Now showing items 118-137 of 2116

    • Association between gastrointestinal complaints and psychopathology in patients with anorexia nervosa 

      Kessler, Ute; Rekkedal, Guro; Rø, Øyvind; Berentsen, Birgitte; Steinsvik, Elisabeth Kjelsvik; Lied, Gülen Arslan; Danielsen, Yngvild Sørebø (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Objective Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms appear frequently in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), but the associations between psychopathological, GI, and eating disorder (ED) symptoms remain unclear. This study aimed ...
    • The association between lithium use and neurocognitive performance in patients with bipolar disorder 

      Burdick, Katherine E.; Millett, Caitlin E.; Russo, Manuela; Alda, Martin; Alliey-Rodriguez, Ney; Anand, Amit; Balaraman, Yokesh; Berrettini, Wade H.; Bertram, Holli; Calabrese, Joseph R.; Calkin, Cynthia V.; Conroy, Carla; Coryell, William; DeModena, Anna; Feeder, Scott; Fisher, Carrie; Frazier, Nicole; Frye, Mark; Gao, Keming; Garnham, Julie; Gershon, Elliot S.; Glazer, Kara; Goes, Fernando S.; Goto, Toyomi; Harrington, Gloria J.; Jakobsen, Petter; Kamali, Masoud; Kelly, Marisa; Leckband, Susan G.; Løberg, Else-Marie; Lohoff, Falk W.; Maihofer, Adam X.; McCarthy, Michael J.; McInnis, Melvin; Morken, Gunnar; Nievergelt, Caroline M.; Nurnberger, John I.; Oedegaard, Ketil J.; Ortiz, Abigail; Ritchey, Megan; Ryan, Kelly; Schinagle, Martha; Schwebel, Candice; Shaw, Martha; Shilling, Paul D.; Slaney, Claire; Stapp, Emma; Tarwater, Bruce; Zandi, Peter P.; Kelsoe, John R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Lithium remains the gold standard for the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD); however, its use has declined over the years mainly due to the side effects and the subjective experience of cognitive numbness reported by ...
    • The association between preoperative MRI findings and clinical improvement in patients included in the NORDSTEN spinal stenosis trial 

      Aaen, Jørn Ståle; Banitalebi, Hasan; Austevoll, Ivar Magne; Hellum, Christian; Storheim, Kjersti; Myklebust, Tor Åge; Anvar, Masoud D; Weber, Clemens; Solberg, Tore; Grundnes, Oliver; Brisby, Helena; Indrekvam, Kari; Hermansen, Erland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Purpose To investigate potential associations between preoperative MRI findings and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) after surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Methods The NORDSTEN trial included 437 ...
    • The association between specific neuropsychiatric disturbances in people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies and carer distress 

      Terum, Toril Marie; Testad, Ingelin; Rongve, Arvid; Aarsland, Dag; Svendsboe, Ellen J; Andersen, John Roger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Objective: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPSs) are identified as important care‐recipient variables in terms of the impact on carer distress. The aim of this study was to determine whether specific neuropsychiatric disturbances ...
    • Association between visceral, cardiac and sensorimotor polyneuropathies in diabetes mellitus 

      Søfteland, Eirik; Brock, Christina; Frøkjær, Jens B.; Brøgger, Jan C.; Madácsy, László; Gilja, Odd Helge; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars; Simrén, Magnus; Drewes, Asbjørn M.; Dimcevski, Georg Gjorgji (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      Aims: Gastrointestinal complaints are common in diabetes mellitus. However, its association to peripheral sensorimotor and autonomic neuropathies is not well investigated. The aim was to assess skin, muscle, bone and ...
    • The association between visual display terminal use and dry eye: a review 

      Fjærvoll, Haakon Kristoffer Olsen; Fjærvoll, Ketil Andreas Olsen; Magnø, Morten Scherven; Moschowits, Emily; Vehof, Jelle; Dartt, Darlene A.; Utheim, Tor Paaske (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Background: Dry eye disease (DED) is a multifactorial disease of the tear film and ocular surface. It causes ocular symptoms, reduced quality of life and a considerable economic burden on society. Prolonged use of visual ...
    • Association of a BACE1 Gene Polymorphism with Parkinson’s Disease in a Norwegian Population 

