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Enhancing peer instruction in physics: Understanding cognitive processes and refining rules
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Peer Instruction gives practice in the abstract language of physics, addresses common misconceptions among students, and is more effective than traditional lecturing. However, it is not clear what makes Peer Instruction ... -
Arkeologiske undersøkelser av jordbruksbosetning med kokegroper, ardspor, dyrkningslag og kullgroper. Ingahaugen gnr. 23/12, Eskestrond gnr. 67/1‐2, Heggeteig gnr. 73/3, Midtun gnr. 74/8, Tuftene gnr. 76/3, Sogndal kommune. Ekreng gnr. 62/3‐4, Høyanger kommune. Gnr. 81 Eitungjerde, Leikanger kommune. Gnr. 51/2 Grimsbøen, Jølster Kommune. Sogn og Fjordane
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;, Research report, 2013) -
Age-Related Clusters and Favorable Immune Phenotypes in Breast Cancer of the Young Patients
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Breast cancer (BC) patients aged <40 years at diagnosis experience aggressive disease and poorer survival compared with women diagnosed with BC at 40 to 49 years, but the age-related biology is described to little extent. ... -
Antifouling agents in aquaculture: A study on the bioaccumulation and effects of copper and tralopyril in blue mussels in a laboratory experiment.
(Master thesis, 2024-03-01)Biofouling of net pens from open fish farms is of concern to Norwegian finfish farming and aquaculture industry due to its negative effects on stock, equipment, and infrastructure. A high flow-through of oxygen rich water ... -
Arkeologiske undersøkelser av kullfremstillingsanlegg og fangstanlegg i forbindelse med ny kraftlinje mellom Sima og Samnanger. Steine gbnr. 19/20 og Nystøl gbnr. 42/1, Kvam kommune, Hordaland
(Arkeologiske utgravingsrapporter fra Fornminneseksjonen;, Research report, 2012)