Browsing Department of Comparative Politics by Title
Now showing items 496-515 of 647
Rising Tide or Skilful Manoeuvring? Comparison of classical theories on elections and parties applied to a novel case: The Green Parties
(Master thesis, 2020-08-28)There has been a steadily increasing interest in the study of the phenomenon of “niche” parties in the last decade. The resulting literature has predominantly focused on populist right-wing parties, and while this is vital, ... -
The road towards 2020: A multiple case study on the implementation of the RES-Directive in Estonia, Latvia and Norway and the factors affecting their performance towards meeting the 2020 renewable energy targets.
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)The purpose of this study is to examine which factors have affected the performance of Estonia, Latvia and Norway towards reaching their 2020 renewable energy goals they have committed themselves to as a result of the ... -
Roads to Autonomy. Similar paths, different outcomes in two Inuit regions
(Master thesis, 2017-12-12)The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain why two Inuit regions in Canada, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut, experienced different outcomes after extensive tripartite negotiations for self-government. Although both regions ... -
Rogue aid or the poor helping the poor? Making sense of Chinese foreign aid to Africa
(Master thesis, 2021-07-02)This thesis investigates Chinese foreign aid allocation to Africa between 2000 and 2014. China is an emerging donor of foreign aid and has become an alternative source of assistance for African recipient countries. Considering ... -
Rough Aid? An econometric analysis of Chinese development aid`s effect on good governance in Sub-Saharan Africa
(Master thesis, 2017-12-09)This thesis attempts to estimate the effect of Chinese development aid on good governance in Sub-Saharan Africa over time. The motivation of this thesis is the growing importance of China as a donor, and the many assumptions ... -
Russian Energy Aggression 2000-2008: A Multiple Case Study of Russian Energy Aggression During Vladimir Putin’s Presidency
(Master thesis, 2009-11-09)This thesis seeks to explain what triggered cases of Russian energy aggression duringVladimir Putin's presidency. Previous studies on the subject have largely focused on singlecases or a small sample of cases, whereas this ... -
Russisk cybersabotasje - Forsmak på fremtidens cyberkrig?
(Master thesis, 2019-07-04)Denne oppgaven ser på hvordan russisk cybersabotasje har blitt gjennomført de siste 12 årene og i hvilken grad vi kan si at dette er en forsmak på fremtidens cyberkrigføring eller kjente aktive tiltak i nye rammer. ... -
Same Rules, Higher Costs: Women’s Pathways to Candidacy in Zambia
(Chapter, 2021) -
Same, but different
(Master thesis, 2016-06-17)The Nordic countries of Finland, Sweden and Norway is home to the Sámi people, an indigenous group that has in recent decades gone from political marginalization to empowerment. The strongest symbols of this political ... -
Samepolitikkens plass i utviklingsprosesser i nord
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)I løpet av de siste 30 årene har framveksten av Sametinget og andre samiske institusjoner løftet samepolitikken inn i en internasjonal urfolksdiskurs, hvor samiske rettigheter er styrket gjennom norsk støtte til internasjonale ... -
Sametingets relevans og rekkevidde
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Sametinget, som et direkte folkevalgt organ av og for samer, kan sies å være etablert for å utøve selvbestemmelse for et eget urfolkspolitisk fellesskap innenfor staten. Det er en institusjon som imidlertid har betydelige ... -
Samfunnsøkonomisk verdiskaping- et smutthull for brudd på urfolksrettigheter? En komparativ studie av om en innvilget driftskonsesjon for Nussir ASA kan bryte med samiske urfolksrettigheter.
(Master thesis, 2023-12-01)Denne studien har hatt som formål å belyse problemstillingen “hvordan har den samfunnsøkonomiske verdiskapingen i Nussir-saken tatt hensyn til samiske urfolksrettigheter?” Bakgrunnen for valg av tematikk er basert på ... -
A Sami land-claims settlement? Assessing Norway's Finnmark Act in a comparative perspective
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The Sami, the Indigenous peoples of Fennoscandia, assert ownership-, use-, and management-rights to their traditional lands. Norway's 2005 Finnmark Act is the only legislation so far to broadly respond to those assertions. ... -
Samvirke politi og Forsvar; et samvirke som fungerer men som krisen utfordrer.
(Master thesis, 2018-06-30)I denne oppgaven har jeg forsøkt å belyse at kompetanse har en innvirkning på samvirke mellom Forsvaret og politiet i krisehåndtering. Utallige meldinger og proposisjoner fra Storting og regjering omhandler de fire ... -
Samvirkebonden - En empirisk undersøkelse av en gruppe melkebønder i Hordaland
(Master thesis, 2014-06-02)Abstract The topic of this master thesis is about the Hordaland farmer and his relationship to the cooperative. The research questions of this thesis are as follows: Which negative and positive sides does the cooperative ... -
The ‘sanction‑policy’ linkage from the perspective of citizens and the role of the party system
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Research on dynamic representation stresses the effect of electoral incentives on politicians’ motivation to pursue policies in line with the preferences of the majority of the citizens. However, comparative research on ... -
Sannfinnene og Sverigedemokratene: Populistiske høyreradikalister? En analyse av partienes policymessige preferanser, og ideologi, fra 2010-2013
(Master thesis, 2013-06-03)Denne studien er basert på følgende forskningsspørsmål: Hvordan sammenfaller Sverigedemokratenes (SD) og Sannfinnenes (PS) policymessige preferanser, og ideologi, fra 2010-2013, med et populistisk, høyreradikalt rammeverk? ... -
Sámi agency in economic development processes in the Norwegian High North
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The emergence of the Sámi Parliament has lifted Norwegian Sámi politics into an international discourse on indigenous peoples. The clearest imprints of the new Sámi political space are found in the High North region of ... -
The scope of exclusionary public response to the European refugee crisis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We know from previous research that an exclusionary reaction in public opinion is likely following a sudden and large-scale influx of refugees of the sort experienced in many European countries in 2015. Yet, we know much ... -
Seizing the moment of opportunity? Emerging movements of Coptic activists in Egypt
(Master thesis, 2013-06-14)This thesis aims to explain the development of a Coptic secular movement in Egypt. By using social movement literature I produce a conceptual framework that emphasizes the three variables of opportunity structures, mobilizing ...