Now showing items 1053-1072 of 2395

    • Human Leukocyte Antigen alleles associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) 

      Lande, Asgeir; Fluge, Øystein; Strand, Elin Bolle; Flåm, Siri Tennebø; Sosa, Daisy Duarte; Mella, Olav; Egeland, Torstein; Saugstad, Ola Didrik; Lie, Benedicte Alexandra; Viken, Marte K (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The etiology and pathogenesis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) are unknown, and autoimmunity is one of many proposed underlying mechanisms. Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations are ...
    • Human mucosal IgA immune responses against enterotoxigenic escherichia coli 

      Riaz, Saman; Steinsland, Hans; Hanevik, Kurt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-29)
      Infection with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a major contributor to diarrheal illness in children in low- and middle-income countries and travelers to these areas. There is an ongoing effort to develop vaccines ...
    • Humanized Ovarian Cancer Patient-Derived Xenografts for Improved Preclinical Evaluation of Immunotherapies 

      Kleinmanns, Katrin; Gullaksen, Stein-Erik; Bredholt, Geir; Davidson, Ben; Torkildsen, Cecilie Fredvik; Grindheim, Sindre; Bjørge, Line; Cormack, Emmet Mc (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) has poor prognosis and new treatment modalities are needed. Immunotherapy, with checkpoint inhibitors, have demonstrated limited impact. To evaluate the suitability for immunotherapeutics, ...
    • Humoral and cellular immune responses after pandemic and seasonal influenza vaccination in humans 

      Jalloh, Sarah Larteley Lartey (Doctoral thesis, 2022-06-22)
      Vaccination is the most effective prophylaxis against epidemic and pandemic influenza. Annual seasonal influenza vaccination is recommended for high-risk groups such as younger children <5 years old and occupational workers ...
    • Hva består oksymetriparametrene på blodgassutskriften av? 

      Vinnes, Erik Wilhelm; Holmaas, Gunhild (Journal article, 2022)
    • Hva betyr tidligere hjerte- og karsykdom eller kreft for risiko for død etter påvist SARS-CoV-2? 

      Kvåle, Rune; Bønaa, Kaare Harald; Forster, Rachel Bedenis; Gravningen, Kirsten Midttun; Juliusson, Pétur Benedikt; Myklebust, Tor Åge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      BAKGRUNN Hjerte- og karsykdommer og kreft har vært beskrevet som mulige risikofaktorer for død av covid-19. Hensikten med studien er å undersøke om tidligere påvist hjerte- og karsykdom eller kreft har påvirket risiko for ...
    • Hvilke ønsker og behov har pasienter med revmatisme i forbindelse med legemiddelopplæringen? 

      Choat, Kevin Oliver (Master thesis, 2009-05-20)
      Legemidler utgjør et viktig behandlingsalternativ ved de fleste revmatiske lidelser. Disse er imidlertid forbundet med høy risiko for alvorlige bivirkninger og tap av effekt etter en tids bruk. Dette gjør legemiddelbehandlingen ...
    • Hydroxyurea synergizes with valproic acid in wild-type p53 acute myeloid leukaemia 

      Leitch, Calum; Osdal, Tereza; Andresen, Vibeke; Molland, Maren Kristine Butler; Kristiansen, Silje Elisabeth; Nguyen, Nhi Xuan; Bruserud, Øystein; Gjertsen, Bjørn Tore; McCormack, Emmet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      Palliative care in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is inadequate. For elderly patients, unfit for intensive chemotherapy, median survival is 2–3 months. As such, there is urgent demand for low-toxic palliative alternatives. ...
    • Hyperferritinemia—a clinical overview 

      Sandnes, Miriam; Ulvik, Rune Johan; Vorland, Marta; Reikvam, Håkon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Ferritin is one of the most frequently requested laboratory tests in primary and secondary care, and levels often deviate from reference ranges. Serving as an indirect marker for total body iron stores, low ferritin is ...
    • Hyperglycemia in pregnancy. : Diagnostics, biomarkers, follow-up, and monitoring of glycemic control 

      Toft, Johanne Holm (Doctoral thesis, 2023-02-24)
      Diabetes mellitus er blant de største globale folkehelseutfordringene i vår tid. Hyperglykemi affiserer ett av seks svangerskap og svangerskapsdiabetes (SVD) er den vanligste årsak. Gravide med hyperglykemi har økt risiko ...
    • Hypertension in women: Should there be a sex-specific threshold? 