      Lange, Johannes; Lunde, Kristin Aaser; Sletten, Camilla Johanne; Møller, Simon Geir; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Alves, Guido; Larsen, Jan Petter; Maple-Grødem, Jodi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) share pathological features, including amyloid-beta pathology. Amyloid-beta peptide is generated by sequential proteolysis of amyloid precursor protein (APP), and genetic ...
    • Association of adverse childhood experiences with the development of multiple sclerosis 

      Eid, Karine; Torkildsen, Øivind; Aarseth, Jan Harald; Aalstad, Mari; Bhan, Alok; Celius, Elisabeth Gulowsen; Cortese, Marianna; Daltveit, Anne Kjersti Nesje; Holmøy, Trygve; Myhr, Kjell-Morten; Riise, Trond; Schuler, Stephan; Torkildsen, Cecilie Fredvik; Wergeland, Stig; Gilhus, Nils Erik; Bjørk, Marte-Helene (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Objective To study whether exposure to childhood emotional, sexual or physical abuse is associated with subsequent multiple sclerosis (MS) development. Methods A nationwide, prospective cohort study based on participants ...
    • An Association of Chitinase-3 Like-Protein-1 With Neuronal Deterioration in Multiple Sclerosis 

      Ahmad, Intakhar; Wergeland, Stig; Oveland, Eystein; Bø, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Elevated levels of Chitinase-3-like protein-1 (CHI3L1) in cerebrospinal fluid have previously been linked to inflammatory activity and disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. This study aimed to investigate ...
    • Association of chronic heart failure with mortality in old intensive care patients suffering from Covid-19 

      Bruno, Raphael Romano; Wernly, Bernhard; Wolff, Georg; Fjølner, Jesper; Artigas, Antonio; Bollen Pinto, Bernardo; Schefold, Joerg C.; Kindgen-Milles, Detlef; Baldia, Philipp Heinrich; Kelm, Malte; Beil, Michael; Sviri, Sigal; van Heerden, Peter Vernon; Szczeklik, Wojciech; Topeli, Arzu; Elhadi, Muhammed; Joannidis, Michael; Oeyen, Sandra; Kondili, Eumorfia; Marsh, Brian; Andersen, Finn Husøy; Moreno, Rui; Leaver, Susannah; Boumendil, Ariane; De Lange, Dylan W.; Guidet, Bertrand; Flaatten, Hans Kristian; Jung, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Aims Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a major risk factor for mortality in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This prospective international multicentre study investigates the role of pre-existing CHF on clinical outcomes ...
    • Association of CSF Glucocerebrosidase Activity With the Risk of Incident Dementia in Patients With Parkinson Disease 

      Oftedal, Linn Silje Wathne; Maple-Grødem, Jodi; Dalen, Ingvild; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Pedersen, Kenn Freddy; Alves, Guido Werner; Lange, Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background and Objectives Variations in the glucocerebrosidase gene (GBA) are common risk factors for Parkinson disease (PD) and dementia in PD (PDD) and cause a reduction in the activity of the lysosomal enzyme ...
    • Association of Delayed Surgery for Ankle Fractures and Patient-Reported Outcomes 

      Pilskog, Kristian; Gote, Teresa Brnic; Odland, Heid Elin Johannesen; Fjeldsgaard, Knut; Dale, Håvard; Inderhaug, Eivind; Fevang, Jonas Meling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background: Several studies probe the association between prolonged time to surgery and postoperative complications in ankle fractures, but little is known about how a longer wait time affects clinical outcomes. The present ...
    • The association of dietary patterns with muscle mass and strength in old age: The Hordaland Health Study 

      Sabir, Zoya; Dierkes, Jutta; Hjartåker, Anette; Rosendahl-Riise, Hanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Purpose: The single nutrient approach in nutrition research lacks the ability to account for synergistic relationships between dietary components. Current evidence suggests that diet quality, reflecting overall dietary ...
    • Association of GBA Genotype With Motor and Functional Decline in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Parkinson Disease 

