Now showing items 152-171 of 767

    • Dactolisib (NVP-BEZ235) toxicity in murine brain tumour models 

      Netland, I. A; Førde, H. E; Sleire, L.; Leiss, L.; Rahman, M. A; Skeie, B. S; Gjerde, C. H; Enger, P. Ø; Goplen, D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-08-19)
      Background: Glioblastomas (GBMs) are highly malignant brain tumours with a poor prognosis, and current cytotoxic regimens provide only a limited survival benefit. The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway has been an attractive target for ...
    • Deciphering the complex role of thrombospondin-1 in glioblastoma development 

      Daubon, Thomas; Léon, Céline; Clarke, Kim; Andrique, Laetitia; Salabert, Laura; Darbo, Elodie; Pineau, Raphael; Guérit, Sylvaine; Maitre, Marlène; Dedieu, Stéphane; Jeanne, Albin; Bailly, Sabine; Feige, Jean-Jacques; Miletic, Hrvoje; Rossi, Marco; Bello, Lorenzo; Falciani, Francesco; Bjerkvig, Rolf; Bikfalvi, Andréas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-03-08)
      We undertook a systematic study focused on the matricellular protein Thrombospondin-1 (THBS1) to uncover molecular mechanisms underlying the role of THBS1 in glioblastoma (GBM) development. THBS1 was found to be increased ...
    • Decoding cancer's camouflage: epithelialmesenchymal plasticity in resistance to immune checkpoint blockade 

      Lotsberg, Maria Lie; Rayford, Austin James; Thiery, Jean Paul; Bellaggia, Giuliana; Peters, Stacey D'Mello; Lorens, James; Chouaib, Salem; Terry, Stéphane; Engelsen, Agnete (Journal article, 2020)
      Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity (EMP) of cancer cells contributes to cancer cell heterogeneity, and it is well established that EMP is a critical determinant of acquired resistance to cancer treatment modalities including ...
    • Deficit of homozygosity among 1.52 million individuals and genetic causes of recessive lethality 

      Oddsson, Asmundur; Sulem, Patrick; Sveinbjornsson, Gardar; Arnadottir, Gudny A.; Steinthorsdottir, Valgerdur; Halldorsson, Gisli H.; Atlason, Bjarni A.; Oskarsson, Gudjon R.; Helgason, Hannes; Nielsen, Henriette Svarre; Westergaard, David; Karjalainen, Juha; Katrinardottir, Hildigunnur; Fridriksdottir, Run; Jensson, Brynjar O.; Tragante, Vinicius; Ferkingstad, Egil; Jónsson, Hákon; Gudjonsson, Sigurjon A.; Beyter, Doruk; Moore, Kristjan H.S.; Thordardottir, Helga B.; Kristmundsdottir, Snædis; Stefansson, Olafur A.; Rantapää Dahlqvist, Solbritt; Sonderby, Ida Elken; Didriksen, Maria; Stridh, Pernilla; Haavik, Jan; Tryggvadottir, Laufey; Frei, Oleksandr; Walters, G. Bragi; Kockum, Ingrid; Hjalgrim, Henrik; Olafsdottir, Thorunn A; Selbæk, Geir; Nyegaard, Mette; Erikstrup, Christian; Brodersen, Thorsten; Sævarsdottir, Sædis; Olsson, Tomas; Nielsen, Kaspar Rene; Haraldsson, Àsgeir; Bruun, Mie Topholm; Hansen, Thomas Folkmann; Steingrimsdottir, Thora; Jacobsen, Rikke Louise; Lie, Rolv T.; Djurovic, Srdjan; Alfredsson, Lars; Portilla, A.L.; Brunak, Søren; Havdahl, Alexandra; Andreassen, Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Genotypes causing pregnancy loss and perinatal mortality are depleted among living individuals and are therefore difficult to find. To explore genetic causes of recessive lethality, we searched for sequence variants with ...
    • Degradation of Extracellular NAD+ Intermediates in Cultures of Human HEK293 Cells 

      Kulikova, Veronika; Shabalin, Konstantin; Nerinovski, Kirill; Yakimov, Alexander; Svetlova, Maria; Solovjeva, Ljudmila; Kropotov, Andrey; Khodorkovskiy, Mikhail; Migaud, Marie E.; Ziegler, Mathias; Nikiforov, Andrey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-11-29)
      Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is an essential redox carrier, whereas its degradation is a key element of important signaling pathways. Human cells replenish their NAD contents through NAD biosynthesis from ...
    • Deletion of Notch3 Impairs Contractility of Renal Resistance Vessels Due to Deficient Ca2+ Entry 

      Helle, Frank; Hultström, Michael; Kavvadas, Panagiotis; Iversen, Bjarne Magnus; Chadjichristos, Christos E.; Chatziantoniou, Christos (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Notch3 plays an important role in the differentiation and development of vascular smooth muscle cells. Mice lacking Notch3 show deficient renal autoregulation. The aim of the study was to investigate the mechanisms involved ...
    • Deliberate self-harm in adolescents screening positive for attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder: a population-based study 

      Austgulen, Amalie; Posserud, Maj-Britt Rocio; Hysing, Mari; Haavik, Jan; Lundervold, Astri J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Background Adolescents with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have an increased risk of self-harm. The risk of self-harm among adolescents who display an elevated level of ADHD symptoms, but without a formal ...
    • Dendritic cells in Sjögren's syndrome-functional analyses 