      Gerdts, Eva; de Simone, Giovanni (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Conventionally, hypertension is defined by the same blood pressure (BP) threshold (systolic BP ≥140 and/or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg) in both women and men. Several studies have documented that women with hypertension are more ...
    • Hypomagnesemia and functional hypoparathyroidism due to novel mutations in the Mg-channel TRPM6 

      Astor, Marianne; Løvås, Kristian; Wolff, Anette Susanne Bøe; Nedrebø, Bjørn Gunnar; Bratland, Eirik; Steen-Johnsen, Jon; Husebye, Eystein Sverre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      Primary hypomagnesemia with secondary hypocalcemia (HSH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by neuromuscular symptoms in infancy due to extremely low levels of serum magnesium and moderate to severe hypocalcemia. ...
    • Hypoxia and hypotension in patients intubated by physician staffed helicopter emergency medical services - a prospective observational multi-centre study 

      Sunde, Geir Arne; Sandberg, Mårten; Lyon, Richard; Fredriksen, Knut; Burns, Brian; Hufthammer, Karl Ove; Røislien, Jo; Sóti, Ákos; Jäntti, Helena; Lockey, David; Heltne, Jon-Kenneth; Sollid, Stephen J. M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017-07-11)
      Background: The effective treatment of airway compromise in trauma and non-trauma patients is important. Hypoxia and hypotension are predictors of negative patient outcomes and increased mortality, and may be important ...
    • Identification and characterization of aptameric inhibitors of human neutrophil elastase 

      Malicki, Stanisław; Książek, Mirosław; Sochaj Gregorczyk, Alicja; Kaminska, Marta; Golda, Anna; Chruścicka, Barbara; Mizgalska, Danuta; Potempa, Jan; Marti, Hans Peter; Kozieł, Joanna; Wieczorek, Maciej; Pieczykolan, Jerzy; Mydel, Piotr Mateusz; Dubin, Grzegorz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Human neutrophil elastase (HNE) plays a pivotal role in innate immunity, inflammation, and tissue remodeling. Aberrant proteolytic activity of HNE contributes to organ destruction in various chronic inflammatory diseases ...
    • Identification and development of small molecule therapies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia 

      Leitch, Calum (Doctoral thesis, 2022-02-11)
      Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a cancer of the bone marrow in which immature myeloid cells exhibit uncontrolled proliferation and failure to differentiate. The global 5-year overall survival rate for AML ranges between ...
    • Identification and functional characterization of a novel susceptibility locus for small vessel vasculitis with MPO-ANCA 

      Dahlqvist, Johanna; Ekman, Diana; Sennblad, Bengt; Kozyrev, Sergey V.; Nordin, Jessika; Karlsson, Åsa; Meadows, Jennifer R. S.; Hellbacher, Erik; Rantapää-Dahlqvist, Solbritt; Berglin, Ewa; Stegmayr, Bernd; Haslund, Bo; Palm, Øyvind; Haukeland, Hilde; Gunnarsson, Iva; Bruchfeld, Annette; Segelmark, Mårten; Ohlsson, Sophie; Mohammad, Aladdin J.; Svärd, Anna Jessica; Pullerits, Rille; Herlitz, Hans; Söderbergh, Annika; Pielberg, Gerli Rosengren; Rosenberg, Lina Hultin; Bianchi, Matteo; Muren, Eva; Omdal, Roald; Jonsson, Roland; Eloranta, Maija-Leena; Rönnblom, Lars; Söderkvist, Peter; Knight, Ann; Eriksson, Per; Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective To identify and characterize genetic loci associated with the risk of developing ANCA-associated vasculitides (AAV). Methods Genetic association analyses were performed after Illumina sequencing of 1853 genes ...
    • Identification and molecular characterization of a new ovarian cancer susceptibility locus at 17q21.31 