      Grødem, Jodi Maple; Dalen, Ingvild; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Macleod, Angus D.; Forsgren, Lars; Counsell, Carl E.; Alves, Guido Werner (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Objective To establish the significance of glucocerebrosidase gene (GBA) carrier status on motor impairment in a large cohort of patients with incident Parkinson disease (PD). Methods Three European population-based ...
    • Association of gender to outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - a report from the International Cardiac Arrest Registry 

      Karlsson, Viktor; Dankiewicz, Josef; Nielsen, Niklas; Kern, Karl B.; Mooney, Michael R.; Riker, Richard R.; Rubertsson, Sten; Seder, David B.; Stammet, Pascal; Sunde, Kjetil; Søreide, Eldar; Unger, Barbara T.; Friberg, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-04-21)
      Introduction Previous studies have suggested an effect of gender on outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), but the results are conflicting. We aimed to investigate the association of gender to outcome, coronary ...
    • The Association of Isocaloric Subtitution of Dietary Protein in Middle Age with Muscle Mass and Strength in Old Age: The Hordaland Health Study 

      Sabir, Zoya; Hjartåker, Anette; Dierkes, Jutta; Rosendahl-Riise, Hanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Background Age-associated loss of muscle mass and strength is an important predictor of disability in older persons. Although several mechanisms contribute to the decline in muscle mass and function seen with aging, the ...
    • The association of partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide with neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: an explorative International Cardiac Arrest Registry 2.0 study 

      Ebner, Florian; Riker, Richard R.; Haxhija, Zana; Seder, David B.; May, Teresa L.; Ullén, Susann; Stammet, Pascal; Hirsch, Karen G.; Forsberg, Sune; Dupont, Allison; Friberg, Hans; McPherson, John A.; Søreide, Eldar; Dankiewicz, Josef; Cronberg, Tobias; Nielsen, Niklas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background Exposure to extreme arterial partial pressures of oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2) following the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is common and may ...
    • Association of Prenatal Exposure to Antiseizure Medication With Risk of Autism and Intellectual Disability 

      Bjørk, Marte-Helene; Zoega, Helga; Leinonen, Maarit K.; Cohen, Jacqueline Mallory; Dreier, Julie Werenberg; Furu, Kari; Gilhus, Nils Erik; Gissler, Mika; Halfdanarson, Oskar; Igland, Jannicke; Sun, Yuelian; Tomson, Torbjörn; Alvestad, Silje; Christensen, Jakob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Importance: Women with epilepsy frequently need antiseizure medication (ASM) to prevent seizures in pregnancy. Risk of neurodevelopmental disorders after prenatal exposure to AMSs is uncertain. Objective: To determine ...
    • The association of prior paracetamol intake with outcome of very old intensive care patients with COVID-19: results from an international prospective multicentre trial 

      Baldia, Philipp Heinrich; Wernly, Bernhard; Flaatten, Hans Kristian; Fjølner, Jesper; Artigas, Antonio; Pinto, Bernardo Bollen; Schefold, Joerg C.; Kelm, Malte; Beil, Michael; Bruno, Raphael Romano; Binnebößel, Stephan; Wolff, Georg; Erkens, Ralf; Sigal, Sviri; van Heerden, Peter Vernon; Szczeklik, Wojciech; Elhadi, Muhammed; Joannidis, Michael; Oeyen, Sandra; Marsh, Brian; Andersen, Finn Husøy; Moreno, Rui; Leaver, Susannah; De Lange, Dylan W.; Guidet, Bertrand; Jung, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Background In the early COVID-19 pandemic concerns about the correct choice of analgesics in patients with COVID-19 were raised. Little data was available on potential usefulness or harmfulness of prescription free ...
    • The Association of Sarcopenia and Central Obesity with Mortality Risk in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease – a 2-Year Observational Study 

      Dahl, Helene; Rosendahl-Riise, Hanne; Marti, Hans Peter; Dierkes, Jutta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) face numerous challenges regarding their nutritional status, including undernutrition, wasting, overweight, and obesity. However, there is a gap in the knowledge on ...