vekst, og undergraver prinsippet om lik ... -
Water & Power
(Master thesis, 2018-06-22)In this thesis, I attempt to explain the development of the international human right to water, and how this has affected opportunities for those that have their rights violated. As the right to water was elevated to an ... -
”We are equal, we are different”: A social movements’ approach to the emergence of indigenous parties in Bolivia and Peru
(Master thesis, 2010-06)This thesis discusses the emergence of ethnic, or indigenous, parties in Bolivia and Peru. More specifically, it seeks to explain why Bolivia has seen the emergence of indigenous-based political parties at the national ... -
“ We strongly condemn…”: Norwegian governments’ Foreign Policy Statements as Political Tool or Moral Stance?
(Master thesis, 2019-06-27)In international relations “shaming-policy” is one of the most common and popular “tools” for achieving change in state behavior, concerning human rights and international law. Public exposure leads to pressure, which leads ... -
What influences State Friendly voting in the Norwegian Supreme Court?. An Analysis of dissenting Supreme Court Decisions from 1991 to 2012
(Master thesis, 2013-11-19)The aim of this thesis is investigate if the Norwegian Supreme Court exhibits a state friendly nature when they vote in dissenting civilian cases where one of the litigants is the state in the time period 1991-2012. The ... -
When Women Run Again. Re-Candidacy Rates in the Norwegian Parliament 1921 - 2021
(Master thesis, 2022-06-22)Research on gendered patterns of political representation has grown drastically over the last couple of decades. At the same time, the existing research and literature on this field has primarily focused on the numbers of ... -
Where you sit is where you stand: education-based descriptive representation and perceptions of democratic quality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Scholars of descriptive representation have paid growing attention to the issue of class. This article contributes to this line of research by examining the educational (mis)match of elected officials and the citizens they ... -
Who Runs This Town? Private Security Companies and their effect on security sector reform in Afghanistan
(Master thesis, 2012-06-04)Security is a public good that is cheap to maintain in a stable system, but expensive to establish once it has been lost. Internally armed conflicts and civil war are detrimental to public security. Afghanistan has endured ... -
Whose idea? Family policy in Germany and Norway and the role of international organizations
(Doctoral thesis, 2009-05-28)Ideer som teoretisk innfallsvinkel anvendes i økende grad i studier av velferdspolitiske reformer. En årsak er at teorier som vektlegger funksjonelle (eksempelvis indre og ytre reformpress), institusjonelle (eksempelvis ... -
Why can’t we agree on the effect of education on income inequality? A meta-analysis
(Master thesis, 2022-06-22)Does education influence income inequality? Despite being a widely examined subject within political, sociological, and economic research over the past 70 years, researchers have not reached unanimity on whether higher ... -
Why countries do (not) lower the voting age: A mixed-methods study of conditions and processes
(Master thesis, 2024-06-03)Many countries around the world have successfully lowered their voting ages to 16 at either the local, regional, and/or national level. These countries have applied differing methods for their implementation process. Some ...