      Permuth-Wey, Jennifer; Lawrenson, K; Shen, HC; Velkova, A; Tyrer, JP; Chen, ZH; Lin, HY; Chen, YA; Tsai, YY; Qu, XT; Ramus, SJ; Karevan, R; Lee, J; Lee, N; Larson, MC; Aben, KK; Anton-Culver, H; Antonenkova, N; Antoniou, AC; Armasu, SM; Bacot, F; Baglietto, L; Bandera, EV; Barnholtz-Sloan, J; Beckmann, MW; Birrer, MJ; Bloom, G; Bogdanova, N; Brinton, LA; Brooks-Wilson, A; Brown, R; Butzow, R; Cai, QY; Campbell, I; Chang-Claude, J; Chanock, S; Chenevix-Trench, G; Cheng, JQ; Cicek, MS; Coetzee, GA; Cook, LS; Couch, FJ; Cramer, DW; Cunningham, JM; Dansonka-Mieszkowska, A; Despierre, E; Doherty, JA; Dork, T; du Bois, A; Durst, M; Easton, DF; Eccles, D; Edwards, R; Ekici, AB; Fasching, PA; Fenstermacher, DA; Flanagan, JM; Garcia-Closas, M; Gentry-Maharaj, A; Giles, GG; Glasspool, RM; Gonzalez-Bosquet, J; Goodman, MT; Gore, M; Gorski, B; Gronwald, J; Hall, P; Halle, Mari Kyllesø; Harter, P; Heitz, F; Hillemanns, P; Hoatlin, M; Hogdall, CK; Hogdall, E; Hosono, S; Jakubowska, A; Jensen, A; Jim, H; Kalli, KR; Karlan, BY; Kaye, SB; Kelemen, LE; Kiemeney, LA; Kikkawa, F; Konecny, GE; Krakstad, Camilla; Kjaer, SK; Kupryjanczyk, J; Lambrechts, D; Lambrechts, S; Lancaster, JM; Le, ND; Leminen, A; Levine, DA; Liang, D; Lim, BK; Lin, J; Lissowska, J; Lu, KH; Lubinski, J; Lurie, G; Massuger, LFAG; Matsuo, K; McGuire, V; McLaughlin, JR; Menon, U; Modugno, F; Moysich, KB; Nakanishi, T; Narod, SA; Nedergaard, L; Ness, RB; Nevanlinna, H; Nickels, S; Noushmehr, H; Odunsi, K; Olson, SH; Orlow, I; Paul, J; Pearce, CL; Pejovic, T; Pelttari, LM; Pike, MC; Poole, EM; Raska, P; Renner, SP; Risch, HA; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, L; Rossing, MA; Rudolph, A; Runnebaum, IB; Rzepecka, IK; Salvesen, Helga Birgitte; Schwaab, I; Severi, G; Shridhar, V; Shu, XO; Shvetsov, YB; Sieh, W; Song, HL; Southey, MC; Spiewankiewicz, B; Stram, D; Sutphen, R; Teo, SH; Terry, KL; Tessier, DC; Thompson, PJ; Tworoger, SS; van Altena, AM; Vergote, I; Vierkant, RA; Vincent, D; Vitonis, AF; Wang-Gohrke, S; Weber, RP; Wentzensen, N; Whittemore, AS; Wik, Elisabeth; Wilkens, LR; Winterhoff, B; Woo, YL; Wu, AH; Xiang, YB; Yang, HP; Zheng, W; Ziogas, A; Zulkifli, F; Phelan, CM; Iversen, E; Schildkraut, JM; Berchuck, A; Fridley, BL; Goode, EL; Pharoah, PDP; Monteiro, ANA; Sellers, TA; Gayther, SA (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013-03-27)
      Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) has a heritable component that remains to be fully characterized. Most identified common susceptibility variants lie in non-protein-coding sequences. We hypothesized that variants in the 3′ ...
    • Identification of a novel polymorphism associated with reduced clozapine concentration in schizophrenia patients—a genome-wide association study adjusting for smoking habits 

      Smith, Robert Løvsletten; O’Connell, Kevin; Athanasiu, Lavinia; Djurovic, Srdjan; Kringen, Marianne K.; Andreassen, Ole Andreas; Molden, Espen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Clozapine (CLZ) is the superior antipsychotic drug for treatment of schizophrenia, but exhibits an extensive interpatient pharmacokinetic variability. Here, we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of CLZ serum ...
    • Identification of acute coronary syndrome in the era of high-sensitivity troponin assays 

      Steiro, Ole-Thomas (Doctoral thesis, 2023-06-02)
      Bakgrunn: Det er mulig å bedre pasientflyt og diagnostisk presisjon ved utredning av pasienter med mistenkt akutt koronarsyndrom (AKS). Konsentrasjonen av kardialt troponin (cTnT eller cTnI) kan benyttes til å forutse ...
    • Identification of biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration in type 2 diabetes 

      Slieker, Roderick C.; Donnelly, Louise A.; Akalestou, Elina; Lopez-Noriega, Livia; Melhem, Rana; Güneş, Ayşim; Abou Azar, Frederic; Efanov, Alexander; Georgiadou, Eleni; Muniangi-Muhitu, Hermine; Sheikh, Mahsa; Giordano, Giuseppe N.; Åkerlund, Mikael; Ahlqvist, Emma; Ali, Ashfaq; Banasik, Karina; Brunak, Søren; Barovic, Marko; Bouland, Gerard A.; Burdet, Frédéric; Canouil, Mickaël; Dragan, Iulian; Elders, Petra J. M.; Fernandez, Celine; Festa, Andreas; Fitipaldi, Hugo; Froguel, Phillippe; Gudmundsdottir, Valborg; Gudnason, Vilmundur; Gerl, Mathias J.; van der Heijden, Amber A.; Jennings, Lori L.; Hansen, Michael K.; Kim, Min; Leclerc, Isabelle; Klose, Christian; Kuznetsov, Dmitry; Mansour Aly, Dina; Mehl, Florence; Marek, Diana; Melander, Olle; Niknejad, Anne; Ottosson, Filip; Pavo, Imre; Duffin, Kevin; Syed, Samreen K.; Shaw, Janice L.; Cabrera, Over; Pullen, Timothy J.; Simons, Kai; Solimena, Michele; Suvitaival, Tommi; Wretlind, Asger; Rossing, Peter; Lyssenko, Valeriya; Legido Quigley, Cristina; Groop, Leif; Thorens, Bernard; Franks, Paul W.; Lim, Gareth E.; Estall, Jennifer; Ibberson, Mark; Beulens, Joline W. J.; ’t Hart, Leen M; Pearson, Ewan R.; Rutter, Guy A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We identify biomarkers for disease progression in three type 2 diabetes cohorts encompassing 2,973 individuals across three molecular classes, metabolites, lipids and proteins. Homocitrulline, isoleucine and 2-aminoadipic ...