Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 590-609 of 647
Uchaguzi: An analysis of the crowdsourced election monitoring in Kenya 2013
(Master thesis, 2015-06-01)During the 2013 general elections in Kenya the crowdsourced election monitoring project Uchaguzi ran in parallel with ordinary domestic and international election observations. Such monitoring projects have been performed ... -
UK Independence Party - Ny politisk kraft i et definert politisk tomrom. Et casestudium av partiets fremvekst i britisk politikk
(Master thesis, 2014-06-04)Ved årets Europaparlamentsvalg sjokkerte UK Independence Party mange ved å bli Storbritannias største parti. Til tross for den siste tidens fremganger er partiet fortsatt lite kjent. Denne oppgaven søker derfor å belyse ... -
Underholdskravet: En ulv i fåreklær? En komparativ analyse av motivene bak endringene av underholdskravet ved familiegjenforening.
(Master thesis, 2015-06-02)The aim of this study has been to investigate motives behind three changes in the Norwegian Immigration Act (Utlendingsloven). The subject in focus has been the rules regarding family migration, and especially the rule ... -
Understanding bureaucratic support for coerced institutional change
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Institutional reform processes can be contested. The more so by those working in the affected institutions. Bureaucracies, in particular, can be resistant to change. To better understand such processes, we study the regional ... -
Understanding patterns of stakeholder participation in public commenting on bureaucratic policymaking: Evidence from the European Union
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)What explains the levels and diversity of stakeholder participation in public commenting on bureaucratic policymaking? We examine a novel dataset on a stakeholder engagement mechanism recently introduced by the European ... -
Understanding the Different Outcomes of the Arab Uprisings: A Comparison of Egypt and Tunisia
(Master thesis, 2017-06-15)This thesis attempts to analyse and explain the reason why Egypt and Tunisia experienced different transitional outcomes following the Arab uprisings in 2011. Although both countries appear to have similar authoritarian ... -
Understanding the Uneven Playing Field. The Multifaceted Role of Unfair Electoral Competition in a Non-Democratic Regime
(Doctoral thesis, 2017-06-15)If you are running as an opposition candidate in an election in a non-democratic regime, you know that you are running against a candidate who has better access to the state than you. As a result, you are likely to have ... -
The Unequal Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Political Interest Representation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The COVID-19 pandemic is viewed by many as the biggest global crisis since WWII and had profound effects on the daily lives of people and decision-making worldwide. Using the pandemic as a system-wide agenda shock, we ... -
Unequal Representation and Morality Issues: The Effect of Education on Opinion-Policy Congruence
(Master thesis, 2022-06-22)A government must be responsive to all its’ citizens for a democracy to thrive, meaning that all individuals must be politically equal. This entails that their preferences are equally influential on the government’s ... -
Unequal representation of women and youth on climate policy issues
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Women and youth support climate policies to a larger extent than their counterparts, and they are underrepresented in formal politics. This paper explores whether descriptively underrepresented groups also are substantively ... -
Unequal representation: The case of climate policy and youth
(Master thesis, 2021-07-02)A growing body of research finds that representation is real, but likely unequal. Policy is shown to disproportionately follow the preferences of some societal groups, most notably the rich, in advanced democracies. This ... -
Ungdomspolitikere og sosiale medier. Hvilke utfordringer og muligheter finnes, en casestudie av ungdomspolitikere i Fredrikstad.
(Master thesis, 2024-02-23)Denne masteroppgaven tar sikte på å gi et bidrag til eventuell forskning rundt hvilke muligheter og utfordringer ungdomspolitikere ser ved bruk av sosiale medier til å fronte politikk. Selv om denne oppgaven fokuserer på ... -
Unge partimedlemmer. En kvantitativ og kvalitativ studie av hvorfor ungdommer melder seg inn i politiske partier
(Master thesis, 2017-06-24)I Norge og i flere andre europeiske land har de politiske partiene opplevd en markant nedgang i antall medlemmer. Blant medlemmene er de unge er ofte underrepresentert. Partiene representerer folket i de politiske ... -
Unions´ strategies in the age of free movement A comparative case-study of trade union strategies towards posted workers in the European Economic Area
(Master thesis, 2021-07-02)Numerous studies have concentrated on the consequences of intra-EU labour mobility. However, the literature lacks an analytical understanding of the types of strategies unions pursue and their relative usage. This thesis ... -
United We Stand? Testing the Enabling Theory of the Norwegian Welfare State During the 2020 & 2021 Crisis
(Master thesis, 2021-07-16) -
Unravelling the ‘devolution paradox’: Citizen preferences for self-rule and for shared rule
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Recent survey research has revealed a ‘devolution paradox’: some citizens who favour stronger regional governments inconsistently desire policy uniformity across regions and state-wide intervention in policy provision. It ... -
The urban poor as citizens and clients. Enacting political agency through political parties and social movements in Kenya and Zambia
(Doctoral thesis, 2016-05-27)How has political pluralism and increasingly more competitive elections affected the political agency of the urban poor in Kenya and Zambia, and why? This thesis compares the political mobilization of the urban poor by ... -
Urbanisering av det samiske elektoratet: en fremvoksende skillelinje i den moderne samepolitikken?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Stemmeretten ved sametingsvalg i Norge er ikke knyttet til at en bor innenfor et bestemt geografisk område, men er en politisk rettighet som erverves på individuelt etnisk grunnlag, og som følger individet uavhengig av ... -
Utvidelsen av det norske likestillingsbegrepet – Fra endimensjonal til flerdimensjonal likestilling
(Master thesis, 2022-06-22)This thesis seeks to investigate the concept of «State feminism», and the degree of impact it has had on the Norwegian equality politics since the 1970s. The aim of the analyzes is to assess Norwegian equality policies ...