Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 380-399 of 648
Nativist attitudes and opportunistic support for democracy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Do nativists differ from other citizens in their attitudes towards democracy? In this article it is demonstrated that nativism goes hand in hand with preferences for a type of democracy where the interests of the natives ... -
A nativist divide? Anti-immigration attitudes and diffuse support for democracy in Western Europe
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Earlier research has shown a strong connection between anti-immigration attitudes and political trust in Western Europe. In this research note, we examine if nativists’ low levels of specific political support translate ... -
NATO + Russland = Umulig?
(Master thesis, 2021-07-02)Fra 16. Oktober 1962 til 28. Oktober 1962 holdt verden pusten. Krisen handlet om utplasseringen av atomvåpenraketter på Cuba. Den daværende amerikanske presidenten John F. Kennedy iverksatte en skipsblokade rundt øyen, og ... -
Naturressurser, institusjoner og korrupsjon- en kvantitativ analyse.
(Master thesis, 2008-12-04)Dette studiet studerer forholdet mellom naturressurser, institusjoner og korrupsjon. Ulike teorier blir presentert som forklaringer på hvorfor korrupsjonsnivået varierer, der både politiske, økonomiske og kulturelle ... -
Når det gjelder som mest. En studie av tillit til myndigheter for å håndtere terrorangrep i Norge
(Master thesis, 2015-06-02)The purpose of this thesis is to examine to what extent trust in authorities' ability to handle a terrorist attack can be explained by policy distance. The level of trust in political institutions in Norway is generally ... -
«Når man først spør, så forplikter man jo til å høre etter» En studie av lokalpolitikeres holdninger til borgerpanel
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)In a time where political participation and democratic legitimacy are in decline, several countries and regions have taken to democratic innovations as a measure to reinvigorate their democracy. For democratic innovations ... -
A New French Revolution? An integrative approach in the analysis of the Romanian transition
(Master thesis, 2001)This thesis has focued on the Romanian transition. The critical period concerned was from March 1989, with apparent signs of liberalisation, to the 1990 elections. Romania differed from the East and Central European ... -
New Policies, Old Attitudes? - Discrimination against Roma in Norway
(Master thesis, 2017-06-15)Norway has a long history of discrimination against a group of Roma, namely the Tater/Romani people. In 1998, the Norwegian authorities officially apologised for the way in which the Tater/Romani people had been treated. ... -
No Compromise - No Democracy. Pacts, Threats and Nested Games as Approaches to the Belarusian and Russian Transitions
(Master thesis, 2007)Belarus and Russia entered simultaneous transitions as the Soviet Union broke down at theend of 1991. As most other former Soviet republics Belarus and Russia did not end up withdemocratic regimes as a result of transition. ... -
No Country for Green Men? A case study of the Green Party of the United States
(Master thesis, 2014-05-31)The purpose of this thesis is to explore the following question: Why has the Green Party of the United States not been more successful in the political arena?" This question is again related to two broader questions; why ... -
«Noe langt borte, og noe høyt oppe». Representasjon i ikke-representative institusjoner: Norges Høyesterett og den geografiske dimensjonen i norsk politikk
(Master thesis, 2021-06-01)Eksisterer en forventning om at bare med likemenn i kontorene, vil ens brøl fra bakken bli anerkjent og akseptert? I så fall har beslutninger truffet av dem som avspeiler befolkningen deskriptivt, et legitimerende potensial. ... -
The Nordic Model: Assessing its robustness and the effects of the global financial crisis
(Master thesis, 2013-11-20)It is sometimes said the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have found a magic way of combining high taxes and lavish welfare systems with fast growth and unemployment. Some credit this to the triumph ... -
Norge som mål for utenlandske investeringer: Trender og forklaringer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Utenlandske investeringer er en viktig del av økonomien i mange land. Det gjelder også Norge, hvor utenlandskontrollerte foretak sysselsetter 21 prosent av arbeidstakerne i privat næringsliv. Samtidig vet vi at strømmene ... -
Norge, den gylne middelvei? Balansen mellom plikt og rett i skandinaviske integreringsprogram.
(Master thesis, 2021-06-02)Introduksjonsprogram er det første leddet av integrering en nyankommen innvandrer møter ved inkorporering til et nytt samfunn. Integreringsprogrammer har endret seg betraktelig de siste 20 årene og tradisjonelt har ... -
Norsk høyreekstremisme på Facebook
(Master thesis, 2019-06-20)This master thesis considers the prevailing definition of right-wing extremist ideology in relation to right-wing extremism in Norway. The aim is to evaluate whether the definition applies in the Norwegian context, or if ... -
"Norsk verneplikt, avvik frå overordna konvergens med dansk og svensk innsatsforsvar".
(Master thesis, 2012-12-20)Abstract The Scandinavian countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden have presently introduced a defence based on flexible reaction forces. Does this imply that the national defence models are converging and are there any causes ... -
Norske nasjonale ekspertar - ein kanal for innverknad eller gratis arbeidskraft til Brussel?
(Master thesis, 2009-12-04)The three European Free Trade Area (EFTA) countries Norway, Island and Liechtenstein are connected to the European Union (EU) through the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement. This agreement implies that a significant ... -
The Norwegian voluntary sector in change: The impact of changes in organizational type, structure, and membership on local voluntary associations' political involvement
(Master thesis, 2011-05-31)The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the political involvement of local voluntary associations has changed between 1999 and 2009, and if so what caused this change. The Norwegian voluntary sector has been in ... -
Nærpolitireformen. Politiansattes og lederes vurdering av dagens situasjon og forventninger til reformen
(Research report, 2017)