      Lier, Gry Sveri (Master thesis, 2009-06-02)
      Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized by chronic inflammation of the exocrine glands which leads to dryness of the mouth and eyes. Dendritic cells (DC) are the most potent ...
    • Dendritic cells loaded with tumor antigens and a dual immunostimulatory and anti-IL-10 specific siRNA can prime T lymphocytes against leukemic cells 

      Iversen, Per Ole; Semaeva, Elvira; Sørensen, Dag R.; Wiig, Helge; Sioud, Mouldy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009-12)
      Vaccines using dendritic cells (DCs) harboring leukemic antigens to stimulate T cells is a possible treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Limitations of breaking tolerance to leukemic cells and lack of specific ...
    • Dendritic morphology of an inhibitory retinal interneuron enables simultaneous local and global synaptic integration 

      Hartveit, Espen; Veruki, Margaret Lin; Zandt, Bas-Jan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • DeNovoGUI: an open source graphical user interface for de novo sequencing of tandem mass spectra 

      Muth, Thilo; Weilnböck, Lisa; Rapp, Erdmann; Huber, Christian G.; Martens, Lennart; Vaudel, Marc; Barsnes, Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)
      De novo sequencing is a popular technique in proteomics for identifying peptides from tandem mass spectra without having to rely on a protein sequence database. Despite the strong potential of de novo sequencing algorithms, ...
    • Design of tumor-specific immunotherapies using dendritic cells - effect of bromelain on dendritic cell maturation 

      Karlsen, Marie (Master thesis, 2009-06-02)
      Immunotherapy using dendritic cells (DC) has shown promising results in clinical trials, but few relevant successes are recorded. Therefore, the choice of an appropriate DC population is critical for the outcome of this ...
    • Design of tumour-specific immunotherapies using dendritic cells – analyses of IL15-DC 

      Al-Mahdi, Rania Ali Muhsen (Master thesis, 2009-05-31)
      Immunotherapy of malignancies aims at activating the patient’s own immune system to fight the tumour affecting the patient. Even though the use of dendritic cells (DC) has shown promising results, the DC vaccination strategy ...
    • Detection of Arc/Arg3.1 oligomers in rat brain: constitutive and synaptic activity-evoked dimer expression in vivo 

      Mergiya, Tadiwos Feyissa; Gundersen, Jens Edvard Trygstad; Kanhema, Tambudzai; Brighter, Grant Mitchell; Ishizuka, Yuta; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The immediate early gene product activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc or Arg3.1) is a major regulator of long-term synaptic plasticity with critical roles in postnatal cortical development and memory ...
    • Determinants of ligand binding and catalytic activity in the myelin enzyme 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase 

      Raasakka, Arne; Myllykoski, Matti; Laulumaa, Saara; Lehtimäki, Mari; Härtlein, Michael; Moulin, Martine; Kursula, Inari; Kursula, Petri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-11-13)
      2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) is an enzyme highly abundant in the central nervous system myelin of terrestrial vertebrates. The catalytic domain of CNPase belongs to the 2H phosphoesterase superfamily ...
    • Developing Neurons Form Transient Nanotubes Facilitating Electrical Coupling and Calcium Signaling with Distant Astrocytes 

      Wang, Xiang; Bukoreshtliev, Nickolay Vassilev; Gerdes, Hans-Hermann (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-10-11)
      Despite the well-documented cooperation between neurons and astrocytes little is known as to how these interactions are initiated. We show here by differential interference contrast microscopy that immature hippocampal ...
    • Development and Validation of Arc Nanobodies: New Tools for Probing Arc Dynamics and Function 

      Ishizuka, Yuta; Mergiya, Tadiwos Feyissa; Baldinotti, Rodolfo Da Silva Mazzarini; Xu, Ju; Hallin, Erik Ingmar; Markusson, Sigurbjörn; Kursula, Petri; Bramham, Clive Raymond Evjen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated (Arc) protein plays key roles in long-term synaptic plasticity, memory, and cognitive flexibility. However, an integral understanding of Arc mechanisms is lacking. Arc is proposed ...
    • Development of an RNA Interference Tool, Characterization of Its Target, and an Ecological Test of Caste Differentiation in the Eusocial Wasp Polistes 

      Hunt, James H.; Mutti, Navdeep S.; Havukainen, Heli; Henshaw, Michael T.; Amdam, Gro V. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011-11-01)
      Recent advancements in genomics provide new tools for evolutionary ecological research. The paper wasp genus Polistes is a model for social insect evolution and behavioral ecology. We developed RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated ...
    • Development of robust targeted proteomics assays for cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers in multiple sclerosis 

      Guldbrandsen, Astrid; Lereim, Ragnhild Reehorst; Jacobsen, Mari; Garberg, Hilde Kristin; Kroksveen, Ann Cathrine; Barsnes, Harald; Berven, Frode (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background: Verification of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases is a major challenge due to a large number of candidates, limited sample material availability, disease ...
    • Diabetic hyperglycemia reduces Ca2+ permeability of extrasynaptic AMPA receptors in AII amacrine cells 

      Castilho, Aurea; Madsen, Eirik; Ambrósio, António F.; Veruki, Margaret Lin; Hartveit, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-09)
      There is increasing evidence that diabetic retinopathy is a primary neuropathological disorder that precedes the microvascular pathology associated with later stages of the disease. Recently, we found evidence for altered ...